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9.81 Mб
  1. Найдите пару для каждого существительного.

a bag of


a bar of


a bottle of


a bottle of


a box of


a can of


a carton of


a jar of


a jar of


a loaf of


a packet of


a packet of


a tin of


15.Соедините картинку и существительное.

  1. coat

  2. suit

  3. T-shirt

  4. underwear

  5. tie

  6. dress

  7. shoes

  8. boots

  9. sandals

  10. sweater

  11. trousers

  12. skirt

  13. shirt

16. Назовите 5-10 вещей, которые вы можете купить в:

Men's outfitter's

Household goods department

Children's department


Shoe shop

17. Расставьте фразы в диалогах в правильном порядке .

  1. — It's on the second floor, to the right of the escalator.

  2. — Try the Household goods department.

  3. Excuse me, where can I buy some enamel saucepans?

  4. — How do I get there?

  1. — Oh, they are really nice.

  2. — Here you are.

  3. — It's 15 pounds.

  4. — I like this apple green one.

  5. — Yes, I'll have it, please.

  6. — I'd like a scarf to match my handbag.

  7. — How much is it?

  8. — Can I help you?

  9. — We have a lovely selection of fine woolen ones.

1.— What colour do you have in mind?

2. — Yes, I'm looking for a blazer in size 46

3. Mm, that's nice. But I'd prefer something a bit quieter, greyish-blue, perhaps.

  1. — I beg your pardon?

  2. — And how do you like this navy-blue one?

  3. — Are you being attended to?

  4. — I'm afraid, we don't have anything like that in stock.

  5. — Could I help you with anything?

  6. - Pity.

10. — What about this one?


Сопоставьте слова 1-8 со словами a-h, чтобы получились фразы.

  1. You're

a help you?

  1. I'm sorry,

b have any ...

  1. I can't see

с are these?

  1. How much

d the price.

  1. Here

e else?

  1. Do you

f we don't have any ...

  1. Can I

g you are.

  1. Anything

h welcome.

Вставьте полученные фразы в диалоги между покупателем(customer - C) и продавцом (shop assistant - SA).

1 c: Excuse me! How much is this T-shirt? .

sa: I'll find out for you.

c: Thank you. sa: .

2 sa: ?

c: Yes, please. ?

sa: They're £7.50.

3 c: blue T-shirts?

sa: No, left. We have some green ones.

c: Green! No, thank you.

4 c: Can I have two of these?

sa: Certainly. .

c: Thank you.

sa: Not at all. ?

c: No, thanks.

20. Дополните диалоги фразами:

You're welcome. I can't see a price, can I help you?

Shop assistant: Hello, (1)

Customer: Yes please. How much is this book?


Shop assistant: Just a minute. It's £7.95.

Customer: Thank you.

Shop assistant: (3) .


No, I'm sorry we don't. OK, thanks. Do you have any key rings?

Customer: (4)

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. There are silver ones and these black ones.

Customer: Do you have any with the cathedral on it?

Shop assistant: (5)

Customer: (6)


How much are they? The book and these postcards then, please. Anything else?

Shop assistant: (7) .

Customer: Yes, I'd like some postcards please. Shop assistant: They're over here.

Customer: (8)

Shop assistant: They're four for a pound. Customer: Fine. (9}

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