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Россия и международное сообщество (англ).doc
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9. Put the missing verbs into these sentences:

    1. The Federation Council … two representatives from each region.

    2. The Federation Council and the State Duma … separately but they have the right … the decision … closed sessions.

    3. The Federal Council … decisions on changes of borders between the constituent entities.

    4. The State Duma … charges against the president and … suggestion on his impeachment.


    1. If the selected candidate is rejected three times, the President … the Prime Minister himself, … the State Duma and … new elections.

10. Give words which mean about the same:

  1. the Prime Minister

  2. the Houses of Parliament

  3. Treasury

  4. competence

  5. organ

  6. branch

  7. guarantee of state

  8. impeachment

11. Read the text and translate the Russian words from the text into English.

Federal and local власти form a single system of the government’s executive branch to control the previously упомянутые issues and to pass the соответствующие federal and local laws. In Russia they guarantee common economic area, the free передвижение of goods, services, the financial средства, the support of competition and the freedom of economic activity. They recognize and protect in an equal way the private, state, municipal and other forms of собственности. Land and other natural resources are used and protected in Russia as a basis of the life and деятельности of the people who live on those territories. Land and other natural resources can be in private, state, municipal and other forms of собственности.

12. Scan the articles of the Russian Constitution to define the rights and duties of the deputies of the State Duma. Translate them into Russian. Article 97

1. Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 21 years of age and who has the right to participate in elections may be elected deputy of the State Duma.

2. One and the same person may not be simultaneously a member of the Federation Council and a deputy of other representative State government bodies and local government bodies.

3. Deputies of the State Duma shall work on a professional basis. Deputies of the State Duma may not be employed in State service or engaged in other paid activities, except for teaching and scientific and other creative work.

Article 98

1. Members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma shall enjoy immunity during the whole term of their office. They may not be detained, arrested or searched, except in the event of detention at the scene of a crime. They may not be subjected to personal searches, except in instances where this is provided by the federal law in order to ensure the safety of other people.

2. The issue of the removal of immunity shall be resolved by an appropriate chamber of the Federal Assembly upon submission of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Article 99

1.Tthe Federal Assembly shall be a permanently functioning body.

2. The State Duma shall convene its first session on the 30th day after election. The president of the Russian Federation may convene a session of the State Duma earlier than this date.

13. Study the table. Translate the table from Russian into English.


Участие в контроле за исполнением федерального бюджета.

Назначение на должность и освобождение от должности Уполномоченного по правам человека.

Решение вопроса о доверии правительству РФ.

Выдвижение обвинения против Президента РФ для отрешения его от должности.

Объявление амнистии.

Решение вопросов своей внутренней организации.

Создание собственных комитетов и комиссий.

Избрание половины депутатов по одномандатным округам.

Избрание половины депутатов по общефедеральным спискам.

Назначение на должность и освобождение от должности Председателя счетной палаты и половины состава его аудиторов.

Назначение на должность и освобождение от должности Председателя Центрального банка РФ.

Дача согласия Президенту РФ на назначение Председателя правительства РФ

Принятие федеральных законов в рамках ее компетенции.

Talking point and writing