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A Find in the text the equivalents for the following:

1) like soft, moist mass; 2) a state of being lively, watchful, fully awake; 3) fill with spirit and energy; 4) sleeping disorder; 5) a drop or sinking to a lower level; 6) break up, split; 7) sleep during the day, after lunch; 8) unfavourably

B Give the English for:

1) хорошая физическая форма; 2) на воздухе; 3) достичь наивысшей точки (пика); 4) вывести из строя (биологические) часы; 5) улучшить выполнение (задания, работы, обязанностей и т.д.); 6) сверх (программы, домашнего задания и т.д.); 7) то же самое относится и к (спорту, музыке и т.д.); 8) способность воспринять, усвоить что-либо

C Explain in English:

1) to make the most of smth; 2) to perform at one’s best; 3) abilities change dramatically; 4) fall to a low; 5) a well-lit room; 6) background music; 7) a level of alertness; 8) confuse your body clock.

D Which sentence best summarizes the point Dr. Sigman is


1) He provides advice about how to prepare yourself mentally for examinations. 2) He helps students prepare mentally and physically for examinations. 3) He says that physical exercise is more likely to bring about examination success than studying and revising.

E Discuss in class the following:

1) Does the author mention any of the techniques for preparing for the exams that you thought of before reading the article? 2) Why do you think some people associate physical fitness with lack of intelligence? 3) What are the results of recent studies? 4) What does aerobic exercise bring about? 5) What do you know about a body clock? 6) How can you get enough sleep? 7) What is important to know about the working environment when you sit for your exam? 8) Why does the author suggest that students play pleasant, not incredible music?

Text 5


Discuss with your partners:

1) What is a “grocery list”? 2) How helpful is it? 3) Do you always write down a grocery list when you go shopping or do you do it on some special occasions?


Read through the text “Grocery List” and do the exercises that follow.

Grocery list

1doz eggs

1 lb butter

(I remember when we were first married, how Bob loved

my omelets)

1 gal milk

1 1g box Whoopie Wheetsies

(I wish the kids wouldn’t believe all that junk on television. They keep begging me to get them this, get them that)

1 bottle Kalm-Tabs (for stress)

1 six-pack Macho beer

(which will be gone by the end of Sunday’s football game. Bob’ll be dozing in front of the TV, wearing that old undershirt)

I head lettuce

2 tomatoes

2 1bs hamburger

(I remember when Bob said, “steak and caviar, baby – marry me and it’ll be steak and caviar all the way!” And now he can barely afford hamburgers)

1 pkg Sweetums disposable diapers

3 jars Bitsie-Bites baby food

(Maybe if he hadn’t three kids in three years, maybe then)

1 box Storm detergent

1 floor mop

(or maybe if Bob had let me keep my job instead of being a broken-down housewife, I could have had a career)

1 Calorie-Counter’s Meals for One

1 doz cans LO-LO Kola

(I don’t know why I try to lose weight. I’ll bet she would be eating all the time if her husband was seeing another woman)

1 bunch asparagus

(I bet they think I don’t even know about their affair! Well, if they think I’m going to let them get away with it)

1 box rat poison

(damn them!)

Gina Holdane

from Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine

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