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3. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper perfect tense form.

1. We (to see) this famous picture in the museum.

2. You (to be) ever to China?

3. When the police arrived the robbers (to leave) already the bank.

4. Nobody (to catch) this criminal yet.

5. They (to adopt) the new law by the end of the session.

6. How much (to steal) the thieves?

7. The students (to choose) their specialization by the end of the second course.

8. We (not to discuss) everything before we left.

9. They (to know) each other since childhood.

10. The police (to investigate) the case carefully?

4. Choose the right variant.

1. I sent him another letter, as I…………… an answer.

a) haven’t got b) hadn’t got c) hasn’t got

2. Do you know about Sue? She ……….. her job.

a) has given up b) had given up

3. When we got to the university, the lecture …... already……… .

a) had started b) have started c) has started

4. I can’t open the door because I …………. my keys.

a) lost b) have lost c) will loose

5. By the end of the week she …………. the investigation.

a) will have completed b) will complete c) has completed

6. Before he arrived, they ………… upon the plan.

a) have agreed b) had agreed c) will have agreed

7. The police……….. just ………to the scene of the crime.

a) have arrived b) has arrived c) arrived

8. By 2020 the State Duma ………………… the Criminal Code.

a) will have reformed b) will reform c) has reformed

9. You have introduced our new colleague, …………….?

a) have you b) haven’t you c) hasn’t he

10. Everybody ………. the casino when the police arrived.

a) had left b) have left c) will have left

5. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Mind the underlined predicates.

  1. I’m afraid I've dialed the wrong number.

  2. Have you heard from Jill recently?

  3. I apologized because I had forgotten my book.

  4. He felt much happier once he had found a new job.

  5. They would have come if we had invited them.

  6. In another two years, you will have left school.

  7. Take these tablets, and in twenty-four hours the pain will have gone.

  8. I'm sure they will have arrived home by now.

  9. It's too late to ring Don. He will have left the house by now.

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Это ужасно, мы только что видели автомобильную аварию.

2. Вы слышали новости? Еще не все лесные пожары потушены.

3. Почему отсутствует этот свидетель? – Боюсь, он не получил свою повестку во время.

4. Когда мы вернулись домой, они уже вызвали полицию.

5. Я надеюсь, к концу месяца ситуация изменится к лучшему.

Grammar Revision 6

The Passive Voice

  1. Complete the sentences with the following verbs.

is announced was developed was established are protected is conducted are tried

were punished were cross – examined will be informed aren’t reached

  1. The fusion of case and equity laws ............... by the Judicature Acts of 1873 and 1875.

  2. Whom ……………….criminal cases in the Crown Court ………. by?

  3. Sometimes agreements upon the case ....................…easily………… .

  4. The resolution …………………. by the jury.

  5. Whom…………..the criminal proceeding ………… by?

  6. Human rights ………..……… by the Constitution of the USA .

  7. The offenders who committed crimes …………….……severely………..… .

  8. New witnesses ……………………..….. by the prosecuting counsel last week.

  9. The public ……………….. about the coming elections in advance.

  10. English common law ……………. in Norman times when judges traveled round the country.

  1. Transform the following sentences using the passive voice where possible.

  1. They believe that the senator is well over seventy.

a) It …………

b) The senator…….

2. The government will close down some coal mines in the near future.

a) Some coal ………..

3. The police issued a description of a wanted man.

a) A description ………….

4. My legal advisor told me to appeal.

a) I ………….

5. The Iraqi journalist asks the prime minister for a pardon.

a) The prime …………..

b) A pardon ……………

6. The police department gave no comment on the case.

a) No comment …………..

b) The case ……………….

7. Police are responsible for keeping public order.

a) ………………………………