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Part 5:listening for academic purposes

Task 36. Listen to the first part of the lecture. It focuses on the differences between listening to the lectures and listening in everyday situations. Take notes of the lecture. When you have finished listening and taking notes, use your notes to complete the chart.


Everyday Listening Situation




Task 37. Listen to the second part of the lecture and take the notes to answer the comprehension questions.

1. What are the four things that a listener needs to do in order to comprehend a lecture efficiently?

    1. ________________________________________________

    2. ________________________________________________

    3. ________________________________________________

    4. ________________________________________________

2. In addition to words, what other features of language carry meaning?

a. ______________________________ c. _________________________________

b. ______________________________ d. _________________________________

3. Give two reasons why listeners must predict while listening to lectures.

      1. ________________________________________________

      2. ________________________________________________

4. There are two types of predictions that people make when listening to a lecture. What are they?

a. ______________________________ b._________________________________

5. To add information to the lecturer’s words, what kind of knowledge do listeners use?

a. ______________________________ b._________________________________

6. Give two reasons why listeners must evaluate while listening to lectures.

  1. ________________________________________________

  2. ________________________________________________

Task 38. Listen to the statements containing numbers. Write the numbers that you hear.

1. Michelangelo: born in ____________.

2. Georgia O’Keeffe: born in _____; died in _______.

3. 1 cup raisins: ________ calories.

4. One slice of white bread: ________ calories.

5. Zipper: invented in _____________.

6. Piano: invented in _____________.

7. Microscope: invented in _____________.

8. Missouri River: _______ miles long.

9. Diameter of Earth: _____ miles.

10. Mount Everest: ______ feet high.

11. Sahara Desert: ________ square miles.

12. Earth distance from sun: _________ miles.

13. Pluto’s distance from sun: _________ miles.

14. Tokyo’s projected population in 2015: ____________.

15. One pound: ________ grams.

16. An earthquake occurred in Iran on ______.

17. This earthquake measured ____ on the Richter scale an caused ____ deaths and ____ injures.

18. Length of board: ____ feet; width: ____ inches; depth: _____ inch.

Task 39. Discuss the following questions in small groups.

1. According to the information given, why might nonnative speakers of English have a hard time listening to lectures and taking notes?

2. In your opinion, what do you need to change or improve in order to be a better listener and note-taker?

(The materials of this part adapted from Lebauer, Roni S. (2000) Learn to listen; listen to learn: academic listening and note-taking. 2-nd ed.)



Task 40. Fill in the blank with the form of the noun in parentheses that is appropriate to the grammatical context of the sentence and the meaning of the passage as a whole.

Diabetes: Beyond the Basics

Because diabetes can cause devastating _________ (damage, damages) to virtually all body ________ (system, systems), people with diabetes should not underrate the seriousness of their disease. Learning to live with a chronic ________ (illness, illnesses) such as diabetes must be an ongoing process.

The Hospital's Center for Family Life Education is sponsoring a five-part educational series on diabetes. The series will begin on April 30 and continue through May 29. The _________ (program, programs) will be held in the second floor classroom of the Education Center from 7-9 p.m.

The diabetes series is free and open to the public and will be of specific _________ (interest, interests) to people who have diabetes and their families and friends.

Task 41. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate article if one is needed.

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