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3. Read and translate the text.

My name is Robert. I am a student. I am from Moscow. This is Mark. He is my friend. He is thin and tall. Mark is from London University. He is a good student, I am a good student too. And these are Ann and Dave. They are from France. They are French.

4. Read the dialogues, translate and act out.

©© Dialogues

1. -Hello, Mr. Smith. This is Elena. She is a student of Russia.

  • How do you do.

  • How do you do.

  • Elena is from Moscow.

  • Glad to meet you.

  • I'm glad to meet you too.

2. — Hi, meet my friend Nick. He is Russian.

  • Hello, Nick!

  • Nick is a student from Moscow University.

  • Pleased to meet you.

  • I'm glad to meet you too.

3. — Hello! How are you?

— I'm fine, thank you, and you?

  • Very well, too. Thank you. See you soon.

  • Bye.

5. Speaking


I. Join the following words together: Model: A nice car.

red car

tall man

brown door

nice student

thick friend

good cat

black book

big table

green bag

//. Use "am," "are,"is”:

1. He ... a student. 2. You ... French. 3. I ... a teacher. 4. She ... a young lady. 5. It... a car. 6. Nick... from Glasgow. 7. Arm ... a doctor. 8. This ... a classroom. 9. The door ... brown. 10. Pete ... happy. 11. Bess ... in Moscow now. 12. The book... thin. 13. They... from Canada. 14.1... fat.

///. Use "I, " "you," "he," "she," "it," "we," "they":

1. ... is a teacher. 2. ... are a good friend. 3. ... is a table. 4. ... am a student. 5.... is Mr. Robinson. 6.... is a cat. 7.... is a young man. 8.... am fine. 9.... is in London. 10.... in the car.

IV. Read aloud and repeat:

1. This is a table. It's a big table. The table is big. 2. This is a pen. It's a red pen. The pen is red. 3. This is a lamp. It's a green lamp. The lamp is green. 4. This is a book. It's a thick book. The book is thick. 5. This is a door. It's a brown door. The door is brown. 6. This is a car. It's a black car. The car is black. 7. This is a house. It's a new house. The house is new.

8. This is a cat. It's a fat cat. The cat is fat.

V. Make up questions. Use the model:

Model: It's a big house. — Is the house big?

  1. It's a black cat

  2. It's a nice car.

  3. It's a brown dog.

  4. It's a thin door.

  5. It's a green book.

  6. It's a white house.

  7. He is a good student.

  8. She is a young woman.

  9. He is a fat man.

  1. She is a young doctor.

11.He is a good teacher.

Homework: Write down a short story about yourself.

Приложение № 2

Тest № 1

По темам «Глагол be», «Конструкция There is – There are» «Местоимения some, any, no»

1. Употребите нужную форму глагола be

1. My sister….a teacher. 2. I …a doctor when I grow up. 3. My brother …not…at home tomorrow. 4. ….your father at work yesterday? 5. My sister …ill last week. She ….not ill now. 6. …you …at school tomorrow? – Yes, I … 7. Where …your books now? – They …in my bag.

2. Прочитайте текст. Переведите. Напишите 5 вопросов к тексту.

This is a classroom. There are some desks in the classroom. There is a blackboard on the wall. There is a clock near the blackboard. There are some words on the blackboard. There are twenty chairs and a teacher’s table in the classroom. There are no pupils in the classroom. There are many books, textbooks on the teacher’s table.

3.Переведите предложения.

1.Окола стола стоит стул.

2. В классе много учеников.

3. На доске лежит мел.

4. Сколько парт в классе? – В классе 10 парт.

5. Под столом сидит кошка.

6. На столе много хлеба? – Нет, на столе мало хлеба.

7. Купите немного молока, пожалуйста. В доме совсем нет молока.

8. В нашем классе несколько студентов из Англии.

4. Используйте some, any, no или их производные

1) A blind man cannot see …

2) What is there in an empty box? – There is ….

3) Is there …on the table? – Yes, there is…..There is a book.

4) If you have no money, you cannot buy….

5) You must find….who can help you.

6) You are ill. You must go ….in the south.

7) A man cannot know….

8) Is ….knows the rule? ….could answer this question.

9) May I give you ….more tea?

10) There is ….picture on the wall. Let’s buy a picture.

Тest 2

Тема: Present Simple and Present Continuous.

1.Choose the right form of the verb.

1. I….for a walk after dinner.

a) goes b) went c) go

2. My friend…..in Moscow.

a) is living b) has lived c) lives

3. The children ….in the yard now.

a) play b) are playing c) is playing

4. Who……a book now?

a) am reading b) does read c) is reading

5. She ….the piano every day.

a) is not playing b) does not play c) does not playing

  1. Open the brackets, using the right tense form of the verb.

1.I (not to drink ) milk now. I (to write) a report. I (to read) a report at the meeting tomorrow.

2. He (not to go) to the cinema in the evening.

3. He (to play) now? – No, he ( to learn ) a poem for tomorrow.

4. My mother ( to work) at a shop.

5. She (not to drink ) coffee now. She (not to drink) coffee after lunch.

6. What you (to read) now? What you (to read) after dinner?

7. You (to like) this dress?

  1. Insert the proper tense form and translate the dialogue.

Mary: Hello, Peter. What bus you ( to wait) for

Peter: Hello, Mary. I (to wait) for a 9 or a 14.

Mary: You usually (to go) to work by car, don’t you?

Peter: Yes, but the car ( to belong) to my mother and she sometimes ( to want) it. She (to use) it today to take Bob to the dentist.

Mary: I usually (to go) by car too, but today my car (to be) in repair.

Peter: Here’s a 9 now. Let’s go.

  1. Make up questions.

  1. In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.

  2. She is studying English at a school in London.

  1. Translate the sentences.

1. Где Нина? – У нее урок английского языка. У нее всегда английский по пятницам. 2. Ты часто пишешь своим родителям? – Каждую неделю. 3. Не бери эту книгу. Мой брат читает ее. 4. Ты идешь в школу? – Нет. Я иду в библиотеку. 5. Моя сестра живет сейчас в Москве. Она там учится в Московском университете. 6. Мы уезжаем в пятницу в 8 часов утра. 7. Почему ты не пишешь ей? – Я не знаю ее адреса. 8. Он сейчас не спит. Он выполняет домашнее задание.

Приложение № 3

Read and Speak