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1. Read the dialogue and dramatize it.

In the morning

Jane: Good morning, Grandpa.

Grandfather: Morning, Jane.

Father: Good morning.

Jane: Tea, Mum?

Mother: Yes, please. Thank you.

Jane: You are welcome.

Newspaper boy: Good morning, Mr. Main. How are you?

Father: I'm fine, thank you. And you?

Newspaper boy: I'm fine. Your newspapers, Mr. Main.

  1. Read the dialogue and act it out.

__ What time do you usually get up, Pete?

  • I get up at 7 o'clock every morning, and you?

  • Oh, I get up earlier than you do.

  • What do you usually have for breakfast?

  • Only a cup of tea or coffee and several sandwiches.

  • You work at a plant, don't you? And where does your wife work?

  • She doesn't work now. She looks after our baby.

  • I see. By the way, do you have lunch at the plant or at home?

  • At home. I live near the plant, you know. It's very convenient.

  • You are lucky, Pete. My office is far from my house. So I come home late.

  • You go to bed late, don't you?

  • Yes, I do. But before that I usually read some books, magazines and newspapers, watch TV.

3. Use the dialogue as a model and say what you are (were, will be) doing at a certain moment.

  • What are you doing, Pete?

  • I'm writing a letter.

  • And what were you doing ten minutes ago?

  • I was doing my lessons. And maybe you want to know what I shall be doing in twenty minutes?

  • Yes, Pete, what will you be doing?

  • I shall be beating you if you don't stop asking me stupid questions.

4.Make up the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

  • When do you usually get up?

  • Do you do exercises every day?

  • Do you like to do exercises?

  • What do you do then?

  • Do you take a shower every morning?

  • When do you clean your teeth?

  • When do you have breakfast?

  • What do you do after breakfast?

  • Do you have lunch at school or at work?

  • You have dinner at 2 o'clock, don't you?

  • When do you come home from school (from work)?

  • What do you like to do in the evening?

  • When do you usually go to bed?

Dialogue 2

  • Hello. Is that you, Mike?

  • Would you like to come to play chess?


—I'd love to, but can't.

  • Because at 6 o'clock I usually help my brother to do his homework.

  • Oh, what a pity, your brother isn't good at doing his homework. What about 7 o'clock?

  • I'm sorry I can't.

  • Is 8 o'clock all right with you then?

  • Good-bye.

I 5. Translate into English:

  • Здравствуй, Оля.

  • Добрый вечер, Ваня. Куда ты идешь?

  • В библиотеку. А ты?

  • А я домой. У меня сегодня много дел. Какую книгу ты собираешься взять?

  • Рассказы Джека Лондона. Я с удовольствием про­читал несколько его романов. А ты читала что-нибудь Джека Лондона?

  • К сожалению, нет.

  • Почитай. Очень интересно.


  • Вы завтракаете дома?

  • Да. Я очень рано ухожу на работу.

  • А когда вы начинаете работать?

  • В 8 часов утра.