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МУ Акулинина,Андреева, Ложникова ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ...doc
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  1. Прочтите и запомните слова и словосочетания:

bachelor – бакалавр

the course of studies – курс обучения

broad engineering education – широкое техническое образование

skills – навыки

to get skills – приобрести навыки

general education subjects – общеобразовательные предметы

both … and – как … так и

algebra of logic – алгебра логики

research of operation – исследование операций

theory of automatic regulation – теория автоматического управления

to train – обучать

to master – осваивать

to get practice – проходить практику

to have practice – проходить практику

to make course projects – делать курсовые проекты

to defend a diploma project – защищать дипломный проект

topic – тема

  1. Установите соответствие между русскими и английскими эквивалентами:

  1. Всестороннее техническое образование

  2. Общеобразовательные предметы

  3. Приобрести навыки

  4. Алгебра логики

  5. Теория автоматического управления

  6. Осваивать, овладевать

  7. Проходить практику

  8. Тема

  9. Защищать дипломный проект

  10. Обучать

  1. To train

  2. Broad engineering education

  3. To have, to get practice

  4. Theory of automatic regulation

  5. Algebra of logic

  6. To get skills

  7. To master

  8. General educational subjects

  9. Topic

  10. To defend a diploma project

III. Прочтите следующие интернациональные слова и переведите их на русский язык:

  1. Bachelor

  2. Course

  3. Algebra of logic

  4. Theory

  5. Practice

  6. A diploma project

IV. Составьте предложения.

  1. A diploma project, in the fifth year, to defend.

  2. Last summer, had, students, computer center, practice.

  3. To train, our faculty, specialists, in different fields.

  4. Course projects, usually, have, students, in the fourth year, of their study.

  5. To master, a profession, means, in this field, to get skills.

  6. Is not considered, general educational subject, algebra of logic, to be.

  7. To study, both and, general, subjects, special, subjects, students.

  8. To get, at the university, students, broad engineering education.

  9. Our professor, in the theory of automatic regulation, said, would, that, read, lectures, he.

  10. The research of operation, topic, our, new, is.

V. Переведите и сделайте обратный перевод следующих предложений:

  1. My future speciality is closely connected with the faculty of information technologies and computer systems.

  2. The faculty trains specialists for advanced branches of science and industry.

  3. Our faculty provides broad engineering education and practical skills.

  4. The students study both general educational subjects and engineering ones.

  5. The course of studies for engineers lasts 5 years and for bachelors it lasts 4 years.

  6. To get skills in mastering new methods students have practice both in different laboratories and computer centers.

  7. In the 5th year students can make contracts with industrial and economic enterprises.

  8. In the last year of their studies students are to defend diploma projects.

  9. The students make course projects to acquire profound knowledge in different subjects.

  10. The students of the faculty of information technologies and computer systems take an active part in the world championships on internet.

  11. Our students have all the possibilities to become excellent specialists in different branches of science, information technologies and computer aided design.