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Метод рекоменд біологи.doc по моему учебник по...doc
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10. Answer the following questions:

1) What is biology? Define it.

2) What do you call the science of living organisms?

3) What elements does living matter consist of?

4) Are plants and animals similar in their fundamental composition? What are the differences and similarities?

5) How can biology be defined?

6) What does the word "biology" mean?

7) Do plants and animals depend upon one another?

8) How do plants or animals differ from lifeless things?

11. Translate the text into Ukrainian; say what new information about plants and animals you got from it:

Biology is the study of living things. In studying them we learn the relations of plants and animals to one another, with the world about them and how we can control them. Biology is commonly divided into two branches – botany and zoology. Both animal and plant life is continually changing and there are great differences and likenesses between them.

All organisms are capable of responding to changes in the environment by reacting to external stimuli.

In animals this coordination and response to stimuli are accomplished by sense organs and the endocrine and nervous systems.

Plants lack a nervous system, and specific sense organs, but they respond to external stimuli and their chemical coordination in somewhat analogous to that regulated by the endocrine system of animals.

Both plants and animals have hormones. Thus substances are produced in one part, of the organism and in very small amounts, influence specific psychological processes when transported to another part of the organism. Plant hormones, however, are not produced in specific glands as animal hormones are, and they differ chemically from the hormones of animals, being in general simpler substances. Other substances which act like hormones but are not known to be produced by the plant are called plant regulators. The study of plant hormones and these synthetic substances is one of active fields of plant physiological research and their use in agriculture has become very important.

12. Read the text; guess the meaning of the unfamiliar words from the context:

In external appearance, plants are usually green. Some plants have varied and colourful flowers and others have no apparent blossoms. Among animals there is great variety of sizes, shapes and colours. The basic difference between plants and animals lies in the unit of structure and function of each, namely, the cell. Plant cells have a cell wall which is actually nonliving in chemical nature.

Animal cells do not have this.

13. Translate into English:

Живі організми живуть в різних умовах. Деякі з них можуть існувати за дуже високих температур, інші легко переносять сильні морози. Все вони повинні пристосовуватися до оточуючого середовища.

Біологія вивчає життєві процеси як у тварин, так і у рослин. Ці два великі підрозділи біології називаються ботанікою и зоологією. Як рослини, так і тварини повинні мати певні умови для існування. І ті, й інші не можуть жити без повітря, води, їжі та світла. Однакові життєві процеси відбуваються як у тварин, так і у рослин. Ці процеси називаються диханням, травленням, ростом и розмноженням.

Дуже важливий принцип живих організмів – це здатність реагувати на зовнішні подразники. Тварини реагуют на зовнішні подразники через нервову систему и органи чуття. Рослини також пристосовуються до оточуючого середовища і реагуют на зовнішні подразники. Однак механізм реакції подразнення у рослин сильно відрізняється від тваринного.