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  1. Догадайтесь, о каком молодежном движении идет речь.

A. These people developed their own style distinct from others. A person has college-style hair, a neat white shirt, a short jacket, or a short blazer jacket, and narrow trousers. The clothes are Italian by choice. Pale face, plenty of make-up. Scooters are the preferred means of transportation. He or she prefers soul music.

B. A young person who dresses in a shocking way to express his or her identity. He or she has brightly coloured hair and wears metal chains. The person is thought to rebel against the society. The music is aggressive. They reject everything.

C. A young person who wears a leather jacket, army boots and a cowboy hat just to show off. He is associated with something rebellious.

D. Some classify these types of people like drug users and rock and roll fans, since their behaviours differ from social norms. They don't conform to society's standards and support a liberal attitude and lifestyle. They always want to change the world to the best.

E. They are the "wizards'" of the computers work, and can do things with them that seem "magical". They do not protest against their parents.

F. These are the folks who use computer-made, synthesized music. And drugs to create massive all-night dance parties in empty warehouses (склад). They like to be in a collective. They want to try out all sorts of options and are thought to be violent.

G. The members of this subculture wear the blackest black, with a lot of silver jewellery and have very black hair and look as thin and pale as possible. The members gather together to read Bram Stocker and talk about being vampires, and about the end of the world.

H. All persons who ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorized vehicles and who identify themselves with a particular subculture.They cut hair shorter than others do. The majority of them are working class, patriotic and football fanatics, and very uninterested in politics. Most wear tight trousers and heavy boots (Doc Martens) and are usually regarded as violent and aggressive.

  1. Is It Easy to Be Young?

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.

Politics, part-time, problems, spots, boring, money, chore, appearance, guy, drugs, grades

I am a teenager so my life isn't easy. I have many (1). My parents want me to get good (2) at school. But I have so many subjects at school and some of them are extremely (3). I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don't understand that their subjects are not the most important things in my life. Some of my friends worry a lot about their (4) and their teenage (5) which spoil our lives! I must confess that (6), alcohol and AIDS don't really bother me or my friends. The same I should say about (7). What we really care about is how to impress a cute (8) or an attractive girl. Of course I, like many other teenagers, have problems with (9). Some of my friends found a (10) job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money. But despite all these problems, the life of a teenager today isn't a (11), it is still fun.

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