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Пособие Грамматика по английскому.doc
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Вопросительное предложение

1) При обращении специальных вопросов (начинающихся словами: who, when, where, why и пр.) в косвен­ные

а) вопросительный знак опускается,

б) вопро­сительный порядок слов прямого вопроса заменяется прямым порядком слов, т. е. сказуемое ставит­ся после подлежащего,

в) глаголы “ask”, “say” в словах, вводящих прямую речь, могут заменяться глаголами “wonder” (интересоваться) и “want to know” (хотеть узнать).

Далее производятся те же из­менения, как и при обращении в косвенную речь повествовательных предложений.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

He asked me, "Where do you live?"

I asked him, "Where have you been?"

Ann asked me, "When will you ring?"

He asked me where I lived.

He wanted to know where I lived.

I asked him where he had been.

I wondered where he had been.

Ann asked me when I would ring

2) При обращении общих вопросов (начинающихся вспомогательным глаголом) в косвенные, косвен­ный вопрос присоединяется к главному предложе­нию при помощи союзов whether или if, имеющих значение частицы ли. Далее производятся те же из­менения, как и при обращении в косвенную речь вопроса, начинающегося с вопросительного слова (т. е. последовательность времен, прямой порядок слов в косвенном вопросе и изменение указатель­ных местоимений и наречий времени).

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Не asked me, "Do you know the way to the station?"

He asked me, "Will Ann be here tomorrow?"

He asked me if I knew the way to the station.

He wondered if I knew the way to the station.

He asked me if Ann would be there the next day.

He wanted to know if Ann would be there the next day

Обратите внимание на порядок слов в английском и русском предложениях в косвенной речи:

  • He asked me if I knew the way to the station. – Он спросил меня, знаю ли я дорогу до станции.

  • He asked me if Ann would be there the next day. – Он спросил меня, будет ли Энн там на следующий день.

Повелительное предложение

Когда прямая речь представляет собой повелительное предложение, то при обращении ее в косвенную речь

  1. глагол “say” (сказать) в словах, вводящих прямую речь, заменяется глаголами “tell” (велеть, сказать), “ask” (про­сить) или “order” (приказывать);

  2. повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом (неопределенной формой глагола). Отрицательная форма повелительного накло­нения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

The mother said to the lazy son, “Wake up!”

Mother said, "Don't make that noise, children”.

The mother told the lazy son to wake up.

Mother asked the children not to make that noise.

Обратите внимание на передачу следующих конструкций в косвенной речи.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Nick said, “Let’s play chess.”

Tom said, “All right.

Mike said, “Oh no!”

Nick suggested playing chess.

Tom agreed.

Mike refused.


Ex. 1. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.


1. Jack told his father, "I hope to pass the examination". 2. Henry said to me, "The teacher is listening to us". 3. Bob said to Tom, "I made no mistakes in the last dictation". 4. I told the policeman, "I saw the thief in the garden". 5. He said, "I haven't read many English books." 6. Jack's father said to him, "You haven't cleaned your shoes". 7. Mary said, "I don't want to wear my old dress". 8. My mother said to me, "I feel very tired, and I have a headache". 9. My friend told me, "We have plenty of time to do our work". 10. I said to my sister, "I haven't seen my uncle for a long time". 11. The teacher said to me, “You haven’t done your work well.” 12. The woman said, “This man spoke to me on the road.” 13. The teacher said to the class, “We will discuss this subject tomorrow.” 14. He said to her, “I’ll do it next week if I have time.”


1. Mother asked Jane, "What are you doing here?" 2. Margaret asked Richard, "Where are you going for your holidays?" 3. Ann asked Mary, "What do you usually have for breakfast?" 4. The inspector asked, "Who caused the accident?" 5. The teacher asked Bob, "When did you learn to swim?" 6. Mary's mother asked her, "Where have you put your shoes?" 7. The teacher asked, "Which number can be divided by three?". 8. Peter asked me, "When are you going to have dinner?" 9. The policeman asked me, "Where did you lose your wallet?" 10. The teacher came into the classroom and asked the pupils, "What are you doing?" 11. I asked Bob, "Why didn't you answer my letter?" 12. There was a crowd in the street. I asked a man in the crowd, "What is the matter?" 13. Father asked, "When will lunch be ready?" 14. The little boy asked his father, “Why does the policeman wear a uniform?” 15. I asked him, “Who are you looking at?”


1. The teacher asked Tom, "Do you come to school by bus or on foot?" 2. A man stopped me in the street and asked, "Have you got a match?" 3. The teacher asked us, "Do you understand the question?" 4. Henry's father asked his son, "Do you want to be an engineer or a doctor?" 5. I asked Peter, "Are you going to play football on Friday?" 6. He asked his secretary, “Has the postman been yet?" 7. Nick asked his friend, “Will you stay at your sister’s?” 8. He asked me, “Will you see your friends before you leave Moscow?” 9. She asked me, “Have you sent them a telegram?” 10. I asked Mike, “Have you packed your suitcase?” 11. Helen asked her sister, “Will you stay at home after dinner?” 12. I asked my sister, “Will Nick call for you on the way to school?” 13. He asked us, “Did you go to the museum yesterday?” 14. My brother asked me, “Did you send them a telegram yesterday?” 15. We asked Kate, “Did anybody meet you at the station?”


