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2. Open the brackets. A) One Big, Happy Family

Mr. and Mrs. Jones’s flat was full of suitcases, trunks, and packed-up furniture. The two of them (1. be) busy with pencils , checking their lists of luggage, when there was a  ring at the door. Mrs. Jones ( 2. go) to open it, and saw a well- dressed middle–aged lady outside. The lady said that she (3. live) in the flat next to theirs, and that she (4. come) to welcome  them  for the state of the flat.

“Oh, please, don’t stand on ceremony with me,” she answered. “Do you know, in some parts of this town neighbours (5. be)  not at all friendly. There are some streets - and even some blocks  of flats – where people (6. not know) their neighbours – not even their next-door ones. But in this block of flats, everybody is friends with everybody else. We are one big happy family. I (7. be) sure that you (8. be) very happy here.”

The well-dressed lady (9. get) a shock when she came to visit the flat the next time, because she found a quite different man and woman in it. Mr. and Mrs. Jones (10. not have) the courage  to tell her that they were not  the new owners of the flat, who were due to move in the next day, but the old owners, who (11. live) next to her for two years without her ever visited  them or even noticed their existence.

    1. Softly…Softly

Mr. Forrest was a journalist who (1. live) in a small flat on the top floor of a large building. He (2. be) a rather noisy young man. Now in the flat below him there lived an elderly lady who was a very bad sleeper.

One day she accosted him as he (3. leave) the building to go to work. “ Mr. Forrest,” she said, “ I know you are young and cannot be expected to behave as if you (4. be) an old man. But there is one thing I would ask you. Would you please not throw your shoes down with such a bang when you (5. take) them off at nights? I’m a bad sleeper. I lie awake every night  waiting for you to come home and cannot get any rest until I (6. hear) you take your shoes off. I know I’m silly, but I’m sure you wouldn’t wish to disturb an old woman, as far as you can help.”

Mr. Forrest faithfully (7. promise) to be more careful and went off to his work. By the time he got home  that night, however, he (8. forget) all about the lady downstairs. After he (9.take) a hasty supper, he started to undress. Bang!  (10.go) his first shoe on the bedroom floor. The sound startled him but it was too late. Idiot that he (11.be)! He took off  the other shoe as softly as he could, feeling very guilty. No sooner he (12.creep) into bed than there was a tap at his door. “Mr. Forrest” came the voice of the old lady, “would you please throw down the other shoe so that I may go to sleep?”

This was too much for the poor young man. The next week he (13.move) to rooms over an empty shop where he (14. can) make as much noise as he liked without disturbing anyone.

3. Choose the right variant.

  1. Most people are attracted/ attracting to people who are similar to themselves because these are the people with whom they are most likely to have frequent contacts.

  2. These muscles will show/be shown next time.

  3. Not all facial signals can be defined/to be defiend in everyday life.

  4. We were shown/was shown very interesting pgotograpgs.

  5. These reports have been/were just written.

  6. This pretty girl is/is being criticized by that boy now.

  7. Our original temperament is given/giving to us independently of our will.

  8. People’s attitudes of prejudice cannot be/to be changed.

  9. The children were/was promised an extra sweet if they behaved well.

  10. When I began the work their research had already been/being completed.