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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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3. Find English equivalents in the text.

Очаровывать, доступный, отгадать загадку, соотносит, имеет корни, чтобы определить, с большой точностью, были обвинены, в конце концов, были осуждены, ошибка, взаимодействие.

4. Try to guess whether people are good-looking or not:

  1. Hey, cupcake, what ya doing?

  2. I consider her to be a sort of a wallflower.

  3. Wow, isn’t she a dish?

  4. She is really some number.

  5. She is really on fire!

  6. She is a sad-colored butterfly.

  7. I think that she is a stunner.

  8. She is a real piece!

  9. What a fright she is!

  10. Tell your ape to let me go!

  11. He is a sort of a cave man, big and hairy.

  12. Ted is a real power house. I’d hate to have him mad at me.

  13. The guy thinks he is a stud hammer but he is just a jerk.

  14. Norm is the perfect face man – all looks and no brains.

  15. He is just a run-of –the-mill guy.

5. Match the numbers and the letters. To choose 3 of them and rthink of the situations to illustrate them.

1. Head in the clouds a) look for the inner man

2. Beauty is only skin deep b) remain brave in the face of adversity

3. A hair-raising experience c) ample living space

4. Turn the other cheek d) a shocker

5. Get it off your chest e) hovering just below consciousness

6. Put your best foot forward f) take your punishment

7. Keep a stiff upper lip g) make the best impression possible

8. On the other hand h) express your feelings or resentments

9. Elbow room i) also to be considered

10. Face the music j) sign of an unrealistic dreamer

11. On the tip of my tongue k) agree completely

12. See eye to eye l) take evil without retaliating

  1. Read the information and correct words in italics. Read the right variant.

Attraction is a kind of attitude – an attitude of like. Attraction to others often lead to friendship or love. Factors that attract us to particular people as potential friends or partners include physical appearance, similar to ourselves, and evidence that our attraction is returned.

Physic appearance tends to influence our choice of friends and partners. What qualities make one physically attractive? There is no single answering. Some people find blond hair most attractive; others may prefer black hairs. Some people may find a slim body build most attractive, while others may prefer a more muscular build. Clearly, people’s ideas of attractive differ.

Although there is a variation among people in the types of traits they consider attractive, some aspects of attractiveness appear to be wide shared or even universal. For example, a smiling person is generally perceive to be more attractive than a person who is frowning.

Studies has also found that certain types of facial features are attractive to most people. In one study, both British and Japanese people were asked to identify the types of features they found most attractive in woman. People from both cultures identified large ears, high cheekbones, and narrow jaws as the most attractive types of facial features.

Although preferences for certain facial features may be universal, preferences for body shape varied greatly. There is, in fact, a great deal of variation in people’s standard for attractiveness of body shape – both in the shape we prefer in others and the shape we perceive our.

This were demonstrated in a study of college men and women. The men in the study tended to believe their own body shape closely approached the "ideal" shape that women finds attractive. However, the women tended to believe that they were heaviest than the "ideal" shape men find attractive.

The result of this study are important. They suggest that females are more likely to think incorrectly then males; they are too heavy to be attractive. Not surprisingly, women are more likely than men to go on weight-loss diets, and they have far high rates of eating disorders.

  1. a). Think of the headline. Exchange your variants with the group and choose the best one.

    1. Do you agree with the main ideas of the text? Why?

    2. Write a short summary of the text with not more than 100 words.


1. Read the text and choose one variant of the sentences given below. Comment on the conclusions of the text.