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37. Weak verbs

All verbs were divided into:

- Strong verbs

- Weak verbs

- Preterit-present

- Atypical

Weak verb

A verb which is inflected by ending a dental suffix -d-/-t- to the stem, not by an internal vowel change. The origin of the weak conjugation is uncertain. One theory is that the ending was originally a part of the verb “to do”, rather as though he walked had developed out of he walk did. According to another view, the origin of the suffix is to be sought in the -t- of such Latin participles as lectus, auditus, or Russian битый, бритый, колотый, etc.

Weak verbs are formed principally by adding endings to past and participles. An example is “walk, walked” or “learn, learned”. There were only 3 different classes of weak verb:

Classes of weak verbs

  1. with the stem in j- nerian-nerede-nered (save)

  2. with o-stem endian-endode-endod (end)

  3. with ai-stem habban-haefde-haefd (have)

in Gothic there were 4 classes of weak verbs.

The weak verb at a definite period of time merged with some strong verb as a result these 2 categories partially mixed and the group of weak verb adopted a large number of those verb which previously belong to strong that’s why the modern category of regular verbs is larger than the parallel category of old Germanic verb to learn-learnt, learned; to light-lit, lighted.

38. Preterit-present verbs

All verbs were divided into:

- Strong verbs

- Weak verbs

- Preterit-present

- Atypical

Preterit-present verbs were a very ancient group. Their root of the present form derived from past form, and the Past tense was formed by means of the dental suffix -D(-T), which possibly derived from the old form of the verb DO, or from Indo-European suffix of Verbal Adjectives. Examples: sculan-sceal-sceolde (shall); magan-maeg-meahta (may).

39. Og Irregular Verbs

Differ from all other OD verbs in that their forms are derived from different roots, that is their system is based on suppletivity.

(Отличие от всех других старогерманских глаголов в том, что их формы образуются от разных корней, то есть их система основана на suppletivity.)

14Practice. Part 1. Page 19


O.E. cyning, from P.Gmc. *kuninggaz (cf. Du. koning, O.H.G. kuning, O.N. konungr, Dan. konge, Ger. könig). Possibly related to O.E. cynn "family, race" (see kin), making a king originally a "leader of the people;" or from a related root suggesting "noble birth," making a king originally "one who descended from noble birth." The sociological and ideological implications make this a topic of much debate. Finnish kuningas "king," O.C.S. kunegu "prince" (Rus. knyaz, Boh. knez), Lith. kunigas "clergyman" are loans from Germanic.


O.E. boc "book, writing, written document," traditionally from P.Gmc. *bokiz "beech" (cf. Ger. Buch "book" Buche "beech”)the notion being of beechwood tablets on which runes were inscribed, but it may be from the tree itself (people still carve initials in them). The O.E. originally meant any written document.


O.E. þing "meeting, assembly," later "entity, being, matter" (subject of deliberation in an assembly), also "act, deed, event, material object, body, being," from P.Gmc. *thengan "appointed time"

15Practice.Part 1.page 19

wall” from Latin vallum ‘rampart’

camp” early 16th cent.: from French camp, champ, from Italian campo, from Latin campus ‘level ground’

street” Old English stræt, of West Germanic origin, from late Latin strata

15) camp (n.)

1520s, from French camp, from Italian campo, from Latin campus "open field, level space" (also source of French champ; see campus), especially "open space for military exercise."

A later reborrowing of the Latin word, which had been taken up in early West Germanic as *kampo-z and appeared originally in Old English as camp "contest, battle, fight, war." This was obsolete by mid-15c. Transferred to non-military senses 1550s. Meaning "body of adherents of a doctrine or cause" is 1871. Camp-follower first attested 1810. Camp-meeting is from 1809, originally usually in reference to Methodists.

wall (n.) Look up wall at Dictionary.com

Old English weall "rampart" (natural as well as man-made), also "defensive fortification around a city, side of a building, interior partition," an Anglo-Frisian and Saxon borrowing (cf. Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Middle Low German, Middle Dutch wal) from Latin vallum "wall, rampart, row or line of stakes," apparently a collective form of vallus "stake." Swedish vall, Danish val are from Low German.It penetrated into the English language in early 900s.

street (n.)

Old English stret (Mercian, Kentish), stræt (West Saxon) "street, high road," from Late Latin strata, used elliptically for via strata "paved road," from fem. past participle of Latin sternere "lay down, spread out, pave," from PIE *stre-to- "to stretch, extend," from root *stere- "to spread, extend, stretch out" (see structure (n.)). One of the few words in use in England continuously from Roman times.

