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Перевод предложений в страдательном залоге на русский язык

Предложения в страдательном залоге переводятся на русский язык:

1. При помощи глагола «быть» и краткой формы причастия страдательного залога:

  • The house was built in the XIX century. – Дом был построен в XIX веке.

2. Глаголом, оканчивающимся на -ся:

  • A new house is being built in our street. – На нашей улице строится новый дом.

3. Глаголом в действительном залоге:

  • This house is being built by students. – Этот дом строят студенты.

Подлежащее, выраженное местоимением, может переводиться на русский язык винительным и дательным падежом:

  • He was sent to the library. – Его отправили в библиотеку.

  • He was sent a letter. – Ему отправили письмо.


Ex. 1. Read and analyze the sentences. Fill in the table of formation of Passive Voice.

1. The bridge is repaired every year.

2. The bridge was repaired last year.

3. The bridge will be repaired next year.

4. The bridge is being repaired now.

5. The bridge was being repaired when we came here.

6. The bridge has been repaired this year.

7. The bridge had been repaired by the time we came here.

8. The bridge will have been repaired by next year.










Ex. 2. Underline the predicate and define its tense. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Tables are usually made of wood. 2. The article was translated with a dictionary. 3. The meeting will be organized in the big hall. 4. All the students of our group had been asked by the examiner by 3 o'clock. 5. My friend was being asked by the teacher when I entered the classroom. 6. Children are forbidden to play on the pavement. 7. I have never been asked to meet them. 8. Let me know if my help is needed. 9. People learning foreign lan­guages are advised to read foreign literature in the original. 10. In muse­ums visitors are asked not to touch the exhibits. 11. The doc­tor was sent for. 12. He was always laughed at. 13. My children are looked after by my grandmother. 14. This film was much spoken about. 15. She was given a nice cat. 16. She was looked for everywhere.

Ex. 3. Transform the sentences form Active into Passive Voice.

A. 1. She takes her little daughter to the kindergarten every day. 2. They usually do written exercises in class. 3. He hurt his leg in an accident. 4. I left the dog in the garden. 5. Ann will teach Richard to dance. 6 Kate will clean the rooms thoroughly after lunch.

B. 1. The hairdresser is cutting her hair. 2. The shops are selling hundreds of toys. 3. When we left the meeting, people were still asking questions. 4. When I came to the village, they were building a new school.

C. 1. Your friends have invited you to dinner. 2. Someone has already boiled the kettle. 3. We had put out the fire before the fire-brigade arrived. 4. We didn't know that he had lost all the photos. 5. He will have taken this book before you come. 6. We will have completed the experiment by the end of the year.

Ex. 4. Transform the sentences form Active into Passive Voice.

(can, may, should, has to …+ be done.)

Example: We have to clean the pools every two days. The pools have to be cleaned every two days.

1. We have to feed puppies four times a day. 2. We may keep an injured seal here for several months. 3. People must keep dogs on lead in the park. 4. You can obtain further information about the post by telephoning 2637645. 5. People should send their complaints to the head office. 6. They had to postpone the meeting because of illness. 7. We can change the speech if you don't like it. 8. I have to return these books to the library. 9. Our neighbour ought to paint the garage. 10. You must mend the light. 11. Applicants should send in application forms for the post to the personnel officer by 15th August. 12. We couldn't use the telephone.

Ex. 5. Write in the Passive Voice the second sentence from each pair.

Example: He seldom keeps a promise. No one can rely on him. He can't be relied on.

1. The child is very ill. Someone must send for the doctor. 2. This old car is in excellent condition. The owner has looked after it well. 3. The Prime Minister spoke very long. The people listened to him in complete silence. 4. She is going into hospital tomorrow. The doctors and nurses will take good care of her. 5. That little boy is very thin and always dirty. No one brings him up properly. 6. The new servant girl is always breaking things in the kitchen. Someone should speak to her about her carelessness. 7. Shakespeare was born about 400 years ago. People look upon him as the greatest of English poets. 8. The thieves broke into the bank at midnight and stole $20.000. No one call for the police until 8 o'clock the next morning.

Ex. 6. Read and translate the dialogue into Russian. Find the predicates in the Passive Voice and define its tense. Make up your own dialogue.

Mary has just come from work. Neil is already there.

MARY: Hi! I’m back. Sorry I’m late.

NEIL: Hello. What kept you?

MARY: I had to use the ring road and was stuck in a traffic jam for forty minutes.

NEIL: Why didn’t you use the usual route?

MARY: Because the road is closed until work on the access road to the new hospital is completed.

NEIL: When is it due to be finished?

MARY: Well, the access road will be opened by the Mayor next week, according to the newspaper, and the Health Minister has been invited to open the hospital on the same day, but they don't know yet whether she's definitely coming.

NEIL: A lot of money will have been wasted if she doesn't come.

MARY: Why's that?

NEIL: Haven't you seen all those rose bushes that have been planted round the hospital?

MARY: So? They'll be lovely for the patients.

NEIL: But the patients won't be able to see them, because they're round the entrance, and the wards look out in the other direction. A lot of people protested about it, but all their complaints were ignored until it was too late.

MARY: If they had money to spare, it should have been spent on facilities for patients, not on making the look pretty for the Minister.

NEIL: Absolutely. It's typical of this local council. They were elected to save money, but they do just opposite.

MARY: Perhaps they will be thrown out at the next election.

NEIL: I hope so. Now, are you ready for supper?

Ex. 7. Choose the right variant for translation of the predicate.

1. Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.

a) was being built b) has been built c) was built

2. Сейчас здесь строится новый супермаркет.

  1. is being built b) is building c) is built

3. На этой неделе преподаватель объяснил (препо­давателем был объяснен) новый материал.

  1. had been explained b) was explained c) has been explained

4. Новое здание института уже построили, когда я поступила на юридический факультет.

a) was built b) has been built c) had been built

5. Студентов экзаменуют два раза в год.

a) are being examined b) is examined c) are examined

6. «Вы были невнимательны, когда объяснялось это правило», — сказал преподаватель.

a) was explained b) had been explained c) was being explained

7. Цветы уже политы.

a) are watered b) have been watered c) were watered

8. Такие столы делают из дорогого дерева.

a) are being made b) have been made c) are made

9. Этот фильм никогда не показывали по телевизору.

a) has never been shown b) was never shown c) had never been shown

10. Мою квартиру отремонтируют к субботе.

a) will be repaired b) will have been repaired c) is being repaired

11. Списки все еще печатаются.

a) are typed b) are being typed c) have been typed

12. Их еще не пригласили.

a) were not invited b) had not been invited c) have not been invited

13. Вам сообщат об этом завтра.

a) will be informed b) will have been informed c) are informed

14. Когда я вошел, обсуждение было прервано.

a) had been interrupted b) was interrupted c) has been interrupted

15. Земля была покрыта снегом.

a) was being covered b) was covered c) had been covered