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метод. психологам вся по инглишу.doc
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2. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. How can character be defined? 2. What does the term “character” imply in a narrower sense? 3. What complex collection of elements reveals man’s character? 4. What is man’s disposition dependent on? 5. Who plays an important part in the molding of our character? 6. What contributes to the formation of habits of mind? 7. Why isn’t there a unique classification of types of character? 8. Why are we responsible for our character? 9. What are the main aims of the investigation of character in psychology and ethics?

3. Say whether these statements are true (t) or false (f) and if they are false, say why.

  1. Character is equivalent to the inclusive term “personality”.

  2. Only human beings, not animals, have character. It implies irrationality.

  3. In a narrower sense character implies a certain unity of qualities with a degree of inconstancy in mode of action.

  4. At any epoch in mature life a man’s character is the resultant of three distinct classes of factors.

  5. The disposition is dependent in part on the structure of the bodily organism and especially of the nervous system which he has inherited.

  6. Character has been defined as “a partly fashioned will”.

  7. The exercise of the will plays the predominant part in moulding the type of character which is being formed.

  8. Starting from the basis of the 4 fundamental temperaments, different psychologists came to the conclusion that there was only one classification of types of character.

  9. While psychology investigates the growth of different types of character, the function of ethics is to determine the ideal of human character.

  10. In all conceptions of ideal character strength doesn’t form an essential feature.

4. How would you describe the person in each of these situations?

1. She’s always here on time. 2. He never bought me a drink in ten years. 3. She often promises to do things but half the time she forgets. 4. I don’t think he’s done any work since he’s been here. 5. She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers. 6. He can work in any of the departments – on his own or part of a team. 7. One of her qualities is that she is so aware of what other people think or feel. 8. I know Mike wants to be head of the department and then go on to a bigger company.

5. Read the sentence, translating the words in brackets.

  1. Paul has a tendency to be (ленивый) and on occasions can be rather (самовлюбленный) and (невнимательный). I dislike his behavior.

  2. Diana is a (общительный) person. She has (легкий в общении) personality and is extremely popular with the other students.

  3. Jenny is not very mature for her age. She tends to be rather (унылая) and has been known to be less than (дружелюбный) to the others.

  4. Michael is usually (жизнерадостный), but he can sometimes be a little (серьезный) and (замкнутый ).

  5. Tony is a (уравновешенный) boy. He is interested in others’ opinions and (сопереживающий) to the needs and wishes of those around him.

  6. Susanna is good fun to be with. Even though she is a bit (застенчивая), she has got that great sense of humor and is (здравомыслящая) and always comes up with loads of bright ideas.

  7. They say, he is (сдержанный) because he avoids showing others what he feels and he doesn’t like talking about his private life even with his close friends. As for me, I consider him to be (неэмоциональный), (бесстрастный) - a person who displays no love or affection. What a cold fish!

  8. She is too (разговорчивая). She doesn’t mind speaking in front of large groups, and it makes me (нервный ) . Alas, this (болтун) is seen as a half-wit. She rambles on and on and it drives me crazy.

  9. A (гостеприимный) person tries to make other people feel very welcome.

  10. I’m rather (терпимый) as I can bear with other people disgraceful behavior and it will be days before I start getting (сердитый), offering resistance or ignoring someone.

  11. My brother is extremely (организованный) and (дисциплинированный). Besides, if he has goals, he will achieve them by all means.

6. “Character” means: a. qualities of personalities; b. what makes smth different; c. smb’s reputation; d. sb in a book, film etc; e. unusual person; f. morally good quality; g. letter; number; symbol.

Match the following sentences with these meanings.

  1. The team showed real character in coming back from two goals down.

  2. The book has a solid plot and likeable characters.

  3. I can’t understand why Simon refused to help; it seems so out of character.

  4. The password can be 12 characters long.

  5. Each of his book has its own distinctive character.

  6. How dare she cast a slur on my character?

  7. Jake used to be pretty wild, but he’s a reformed character now.