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Report on the Research Visit of Victor Mitrana

in the SZTAKI, Centre of Excellence in Information Technology, Computer Science and Control, HUN-TING project, as a visiting professor.

The visit took place in the period September 1 - October 31, 2002. The visit was in pursuit of my research into automata systems. During this period, the following activities have been accomplished: as a direct continuation of my previous cooperation with researchers from SZTAKI (I visited several times SZTAKI since 1996 and have several papers in collaboration with researchers from the Research Group on Modelling Multi-Agent Systems), this visit was mainly intended for working on developments in automata systems and networks of language processors, distributed and bio-inspired models of language.

Together with the Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju and Gyorgy Vaszil from the aforementioned research group, we have already introduced and investigated systems of pushdown automata working in parallel and communicating by means of their pushdown memories. One goal of this stay was to define and study a system of pushdown automata whose working mode is very close to that of CD grammar systems.

Another related problem is to extend systems of automata to systems of transducers which are widely used in computational linguistics.

A joint research paper with Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju and Gyorgy Vaszil about distributed pushdown automata systems has been written. This paper accomplished one item from the previously accepted workplan. The paper is in the submission stage. The results obtained in this direction suggest a further work in the aim of a better characterization of these systems.

Another joint research paper with Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju has been started. An abstract of this work has been accepted for presentation in CLIN'02 (Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 2002). The paper is in progress.

I also delivered a lecture with the title "Networks of Evolutionary Processors" in which I presented very recent results about the generative capacity and computational power of these devices.

Again, it seems that further joint works will emerge in the near future since we identified some new and interesting research directions in this area which suggest some hints for concrete technological implementation.

It is worth mentioning that I had the opportunity to discuss with other researchers who visited SZTAKI during my stay and I has already started some joint work with some of them.

In conclusion, I appreciate that my research stay was scientifically successful and socially pleasant for both parts.

November 1,2002

Prof. Dr. Victor Mitrana

Further you will find reports on research visits supplied by individual researchers in Russian. Study them and translate into English.


о научной стажировке Саенко О.В.,

стипендиата программы ТЕМР115/ТАС15

в Бизнес школу университета г. Лютон, Великобритания

Визит в Бизнес школу университета г. Лютон проходил в рамках проекта ТЕМР115/ТАС13 «Академическая мобильность № 10723-99 с 23 сентября 2002 г. по 22 марта 2002 г. Работа проходила в соответствии с программой визита.

  1. В целях совершенствования английского языка с 1 октября по 15 декабря 2001 г. посещала занятия со студентами-вечерниками (4 часа в неделю).

  2. Посещала лекции по маркетингу, менеджменту в соответствии с расписанием занятий студентов (не менее 4-6 часов в неделю).

  3. Занималась в библиотеке университета (не менее 15 часов в неделю):

– изучила литературу по научной тематике;

– составила библиографический список работ из каталога библиотеки.

4) Работала в компьютерном зале университета, изучала Интернет-ресурсы по проблемам логистики.

5) Подготовлены к опубликованию на русском и английском языках 2 статьи и 2 научных доклада на конференцию.

6) Подготовлены и обрабатываются материалы для написания научной монографии по проблемам управления материальными запасами.

7) В октябре 2001 г. вместе с коллегами - представителями российских вузов изучала организацию учебного процесса в университете (2 недели).

На мой взгляд, эффективность научной стажировки повысилась бы при следующих условиях:

– закреплении научного консультанта университета за стажером;

– выделении рабочего места стажеру.

25.03.2002г. О.В. Саенко

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