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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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  1. Respond to statements by giving advice using should or ought to with a suitable infinitive form.

Example: - He failed in his exam.

  • He should have worked harder.

a)Peter had an accident with his car last weekend. b) John is terribly overweight. c) Our train leaves in 10 minutes. d) You are always late for work! e) Mary got sun burnt yesterday. f) Tom is always complaining about being underpaid. g) Let’s face it. We are hopelessly lost. h) They divorced after all.

  1. There was an accident on the road, a car turned upside down.

What do you think must/may/might have caused the accident?

Express probability. Possible causes of the accident: the time of the day, the weather, the road, the state of the driver, circumstances, etc.

Conditional sentences

First conditional: If you don’t hurry, you will be late.

Second conditional: If you firmly decided to do it, you would achieve your goals.

Third conditional: If you had made a report at the conference last month, it would have been published in the journal.

  1. Use Second conditional to ask questions, then in pairs ask and answer the questions. Give reasons.

Example: If you found a 5 pound note in the street, would you hand it in?

1.shop assistant (give) you too much change by mistake/ what you do? 2. You (see) someone cheating in an exam/ you report them? 3. You (crash) your motorbike into an expensive car and nobody (see) you /you tell the p[police? 4. Your rich friend (forget) he had lent you 20 pounds/you remind you? 5. How you feel/you (lose) wallet containing 50 pounds? 6. You tell the waiter/he (forget) to charge you for your drink?

2. Think of some questions about different situations and ask your class mates about them.

Begin your questions with the phrase:

What would you do if … ?

3 Make Third Сonditional sentences for each of the following situations. Begin with the words given.

Example: I was tired. I went to bed early.

If I hadn’t been tired, I wouldn’t have gone to bed early.

  1. I didn’t have enough money. I didn’t take a taxi.

  2. I wasn’t interested in the experiment. I didn’t go to the laboratory.

  3. Romeo thought Juliet was dead. He committed suicide.

  4. Oliver Twist was punished. He asked for more food.

  5. The building had weak foundation. It fell down.

  6. I didn’t go to the basement. I was afraid of the dark.

  7. George never used the lift. He had claustrophobia.

  8. I didn’t know she was the examiner. I made a silly joke.

  9. I didn’t believe in psychoanalysis. I didn’t go to the doctor.

  10. We didn’t study psychology. We made a lot of mistakes in communicating with people.

4 Fill each space in the following text with a suitable word.

All the Difference

I often wonder how my life would have ____ different if on that particular day I ____ walked in the other direction. Or what ____ have happened if – in those few seconds – I ____ walked just a little bit faster? She wouldn’t ____ been able to do what she did, say the things she said. If it ____ been for these shy words of greeting, I would not _____ here now – I would probably _____ in the same city I grew up in. It is amazing how our lives depend on the most minute details: a split-second decision which makes all the difference. _____ I ever have found romance at all ____ I hadn’t met Francesca that day and if she _____ decided to walk on that path beside the tress? I couldn’t possibly ___ done what I did in my life if we ____ not met on that bright sunny morning. And if the sun hadn’t ____ shining and the birds singing, she would probably have ____ even spoken to me.