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Контрольная работа №2


Test I

  1. Выберите пассивные формы глагола:


    1. I ask

    2. I was asked

    3. I have asked

    4. I was asking

    5. I have been asked


    1. He gave

    2. He was given

    3. He was giving

    4. He has given

    5. He has been given


    1. He sent

    2. He was sent

    3. He will be sent

    4. He has been sent

    5. He has sent


  1. I told

  2. I'll be told

  3. I was told

  4. I have told

  5. I have been told


    1. They met

    2. They will meet

    3. They were met

    4. They have met

    5. They have been met

Test II

  1. Мне рассказали…

  1. I told this news b) I was told this news

  1. Мне дадут…

a) I'll be given a book b) 1 was given a book

3) Ему предлагают…

a) He offers a job b) He is offered a job

4) Ей послали…

a) Has she sent a few notes b) Has she been sent a few notes?

5) Им покажут...

a) Will they be shown the way? b) Will they show the way?

6) Вам помогают?

a) Are you being helped? b) Are you helping?

7) Ее не пригласили.

a) She was not inviting... b) She was not invited ...

8) Вас не попросят ...

a) You' 11 not ask... b) You' 11 not be asked ...

9) Им не откажут....

a) They' 11 not refuse... b) They'll be not refused ...

10) Вам принесут

a) You'll bring b) You’11 be brought

Test III

1) The letter was written by our manager.

a) написано b) напишут c) писал

2) My friend was writing a letter when I came.

a)написано b) напишут c) писал

  1. The experiment was made wice.

a) делают b)сделан с) сделали

  1. They were making an experiment all day yesterday.

a) проводили b)проведут c)проводят

  1. They were selling the tickets before the show began.

a) продавали b) проданы c ) про дают

6) The factory was exporting its produce.

7) All produce was exported to different countries.

а) экспортировали b) экспортировалась с)экспортирует

8) The Tower of London was built about 900 years ago.

а) строили b) построен с) построили

9) The soldiers were building the bridge when an officer approached them.

а) построена b)строили с) построили

Test IV

1. Проблему рассматривали ...

    1. The problem w'as dealt with at the conference.

    2. The problem dealt with at the conference was of great interest.

2. Об этом открытии много говорят.

    1. The discovery much spoken of attracted great attention.

    2. This discovery is much spoken of.

3. О Джоне никогда не слышали.

  1. John has never heard of him.

  2. John has never been heard of.

4. На его статью часто ссылаются.

  1. His article is often referred to ...

  2. His article referred to above can be taken in the library.

5. Над ним смеялись.

  1. He was often laughed at.

  2. He laughed at a joke.

6. Над ним смеялись.

  1. He was often laughed at.

  2. He laughed at a joke.

7. За ним пошлют ...

  1. He will send for his friend.

  2. He will be sent for.

8. На ваши замечания никогда не обращают внимания.

  1. Your remarks are never taken notice of.

  2. You are never taken not ice of.

9. К нему подошла ...

  1. He has approached this problem differently.

  2. He has been approached by a group of scientists.

10. К группе присоединились ...

  1. Our group has joined the student's scientific society.

  2. Our group has been joined by some foreign tourists.