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Meet Mr. English.doc
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    1. Read the text "Our Institute" and prepare to discuss it. Our institute

When I was still in the last grade of the secondary school the entire family flung itself into the task of solving the problem of my future education. Each member has his or her own idea of what was best for me. Mother thought that it was essential for me to learn foreign languages. Father was sure that I should be getting some sort of grounding in things like mathematics, engineering or economics. My elder brother tried to convince me to take law and the rest as he said will come later.

But they all agreed upon the fact that the sooner I start my education the better. As for me I was not sure about my future. I wanted first to get a really good knowledge of one or two European languages, for example English and German, and one Eastern language — Chinese, and then try for an economic degree. I'll try to explain why foreign languages and why the Chinese language particularly. I am sure that the increasing role of the Eastern economy and culture is obvious in the twenty-first century. So it is useful to take Chinese. At least, knowledge of foreign languages and foreign cultures is becoming more important nowadays. Now, in a period when we are reconstructing our economy, when there are many joint ventures with foreign companies operating in our country, we need a great number of specialists who know foreign languages. Besides, learning a language develops our mind and character because it takes intellectual effort, persistence and patience to comprehend a system different from that of a mother tongue. And whatever the purposes, for people knowledgeable in languages the world is definitely bigger and much more interesting than it is for those who not know any.

Some of my classmates decided to go to other cities to try their fortune there. But I think that it is always scaring for a school-leaver to live somewhere apart from the family. Besides, there are a lot of institutes in our town. We have the Medical Academy, the Zabaikalsky National Humanitarian University, the Chita National University, the Zabaikal Institute of the Siberian University of Entrepreneurship, the Chita Institute of Baikal National University of Economics and Law. I had some doubts about wanting to go this or that institute. My parents and I visited almost all of them and finally we chose the last one, as the Institute meets the diverse interests and needs of the freshmen. The Institute has three faculties – the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Finance and Computer Science.

The faculty of Economics includes the following departments:

  • World Economy,

  • Commerce (Business Organization),

  • State and Local Management

  • Economic Theory

  • Psychology of Personnel Management.

The Faculty of Law includes the departments of:

  • Civil Law,

  • Criminal Law

The faculty of Finance and Computer Science includes such departments as:

  • Finance,

  • Credit,

  • Accounting and Auditing,

  • Computer Science in Economics.

The Institute is dedicated to the discovery, development, communication, and application of knowledge in a wide range of academic and professional fields. It prepares students to assume roles of leadership, responsibility, and service to society. Founded in 1958 as a small educational branch of the Irkutsk Institute of National Economy, the Institute is one of the largest institutes in the Zabaikalsky Krai. In 2002 the name of the institute was changed to the Chita Institute of Baikal National University of Economics and Law to more accurately reflect its expanding role as a leader of teaching, research, and public service for the town and the Krai.

Admission to-this institute is selective and highly competitive. In considering freshmen applicants, the interview includes a review of the strength of the secondary school program and the grades earned in these courses, including letters of recommendations, test scores and extracurricular activities. Only the pick of the schools are able to pass the exams. The competition is stiff. As I've already mentioned, students here study Accounting, Computer Science in Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing, Law and World Economy. Competitive, highly technical, or labor intensive degree programs are portrayed as five-year courses. One may feel confident enough to tackle a heavy load his first semester. It is very important to the freshmen to get their feet on the ground and make good grades. Students have credits and exams at the end of each semester.

The location of the institute is very comfortable. It lies in the center of the town and it doesn't take much time to get to the institute from almost anywhere. It's a brick two-story building arranged in an angle. The Institute is a little world of its own. People are Institute's most valuable asset. The Institute strives to maintain an environment which encourages all students to achieve their personal and professional goals. In this environment, each person's individuality and contributions are respected.

So I enrolled in the Chita Institute of Baikal National University of Economics and Law. My parents were very pleased as they thought that I should get a really good knowledge of the organization of business not to mention the knowledge of two foreign languages. My father was very happy that I decided to follow in his footsteps.

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