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Unit 5 Diet and Nutrition

  1. Read and translate the following text:

Not only can your diet affect the whiteness of your smile and the freshness of your breath, a poor diet also can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

While firm, fibrous foods, such as fruits and vegetables, tend to clean your teeth and tissues, soft and sticky foods that are high in carbohydrates, sugars and starches collect on and in between your teeth, fuel the production of plaque, and initiate acid attacks on your tooth enamel.

If you must eat them, try to build these foods into your meals rather than have them as snacks, and avoid any that stick to your teeth. The more you snack, the more often you allow acid attacks to occur in your mouth, and acid attacks can last for 20 minutes or more. Every time you eat, your saliva flow rises in order to rinse food particles from your mouth. The acids in your food, coupled with plaque acids, seriously affect your tooth enamel.

Carbonated drinks, soft drinks, fruit juices, sports drinks are highly acidic and often contain a lot of sugar which encourages decay-causing bacteria to reproduce more rapidly in your mouth. Frequent and prolonged exposure to acidic environments, including sipping a soft drink over the course of an afternoon, can ultimately defeat your mouth’s natural defense systems and accelerate tooth decay or erosion.

To maintain healthy teeth, do your best to limit between-meal snacking, and when you do snack, try to choose nutritious foods, such as leafy green vegetables, fruit, cheese or plain yogurt. Sugar-free beverages are better than their alternatives, but they are still highly acidic, so be mindful of how many you drink in a day. If you can, swap your afternoon snacks for a glass of fluoridated water, and rinse your mouth with water after eating and drinking. For even better protection and results, brush your teeth using fluoride toothpaste 30 minutes after eating.

If you wear braces, avoid nuts, hard biscuits, caramels, toffees, muesli and fruit bars — all of which threaten to loosen, break or bend your wires and bands — and chop up (cut into small pieces) foods like apples and carrots before eating them.

If teeth whitening is among your oral health goals, be sure to limit your intake of foods and beverages that stain your tooth enamel, including coffee, tea, red wine, soft drinks and berries, such as blueberries and cherries.

Stock up on Dairy Products - yogurt and cheese, milk and milk products contain things that are good for your teeth. Everything that’s made from milk is a good source of calcium - an essential nutrient for the development of bones and teeth. Some scientific studies have shown that eating cheese might actually help to protect your teeth from cavities by preventing something called demineralization (the loss of important calcium in your teeth).

  1. Answer these questions:

  1. What can a poor diet lead to?

  2. What is happening in the mouth when you eat soft and sticky food?

  3. Why should you avoid snacks?

  4. What is necessary to do to maintain healthy teeth?

  5. What can be recommended for those who wear braces?

  6. Are milk products useful for your teeth?

  7. Is dietary discipline more important for caries prevention than toothbrushing? What is your opinion?

  1. Use the following expressions when discussing the text:

  • As far as I know - Насколько я знаю …

  • As far as I remember - Насколько я помню…

  • As a matter of fact… - Собственно говоря …

  • I mean to say that … - Я хочу сказать, что …

  • I’m afraid I don’t know … - Боюсь, что я не знаю

  • I’m afraid you are wrong - Боюсь, что вы неправы

  • I’ve no idea - Понятия не имею

  • That goes without saying. - Само собой разумеется.

  • Looks like that. - Похоже, что это так.

  • I quite agree with you - Я с вами полностью согласен

  1. Learn these patterns:

  1. I like it when it is

comfortable. - Мне нравится, когда удобно.

  1. I don’t like it when - Мне не нравится, когда нет

some teeth are missing. нескольких зубов.

  1. “I like it when you - Мне нравится, когда ты

work hard.” усердно работаешь.

  • So do I”. - Мне тоже.

  1. “I don’t like it when - Мне не нравится, когда ты

you are late”. опаздываешь.

  • Neither do I”. - Мне тоже.