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9. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Do you like to go shopping?

  2. How often do you go shopping?

  3. Who do you often go shopping with?

  4. When you buy something, what is most important to you: price, quality, fashion trend, status/image?

  5. What store do you like best and what store do you like least?

  6. Do you sometimes buy second-hand things?

  7. Do you sometimes buy things that you don't need?

  8. How much did you spend yesterday?

  9. What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?

  10. How much do you usually spend each month on food?

  11. Have you ever found any money? If so, what did you do with it?

  12. If someone gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it?

  13. What is something that you want to buy, but don't have enough money to buy.

10. Выполните задание.

You will go to the grocer's, dairy, greengrocer's, butcher's. Choose what you will buy there. Apples, bananas, grapes, lemons, pears, pineapples, water melons, oranges, peas, beetroots, mushrooms, carrots, corn, cucumbers, onions, green peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, fish, sausage, ham, meat, eggs, salt, butter, cheese, ice – cream, milk, biscuits, a loaf of bread, a jar of jam, a bar of chocolate, a box of sweets, a carton of juice, a jar of coffee, a packet of tea, a bottle of oil, a tin of fish, a can of Coke, a packet of nuts, a bottle of water, a bag of flour.

11. Соотнесите названия отделов в магазине с тем, что в них продаётся. Начните с фразы “…, …, … are sold at the …”


a) balls, sneakers, chess, bikes, skates, skis


b) sheets, blankets, pillows, towels


c) face powders, lipstick, shampoos, eye pencils


d) ties, shirts, trousers, jackets

Women’s clothing department

e) paper, pens, pencils, rubbers

Men’s clothing department

f) sandals, shoes, boots, high-boots, slippers

Sport goods

g) pullovers, sweaters, mittens, caps

The white sale

h) dresses, skirts, blouses

12. Определите, кому принадлежат фразы и расставьте их в правильном порядке.




a) Hello! Can I help you?



b) Yes, I also want a copy of MUSIC NOW magazine



c) Thanks. How much is that?



d) Yes, I’d like to buy a card, please



e) It’s on the shelf behind you



f) That’s 12.50, please



g) Anything else?



13. Составьте диалоги “At the shop”.

1. – Good morning! Excuse me, can you…the scarf?

  • Yes, ….

  • How …….it?

  • ……

  • Thank you.

  1. – Can I… you?

  • Show me these mittens, ….

  • Here….

  • Oh, they are not warm.

  • Anything else?

  • No, that’s all.

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