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3. Translate the following words bearing in mind the meaning of the affixes and memorize them:

nature (n), naturalist (n), natural (adj), unnatural (adj)

to observe (v), observer (n), observation (n)

to suggest (v), suggestion (n), suggestive (adj)

to transfer (v), transference (n)

to apply (v),.application (n), applicant (n)

to identify (v), identification (n), identity (n)

to encourage (v), encouragement (n), courage (n)

to agree (v), agreement (n), agreeable (adj), agreeably(adv)

to lead (v), leader (n), leadership (n)

to announce (v), announcer (n), announcement (n)

4. Form nouns using the following suffixes and translate them into Ukrainian:

  • er: to publish, to research, to speak;

  • or: to invent, to investigate, to translate, to visit;

  • ant (ent): to study, to assist;

  • ist: natural, special, biology.

5. Arrange the following in pairs of synonyms:

vital processes, to estimate, main, country, enormous, to like, village, great, to think, to provide, living processes, to supply, principle, to account, to consider, to be fond of smth.

6. Put as many questions as possible to the text and be ready to answer them.

7. State the tense of the following verbs and translate them:

it is planted, he plants, they are being planted, they are to plant, I have planted, I had to plant, I had planted, it has been planted, he will plant, it will be planted, he is planting

8. Define the tense and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

  1. They are planting a new sort of a tree.

  2. He is being asked to follow the assistant.

  3. He will be given every assistance in his work.

  4. We are being waited for downstairs.

  5. I am being asked about the system of classification.

  6. I am often asked about this system.

  7. They were told to go to the laboratory.

  8. I was brought a new scientific journal.

  9. The children are taught Botany at school.

  10. The teacher is listening to the students.

  11. The teacher is listened to.

  12. We were looking at this picture.

  13. We were looked at.

  14. The doctor was sent for.

  15. The doctor sent for the medicine.

  16. We have bought new equipment for our laboratory.

  17. New equipment was bought for our laboratory.

  18. This question must be looked upon from another point of view.

9. Translate the following sentences into English using the passive constructions:


  1. Вчора мені дали цікаву книгу.

  2. Нам показали декілька нових приладів.

  3. Вам допоможе наш спеціаліст з мікробіології.

  4. Йому запропонувати подумати про ваш винахід.

  5. На нього зараз чекають в університеті.

  6. Їй подякували за цю роботу.

  7. На їхнє питання дадуть відповідь.

  8. За цим дослідженням послідують інші.

  9. Вас зараз попросять відповісти на кілька питань.

  10. Вам дадуть відповідь.


  1. Він цікавився рослинами і міг відрізнити їх одне від одного.

  2. Він зазвичай прокидався о 6 годині ранку.

  3. Він дуже подобався своїм викладачам.

  4. Він подав документи до аспірантури.

  5. Ми розробили план роботи.

  6. Незважаючи на погані погодні умови, вони пішли пішки.

  7. Ми зробили все, що від нас залежало.

  8. Згідно з його класифікацією, всі живі організми поділяються на дві групи.