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Времена английского глагола в страдательном залоге

В страдательном залоге в основном сохраняются все те груп­пы времен и времена, которые свойственны глаголу в действитель­ном залоге. Исключение составляет группа завершенно-длительных времен и будущее время в группе длительным времен.

Употребление всех групп времен в страдательном залоге соответствует тому, что говорилось об употреблении времен в действительном залоге.

Таблица 13

Времена английского глагола в страдательном залоге

Группа времен









1 (I)

3 (he, she, it)

am asked

is asked

was asked

was asked

shall be asked

will be asked


1 (we)

2 (you)

3 (they)

are asked

are asked

are asked

were asked

were asked

were asked

shall be asked

will be asked

will be asked



1 (I)

3 (he, she, it)

am being asked

is being asked

was being asked

was being asked


1 (we)

2 (you)

3 (they)

are being asked

are being asked

are being asked

were being asked

were being asked

were being asked



1 (I)

3 (he, she, it)

have been asked

has been asked

Had been asked

Had been asked

Shall have been asked

Will have been asked


1 (we)

2 (you)

3 (they)

have been asked

have been asked

have been asked

had been asked

had been asked

had been asked

shall have been asked

will have been asked

will have been asked

Упражнение 1. Определите залог, группу времен и время следующих глагольных форм

are seen, is said, will ask, did, are being spent, was meant, is being held, will be brought, has been grown, was being made, will be found, is being done, have been heard, were being cut, run, is known, has given, have been realized, will be working, was examining, is writing, has been shown, am standing, shall sit, was being felt, has fallen, will have been made, will have gone, are paying, will have been sent, had been observed, spreads, has been playing, was being asked, shall keep, is undergoing, began, had gone, were brought, had had.

Упражнение 2. Определите время и залог следующих глагольных форм.

was shown, is showing, has shown, showed, had been showing, shall have shown, will have been shown;

said, is said, were said, says, shall say, has been said, was saying, will be saying, is being said, shall have been said, shall be said;

goes, went, has gone, were going, shall be going, had gone, shall have gone, is going;

was meant, will lead, has kept, have known, was thought, had written, is spoken, had been done, shall have seen, will be started, is written, will have been brought, is being caught, has spread, will be prevented, were being paid, understood, am being treated.

Упражнение 3. Укажите наиболее правильный вариант перевода английского предложения на русский язык

1. He was asked 1. Его спросили

2. Его спрашивают

2. She was seen 1. Ее видят

2. Ее видели

3. It has been brought. 1. Eго вносили.

2. Его внесли.

4. He was known 1. Его знают.

2. Его знали.

5. They were being caught. 1. Их ловили.

2. Их поймали.

6. Не will be led 1. Его приведут.

2. Eго приводят.

7. The patients have been 1. Больных привезли

brought. 2. Больных привозят.

8. It has been given. 1. Его отдали.

2. Его отдают.

9. They will have been 1. Их отдадут.

given. 2. Они отдадут.

10. 10. We shall be found. 1. Мы найдем.

2. Нас найдут.

11. Не has been understood. 1. Его поняли.

2. Его понимали.

12. It was being shown. 1. Его показали.

2. Его показывали.

13. Не had begun. 1. Он начинал.

2. Он начал.

Упражнение 4. Назовите английский эквивалент русского предложения.

1. Его поняли. 1. He has been understood.

2. He was being understood.

2. Его понимали. 1. He was been understood.

2. He was being understood.

3. Она принимала. 1. She was taking.

2. She had taken.

4. Она приняла. 1. She was taking.

2. She had taken.

5. Ее услышали. 1. She has been heard.

2. She was being heard.

6. Она делала. 1. She was making.

2. She has been made.

7. Она сделала. 1. She was making

2. She has made

8. Его начинали. 1. It was being begun.

2. It was begun.

9. Его начали. 1. It was being begun.

2. It was begun.

Упражнение 5. Пользуясь подстановочной таблицей, назовите aнглийский эквивалент данного русского предложения.


1. Воздух был взят на анализ. 2. Здоровье защитят. 3. Меры были приняты. 4. За реакцией наблюдали. 5. Исследование будет начато. 6. Эксперименты проводились. 7. Операция осуществлялась. 8. Лекарство было получено. 9. Больного осмотрели. 10. Результаты будут проанализированы.

The experiments was analyzed

The operation were begun

The air shall be protected

The patient will be taken for analysis

The drug received

The health observed

The measures carried out

The reaction performed

The study examined

The result taken


1. Ему дали лекарство. 2. Нам прочитали интересную книгу. 3. Меня все поняли. 4. Ей показали больного. 5. Нам принесли книги. 6. Вам написали письмо. 7. Им выдали учебники. 8. Мне принесли бумагу. 9. Нас узнали сразу же. 10. Вас просили помочь. 11. Нам рассказали об этом.

