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Пьянзина И.Н. Стилистика для ОЗО. 2005.doc
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  1. It was the man who had been watching her. He was a compelling mixture of soulful and powerful: finely drawn features, a straight nose, fine, arched brows, hooded brown eyes. (H. Fielding)

  2. It was Barry. “And this other ‘fantastic news story’ you’ve found. What might that be? Miami invaded by walking dolphins, perhaps? The Iraqi information minister spinning vinyl in the lobby?”

“Well, actually it’s something I’ve just started working on. I’ll tell you more in a couple of -”

“Shut up. How are we getting along with the story we are supposed to be doing? The story we’ve been sent out to Miami, at considerable expense, to cover? Any chance of us turning our attention to that at some point? At all?”

“Oh, yes, yes. I’m doing that. It’s all fine. But I’m onto some really good leads for another story. I promise you, it’s really good. If I could just stay one more night and go to this party, then ...” “No. En. Oh. No.” (H. Fielding)

  1. The lady was a charming mix of elegant looks and broad Yorkshire accent. (H. Fielding)

  2. “Well, here we are. We was married two weeks ago and we’ve got a lot of missed time to make up for.”

“That’s so sad,” said Olivia. “All that time wasted.”

“Aye,” said Edward.

“Nay, lass,” said Elsie. “You can’t go regretting stuff because there wasn’t anything else that could have happened.” (H. Fielding)

  1. She sat at the desk and rested her head on her arms. She felt deranged, exhausted, scared and lonely. She wanted comfort. She wanted someone to hold. She reached for a card on the desk and dialed a number. (H. Fielding)

  2. He turned back to Olivia. “We can reschedule our meeting perhaps?” a-rrreeeeshedull owah meeting. He so did not sound French. (H. Fielding)

  3. “I should have perhaps warned you we would be putting out to sea.”

“To sea?” she said, trying simultaneously to take the wrap, which turned out to be very soft indeed as if made from the feathers of some rare bird, and hide the knife in it.(H. Fielding)

  1. She caught herself feeling a stab of Cinderella syndrome and was furious. (H. Fielding)

  2. “Weesh tuminall?” yelled the cab driver again. “Tuminall? Internassyunall? Or domestic fly? Weesh airline?” (H. Fielding)

  3. She woke to bright sunlight, the chirp of tropical birds and hunger pangs. (H. Fielding)

  4. Someone suggested gas.

“Yeah, that went great in Moscow,” murmured Scott. (H. Fielding)

  1. But I won’t if you are going to go Joan Collins on me. (M. Gabot)

  2. Whadduya say, George? (M. Gabot)

  3. The woman is in a COMA. Okay? She is COMATOSE. I think some alternative arrangements for the woman’s pets need to be made. You are a DOORMAT. A COMATOSE woman is using you as a DOORMAT.

(M. Gabot)

  1. The driver turned to look at her, flashing a smile and one gold tooth.

“You hwan carrpeet?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Carrpeet. I geeve you verry good price. My brother have carrrpeet shop. Very close by. No go Marrkeeet. In marrrkeet very bad man. My brother carrpeeet verry, verry beautifful.”

“Pyramids. Giza.”

“Pyramid verrry farr. Is no good. Is dark. No see. Better buy carpet.”

(H. Fielding)