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3. Translate the following words bearing in mind the meaning of the affixes and memorize them:

to specialise (v), specialist (n), speciality (n), special (adj), specialization (n), especially (adv)

science (n), scientist (n), scientific (adj), scientifically (adv)

to include (v), to exclude (v), inclusion (n), inclusive (adj)

to derive (v), derivation (n), derivative (adj)

to divide (v), division (n), divisor (n), divisible (adj)

to define (v), definition (n), definite (adj)

to differ (v), difference (n), different (adj), differently (adv)

indifference (n), indifferent (adj), indifferently (adv)

to resemble (v), resemblance (n)

4. Form adverbs from the following adjectives and translate them:

inclusive, scientific, definite, different, special, certain, common, fundamental, apparent

5. Give synonyms for the following words:

to exist, immense, to form, to need, same, fundamental, some, common, vital, manner, to call, certain, main, likeness, right, basic, high, to resemble, general

6. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. I like both of these plants.

  2. I like both the flowers and the leaves of this plant.

  3. Both functions of this organ are important.

  4. Both water and air are necessary for the living organisms.

  5. General properties of protoplasm are the same both in plants and animals.

  6. Both plants and animals cannot live without water.

  7. Both these plants are of the same shape and size.

7. Supply the Infinitives of the following verbs:

told, gave, known, made, led, came, thought, taken, called, climbed, put, written, included, defined, saw

8. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, paying attention to the various meanings of "to have", "to be" and ways of translating different modal verbs:

  1. Variation in plants is the basis for plant improvement.

  2. These plants are improved by us.

  3. They are at the University now but they are to meet here.

  4. The crop yields are to be increased this year. He has a lot of literature on this subject. He has to translate a new article so he will have to work the whole evening.

  5. You must read this book.

  6. You have to read this book.

  7. You should read this book.

  8. You are to read this book.

  9. You ought to read this book.

  10. We have to develop new varieties of plants.

  11. We had to adapt the plants to new conditions.

  12. We shall have to create suitable conditions for this experiment.

  13. Our teacher is to be here at 9 o'clock.

  14. The principle of isotope analysis can also be applied in cases where a greater number of substances are to be determined.

  15. This plant has to be treated with cold.

  16. We have to read much to become good specialists.

  17. These fruits are to be crossed.

  18. The structure of this soil had to be improved.

  19. You ought to plant this seed in spring.

  20. The grain had to pass through a low temperature stage.

9. Find the subject and the predicate and put questions to all parts of the sentence:

  1. Most of the animals have great importance for man.

  2. Bodies of plants and animals contain inorganic substances.

  3. We shall consider plants and animal together.

  4. Biology became more dependent on other sciences.

  5. Certain vital processes take place in plant body every season.

  6. These plants differ greatly in size.