Не were brought to help

She were asked a drug

You was given some paper

I were read immediately

They were written an interesting book

We was understood a letter

were recognized a patient

was shown by everybody

were given about this

was brought text-books

were told some books

Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски необходимой по смыслу формой глагола из тех, что приведены в скобках, прочитайте и переведите предложения.

1. The boy (were read, am read, was read) a book. 2. Many students of our group (has been present, are present, is present) at the lecture every day. 2. Yesterday I (am examined, has been examined, was examined, shall be examined) by the doctor. 4. In two days my friend (is operated, shall be operated, was operated, will be operated). 5. Last summer I (has been visited, was visited, have been visited, is visited, shall be visited) by my school friend. 6. Just now the experiment (was begun, is begun, has been begun, was being begun). 7. Blood analysis (shall be carried out, has been carried out, were carried out, shall have been carried out, was being carried out) in the morning. 8. The nurse (is said, was said, said, has been said, is being said) already to take the patient’s temperature. 9. The examination of the patient (was carried out, have been carried out, shall be carried out, were being carried out) by the chief of the department. 11. The drug (shall have been produced, was being produced, is being produced, was produced) in our laboratory for the last two years. 12. The nurse (has left, was leaving, will have left, will have been leaving, left) the ward after she had taken the patients’ temperature.

Упражнение 7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, используя страдательный залог, где это возможно.

1. Меня спросили на занятии. 2. Больного только что прооперировали. 3. Операцию сделали в среду. 4. Эксперимент будут проводить на следующей неделе. 5. Меня попросили сделать сообщение. 6. Ему прочитали письмо из дома. 7. Студентов попросили выйти из аудитории. 8. Температуру больного измерят к приходу врача. 9. Результаты исследования сейчас анализируются. 10. Мой друг дал мне книгу, которую он недавно прочитал. 11. Сестра попросила больного встать. 12. Лекарство будет производиться в нашей лаборатории. 13. Осмотр больных завершится к 12 часам. 14. Через три дня больной будет выписан (to discharge) из клиники. 15. Вскоре нам предоставят новую комнату.

Упражнение 8. Поставьте глагол в скобках в необходимую по смыслу форму.

1. The conference (to organize) by the World Health Organization. 2. This method (to develop) in our clinic. 3. The patient (to ask) a lot of questions by the doctor. 4. The diagnosis (to make) after the patient (to examine). 5. The prescription (to write out) just. 6. The left arm of the patient (to break). 7. Microbes (to spread) through water. 8. The door (to close) by the doctor in charge. 9. Many microorganisms (to destroy) by heating. 10. My friend (to operate) several days ago. 11. This experiment (to begin) last week. 12. The source of infection (to find) in drinking water. 13. All the drugs (to keep) in special drug cabinets. 14. The delegation (to meet) by our representative.15. Usually the diagnosis (to make) using different methods of examination. 16. Microbes (to know) from ancient times. 17. This hospital (to build) to treat patient with infectious diseases. 18. As all the necessary analyses (to do) the doctor (to be able) to make a final diagnosis. 19. The reorganization of this department (to finish) by the end of the year.

Упражнение 9. Переделайте следующие предложения из действите­льных в страдательные.

1. The doctor examined the patient. 2. The doctor prescribed his patient a new drug. 3. The nurse has just taken the patient's temperature. 4. This student was carrying out an experiment yesterday at about 5 o'clock. 5. The doctor asks the patient about his symptoms and complaints. 6. Usually a doctor examines his patients in the morning. 7. The nurse was filling in a case history. 8. The workers of our laboratory developed an effective drug for grippe. 9. The neurologist examined the patient but did not find any pathology. 10. It is always much better to treat diseases at early stages.

Упражнение 10. Поставьте глагол в скобках в необходимые по смыслу время и залог.

1. I ... him well (to know). 2. This drug ... for headache (to use). 3. The student ... this experiment in a week (to make). 4. The question ... thoroughly (to discuss). 5. The doctor just (to come). 6. The nurse on duty ... case history when a new patient ... (to fill in, to bring). 7. Yesterday I ... my home task for nearly three hours (to do). 8. We ... anatomy for four months already (to study). 9. This hospital ... by the end of this year (to build). 10. This clinic ... during five year period (to build). 11. I ... never this film (to see). 12. Here you ... at last! I ... for you for an hour (to be, to wait). 13. It ... dark, but the lights in the room ... still off (to get, to be).

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