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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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8. Translate into Russian, paying attention to:

a) Adverbial participial clauses (обстоятельственный причастный оборот)

1.Not knowing what to do, I telephoned the police. 2. Used economically, one tin will last for at least a week. 3. Being unable to help in any other way, I gave her some money. 4. Putting down my newspaper, I walked over to the window and looked out. 5. Once deprived of oxygen, the brain dies. 6. Having failed to qualify as a doctor, I took up nursing. 7. Having finished my letters, I had a glass of milk and went out.

  1. Parenthetical phrases (вводные фразы)

1.Generally speaking, men can run faster, than women. 2. Judging from his expression, he is in s bad mood. 3. Considering everything, it wasn’t a bad holiday. 4. Supposing there was a storm, what would you do?

  1. Absolute Participial construction

1.Nobody having anything to say, the meeting was over. 2. With Peter working in Manchester, and Lucy travelling most of the week, the house seemed pretty empty.


1. The method known to most students is widely used in psycho-therapy. 2. Many psychologists are known to have been working at this problem.3. I heard them talking in a whisper. 4. Who is the man talking to Elsy? 5. After talking to you I always feel better. 6. Having talked to everybody in the room she left.

  1. Say what books you borrow from the library. Use the following words:

Nice-looking, interesting, exciting, boring, dealing with, chosen, recommended, exhibited, translated, published, sold out, devoted to.

  1. Get ready to describe:

  1. An exciting experiment, b) an embarrassing situation, c) some disappointing news. d) methods used in studying the brain

  1. Choose the appropriate form of the participle while reading the passage.

Every behavioral function is really a functional system, which preserves a stable goal but uses different links of operative behavior to come to a (desired, desiring) result. The idea of “functional systems” as complex ‘reflex circles’ /this idea was opposite to that of the “reflex arc”/ was (formulating, formulated) in the 1930s by two outstanding Russian scholars, P.K. Anokhin and U.A.Bernstein, and was (developed, developing) in a series of their works as well as in some other publications of American authors. These ideas were a (started, starting) point for the creation of a new branch of physiological science – a ‘Physiology of activity” (opposing, opposed ) to the “physiology of reactivity”. Of utmost importance is the fact that all higher behavioural processes are really such complex functional systems, which are (based, basing) on the coordinated functions /or “constellations”/ of cerebral zones (constructed, constructing) in such a way that separate links of this system can be (interchanged, interchanging) and that such a change does not affect the whole functional system.

This approach is (associating, associated) with a radical revision of the whole problem of “cerebral localization of functions” in a (limiting, limited) part of the brain; rather we try to discover how a functional system is (distributing, distributed) in different parts of the brain, and the role that every part of the brain plays in the realization of the whole “functional system”.