16 Practice. part 1. Page 19

King +PG kuninggaz

Earl + PG erlo

Queen +OE cwen

Rich + OE rice

Sea + OE sa

Ship +OE scip

Fee – OF fieu

Riddle+ OE radels

Book+ OE boc PG

Beech+ OE bece

Boer-from Dutch boer

Boor - OF bovier

Wall + OE weall

17 Practice. part 1. Page 19


Norwegian capital, probably based on Old Norse os "estuary, river mouth," based on the place's situation.

Tuesley - ????

Ст.13 зелененький словарь ,дни недели

Birmingham Look up Birmingham at Dictionary.com

industrial city in central England, 1086, Bermingehame, literally "homestead of the place (or people) named for Beorma, some forgotten Anglo-Saxon person, whose name probably is a shortening of Beornmund. The Birmingham in Alabama, U.S., was founded 1871 as an industrial center and named for the English city.

Tuesday O.E. Tiwesdæg, Tiw was the Germanic god of war and sky (his name came from the same source as produced Latin deus «god», from which Eng. gets «deity») When the Germanic peoples took over the Romam system of naming the days of the week after the gods, they replaced the term «dies Maries»- «day of Mars, the war-god» with «Tiw’s day» hence Tuesday.

Monday O.E. mondæg, monandæg "Monday," is the «moon’s day». It comes from a prehistoric German translation of Latin «lunae dies» - «day of the moon», which also produced German Montag, Dutch Maandag, etc.

Tuesley (Old English Tīws leah) meaning "Tiw's Clearing"

Wednesday O.E. Wodnesdæg "Woden's day," a Germanic loan-translation of L. dies Mercurii "day of Mercury" (cf. O.N. Oðinsdagr, Swedish Onsdag, O.Fris. Wonsdei, M.Du. Wudensdach). For Woden, see Odin. Contracted pronunciation is recorded from 15c. The Odin-based name is missing in German (mittwoch, from O.H.G. mittwocha, lit. "mid-week"), probably by influence of Gothic, which seems to have adopted a pure ecclesiastical (i.e. non-astrological) week from Greek missionaries. The Gothic model also seems to be the source of Pol. środa, Rus. sreda "Wednesday," lit. "middle."

Easter Old English Easterdæg, from Eastre (Northumbrian Eostre), from P.Gmc. *Austron, a goddess of fertility and spring, probably originally of sunrise whose feast was celebrated at the spring equinox, from *austra-, from PIE *aus- "to shine" (especially of the dawn).

Birmingham The name Birmingham is derived from the Old English or Anglo-Saxon "Beormund ingas ham." 'Beormund' is a proper name, 'ingas' means 'people,' and 'ham' means 'farm/homestead.' So, "the farm of Beormund's people" is a reasonable gloss.

Fulham, or in its earliest form Saxon word "Fullonham", is uncertainly stated to signify "the place" either "of fowls" or "of mud" (which probably had to do with the fact that the River Thames would flood it periodically), or alternatively, "land in the crook of a river bend belonging to a man named Fulla".

21 Practice. part 1. Page 20

Main runic alph is divided into 2 parts – futaks(arises from the 1st symbols…): Old Futark( runes of Old Germ orogin)&Late Futark.

26.page.20. part.1.Practice.

In prosody, alliterative verse is a form of verse that uses alliteration (alliteration refers to repetition of a particular sound in the first syllables of a series of words and/or phrases.) as the principal structuring device to unify lines of poetry, as opposed to other devices such as rhyme. The most commonly studied traditions of alliterative verse are those found in the oldest literature of many Germanic languages. The Old English epic Beowulf, as well as most other Old English poetry, the Old High German Muspilli, the Old Saxon Heliand, and the Old Norse Poetic Edda all use alliterative verse

2 часть словаря филолога Ст.15,№1

Боль – balu – It is explained by Velar umlaut

Salz –соль –it is explained by Verners law

Pecus – feoh – Grimm`s law

Нагой – naked-nackt – Grimm`s law

Приятель- friend Grimms law

Domare – tame – Grimms law

2 Practice. part 2. Page 16

Камень – stone?

Tooth –зуб

Decem –десять-ten-zehn 1vowel

Piacis –пескарь-fish 1cons sh


29 Practice. part 2. Page 18.

Pater-1 cons sh Grimm’s law, Verner;s law



30 Practice. part 2. Page 18.

Болото – pool

iugum – yoke


31.Practice. part 2. Page 18.

Piscis-gudgeon; pecus – cattle; tenuis - thin,weak,narrow; granum-grain; полный – full, plump.