1. Mary said to her brother, "Take the letter to the Post Office, please". 2. The teacher said to Tom, "Collect the exercise-books and put them on my table". 3. The old man said to the little girl "Don't run across the street". 4. The teacher said to the pupils, "Learn the poem by heart". 5. I said to my friend, "Meet me outside the cinema at six o'clock". 6. Mary's mother said to her, "Don't go out without your coat". 7. The teacher said to the students, "Open your books at page 60". 8. The doctor said to the sick man, "Don't go back to work for a fortnight". 9. Jack said to the policeman, "Tell me the time, please". 10. My mother said to me, “Buy some meat in the shop.” 11. Granny said to Helen, “Don’t forget to clean your teeth.” 12. Nick’s mother said to him, “Don’t eat too much ice-cream.”

Ex. 2. Choose the correct alternative.

1. He warned me that he __ late.

a) was b) was being c)will be d)would be

2. Poirot added that he __ us an answer after dinner.

a) gave b) had given c) was giving d) would give

3. I wonder why she __ you about it. She wasn't going to.

a) tells b) told c) has told d) had told

4. She wrote to me that they __ at the hotel Astoria.

a) will probably stay c) have been probably staying

b) would probably stay d) are probably staying

5. The secretary said that she __ a reservation for me at the hotel.

a) has made b) had made c) made d) will make

6. I thought he __ in a bank.

a) worked b) is working c) had been working d) has been working

7. The receptionist told us that we __ wonderful views over the sea.

a) will have b) would have c) were going to have d) were having

8. The Inspector emphasized that he __ to see me as soon as possible.

a) wanted b) will want c) has wanted d) had wanted

9. He says that he __ the children with him.

a) will take b) would take c) take d) was taking

10. The receptionist explained that breakfast __ served between 7.00 and 9.00.

a) is b) was c) is being d) was being

11. The guide reminded us that after lunch we __ sightseeing.

a) go b) went c) were going d) would be going

12. Liz persuaded me that the party __ a great fun. But in fact, it wasn't.

a) will be b) would be c) have been d) will have been

13. The group complained that the tour operator __ things properly.

a) would not arrange c) had not arranged

b) did not arrange d) was not arranging

14. Father told us he __ in a couple of days.

a) is back b) would be back c) was back d) will be back

15. She said that it was a stupid idea and it __ .

a) wouldn't work b) didn't work c) won't work d) doesn't work

Ex. 3. In the following sentences, one sentence is right and others are wrong. Choose the right one.


a) We wondered why are they so late.

b) We wondered why they are so late.

c) We wondered why they were so late.


  1. He asked her how she was.

  2. He asked her how she is.

  3. Не asked her how are you.


a) Mother asked when you are coming back.

b) Mother asked when I was coming back.

c) Mother asked when was I coming back.


a) The policeman asked us where are you going.

b) The policeman asked us where we are going.

c) The policeman asked us where we were going.


a) The reporters were eager to know what time would the President arrive.

b) The reporters were eager to know what time the President was arriving.

c) The reporters were eager to know what time the President had been arriving.


a) The hostess wondered if the guests wanted some­thing to drink.

b) The hostess wondered do the guests want something to drink.

c) The hostess wondered that the guests wanted some­thing to drink.


a) Не inquired if I really know anything about the matter.

b) He inquired if I really knew anything about the matter.

c) He inquired did I really know anything about the matter.


a) I asked him whether he was going to stay there long.

B )I asked him whether was he going to stay there long.

c) I asked him whether he was going to stay here long.


a) I was asked if I knew Miss Gray.

b) I was asked did I know Miss Gray.

c) I was asked if I was knowing Miss Gray.


a) Paul wondered Jill if would go to his party.

b) Paul wondered if would Jill go to his party.

c) Paul wondered if Jill would go to his party.

Ex. 4. Translate into English.

1. Моя мама сказала мне сесть за стол и сделать домашнее задание. 2. Доктор посоветовал пациенту не выходить из дома несколько дней. 3. Джейн попросила друга помочь ей решить эту задачу. 4. Майк сказал мне, что он только что купил эти книги. 5. Мои друзья сказали, что они ездили на Черное море. 6. Его брат сказал, что он ходит в кинотеатр каждый месяц. 7. Мой дядя сказал, что он покупает эту газету каждый день. 8. Моя сестра поинтересовалась, нашла ли я книгу. 9. Мама спросила дочь, ходила ли она за покупками вчера. 10. Служащий спросил секретаря, подписал ли менеджер его документы. 11. Он поинтересовался, когда мы поедем в Москву. 12. Она спросила брата, когда он вернется домой. 13. Бэкки хотела узнать, где мы обычно проводим летние каникулы. 14. Мистер Браун поинтересовался, учится ли мой брат в университете. 15. Она хотела узнать, кто подарил мне этого замечательного котенка.

Ex. 5. Put the following conversa­tion between Helen and Bill into reported speech. Then repro­duce it.

Bill: Helen! Where have you put the lottery ticket that I bought in the firm's annual lottery?

Helen: I haven't put it anywhere!

Bill: You must have put it in a drawer or in the writing desk!

Helen: Bill, I haven't even seen it! You don't look after your things properly!

Bill: Well, I ought to have put it in a safer place, I suppose ... But, you see, I'll have to find it because I think I've won the first prize and I won't be able to claim it with­out the ticket!

Helen: Perhaps you put it in your wallet after all!

Bill: Now I remember! I left it in my blue overalls!

Helen: Well, in that case we can say goodbye to the prize, be­cause your lottery ticket's at the cleaner's where I took your overalls on Monday!