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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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7. The five most common fairy-tale themes can be summarized as following:

Lack of something causes the protagonist to go on a search, during which she or he encourages a magic helper who helps the protagonist pass a test, after which a protagonist receives a reward.

Using these five themes create a brief, original fairy-tale. Try to use as many of the five themes as you can. Share your fairy tale with your group mares. Are all your fairy tales similar in some way? Why do you think that is?


Choose one of the following topics and prepare a report on it.

  1. The emotional mind and the rational mind.

  2. Emotional development and the role of the child’s family.

  3. The best known theories of emotions.

  4. Describing an intense emotion you watched or experienced yourself.

  5. Creating a favourable emotional atmosphere in the classroom settings is indispensable for high academic achievements.

  6. Emotional problems of first-year University students.


Basic Textbooks

Бочарова Г.В. Английский язык для психологов. – М.: Флинта, 2006. – 566 с. - с. 134, 140, 153.

Additional Literature

Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. - Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2007. – 1739 p. –PP. EV7-EV11.

Rathus, S.A. Psychology. Principles in Practice / S.A. Rathus. – Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1998. – 586 p. – P. 311.

Sarosy, P. Lecture Ready. Strategies for Academic Listening, Note-Taking and Discussion / P. Sarosy, K. Sherak. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. – 115 p. – PP. 93-99.

Moscow News. – 2006-2008.

Unit 3 superstitions, fears, phobias,

Many things happen in the world that we cannot explain.


  1. Read the words and remember them.

  1. superstition - суеверие, предрассудок

  2. to be superstitious – быть суеверным

  3. to be afraid of – бояться

  4. scary – страшный

  5. to frighten - пугать

  6. fear - страх

  7. anxiety - тревога, тревожность

  8. terrify – пугать, приводить в ужас

  9. terrifying – ужасный, страшный

  10. harm - вред

  1. A) Complete the table.



negative adjective















b) Complete the sentences with a word from the table above.

1. The last time I felt really ______ about an exam was when I took my driving test. 2. I know the frogs are basically _____ , but I don’t like touching them. 3. I would never take a _____ with money. 5. I’d really like to overcome me ____ of heights. 6. I’m quite ____ cautious about spending money when I’m on holiday. 7. There is no _____ why I would ever leave my job.