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Expressing the Future

I. Read each pair of sentences and then answer the question about them.

1. a) I’ll see you on Thursday.

b) I saw you on Thursday.

Which of the sentences is about the future?

2. a) I’m going to Manchester. I’m waiting for a connecting train.

b) I’m going to get a train to Manchester, changing at Birmingham.

Which is spoken during the journey?

3. a) We’ll know the results of the tests next week.

b) We might know the results of the tests next week.

Which sentence is more certain?

4. a) I’m doing two exams this year.

b) I’m doing some work at the moment.

In which sentence has the action already started?

5. a) What time do we arrive in Swansea?

b) What time will we arrive in Swansea?

Which question is more likely if you are traveling by car?

6. a) I’m eating at the Thai restaurant tonight.

b) I’ll eat at the Thai restaurant tonight.

Which would you say if you’ve booked a table?

II. Arrangements. Mr. Bright is a lawyer, he is usually very busy at work. Look at the diary below and complete the dialogue between Mrs. Smarty, his secretary, and a client who wants to make an appointment with him. Use the Present Continuous for future arrangements.

15.04 Monday

Meet paralegals to discuss arbitration

11 a.m.

16.04 Tuesday

Represent a client before the Competition Tribunal

2 p.m.

17.04 Wednesday

Lecture on real-estate law at the university

10 a.m.

18.04 Thursday

Business lunch with a partner from Florida

1 p.m.

19.04 Friday

Attend the meeting of the state bar association

9.30 a.m.

Mrs. Smarty: Mansfield, Bright and Thorpe Inc. Thomas Bright’s office. How may I help you?

Miss Norris: Good morning. It’s Amanda Norris. I’d like to meet Mr. Bright and discuss my property-tax dispute.

Mrs. Smarty: Sorry, but Mr. Bright is very busy this week. I don’t think he’ll be able to make an appointment.

Miss Norris: Can he see me today at noon?

Mrs. Smarty: I’m afraid he can’t. Mr. Bright is…

Miss Norris: What about Tuesday afternoon then?

Mrs. Smarty: Sorry, but he…

Miss Norris: Is Mr. Bright free on Wednesday morning?

Mrs. Smarty: Unfortunately not. He is…

Miss Norris: I see. Well, Thursday at 1 or 2 p.m. would suit me.

Mrs. Smarty: But it wouldn’t suit Mr. Bright, I’m afraid. He…

Miss Norris: How about Friday morning then?

Mrs. Smarty: Sorry to tell you about that, but Mr. Bright… Moreover, he is supposed to finish his report on real-estate issues by the end of this week. He can meet you only next week, Miss Norris.

III. Intentions. Fill in the gaps using “be going to” and the verb suggested in brackets. Answer the questions.

In Prison

Tom: Well… Tomorrow we ____________ (to leave) this place!

Fred: Yes. What ____ you _______ (to do) first?

Tom: Hmmm… first I ____________ (to rent) a big car, meet my girlfriend and take her to an expensive restaurant. We ______________ (to have) stake and drink champagne. What about you, Fred?

Fred:My wife ____________ (to meet) me outside the prison. Then we ___________ (to have) tea with her mother.

Tom: With her mother! You’re joking!

Fred:No, I’m not. I _____________ (to work) for my wife’s mother.

Tom: Really? You ______________ (not / to work) for your mother-in-law!

Fred:Yes. She’s got a little café in London.

Tom: What ________ you _________ (to do) there?

Fred:I ___________ (to wash) up.

Tom: What! Wash up! I _____________ (not / to work)! I ______________ (to have) a good time!

Fred:You’re lucky… I ____________ (to rob) a bank next week.

Tom: Why?

Fred:Because I’m happy in prison!

  1. What is Tom going to do after leaving prison?

  2. What is Fred going to do?

  3. Why is Fred going to rob a bank next week?

IV. You know that “will + V” is used to talk about “neutral future”. Read the conversation between a lawyer and a client, fill in the gaps using one of the given verbs in the Future Simple.

submit be (×2) have to (×2) need issue require take

Lawyer: Well, maybe I should start by explaining how things work. You say that a writ has been served on you, informing you that an action has been filed against you for breach of contract. Is that right?

Client: Yes, I got it yesterday.

Lawyer: OK. That means that a complaint against you has already been filed with the court. Our next step (1) ___________ to draft an answer to this complaint.

Client: How does that work?

Lawyer: In order to draft an answer I (2) ______________ information from you – facts, documents and the like – so that I can begin preparing your defence. Of course, we (3) _____ then also __________ start building up evidence to support your defence.

Client: Right. What happens next?

Lawyer: Well, it depends on how we wish to proceed. We should try to have the case dismissed as soon as we can. This (4) __________________ filing motions. We (5) _______ also _________ draft briefs clarifying our legal position, which we (6) ______ then __________ to the court.

Client: I see. Do you think there (7) _____________ a trial?

Lawyer: That’s hard to say exactly.

Client: Um, if there is a trial, when (8) ______ it _________ place?

Lawyer: When the time comes, the court (9) _________________ a notice to inform us of the date and time of the hearing.