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Unit 7.The Smile is Very Important

  1. Read and translate the text:

We live in a world that puts a lot of price on looks, so if you want to benefit from acknowledgement in such a world, you have to look good. It is not enough to have a pretty face or a good-looking body. Every single detail has to be perfect: from the way that you dress and you look to the manner in which you talk. It is only natural that when you talk you reveal your teeth. The smile is very important; when you are talking to someone, you need to show some white, nice looking teeth. This makes a great first impression. This impression is probably the main thing people will remember you by, so there is no need talking about its importance.

           A white smile is a very important aspect particularly when you need to win someone on your side, such as a job interviewer. Your potential employer has to be very happy with you before he hires you. Of course, this depends on the type of job you want. If you are going to work in an office and no one will ever see your face, there is no need for a bright smile. Nevertheless, if you are working in direct contact with people or if you are the image of a product, you must have the shiniest, whitest teeth, so that you should make the person talking to you feel comfortable and close to you. This same thing happens when you go on a date, a nice smile is very charming, but a bright smile is even hotter. Your sparkling teeth will blow your date away.

           Over the years, many substances accumulate on the surface of the tooth called the enamel. These substances stain the tooth and give it different colors. The accumulation of these substances is unavoidable because they come from what we use to do on a daily basis. These substances reside in food, tea, coffee, cigarettes and many other things. Therefore, you can imagine that it would be impossible not to eat or drink anything. This is where teeth whitening procedures come into play.

           Teeth whitening procedures remove all the stains from the enamel. One thing you should know about such an intervention is that it is not a lifetime procedure. It lasts for a long time, from two years to longer time intervals, but those substances will accumulate again and the stains will reappear. It is up to you how long the effects of teeth whitening will last. It depends on what you eat and drink, because soft drinks have a tendency to stain the enamel greater than water. The cigarettes are also sworn enemies of a bright smile.

           In the past, making your smile whiter could take place at any dentist’s cabinet. Nowadays, teeth whitening may form an issue of cosmetic dentistry. As you can figure, cosmetic dentistry is all about making your teeth look good, so whitening is one of the most popular things.

           There are many methods to get a whiter smile. Starting from the toothpaste method to the gel method, all the way to the laser procedure, the methods of gaining a smile that is more attractive can be faster or slower.

           Looking good is very important nowadays, so why should your smile not be your strong point? Some people look good with muscles and others do not, but it is not the same thing when it comes to a nice smile. A bright smile suits anyone; it does not matter if you are a man or woman, tall or short, fat or slim. Before thinking that it is not such an important aspect, you should realize that a single smile can charm anyone and if you sweep someone off his or her feet, you have almost won the battle, whatever the battle may be.

  1. Answer these questions:

  1. Is it enough to have a pretty face or a good-looking body?

  2. Why is a white smile so important? What do you think?

  3. Is it important only for those who are working in direct contact with people?

  4. Why do stains appear on the tooth surface?

  5. How can all those stains be removed?

  6. Is it a lifelong procedure?

  7. What methods of teeth whitening do you know?

  8. Does a bright smile suit any person?

  9. Is teeth whitening safe? What do you know about this problem? Discuss it in your group.

  1. Read and translate the following dialogue:

  • Good morning, can I help you?

  • Yes, my name is Anne Pearl. I have an appointment for ten o’clock.

  • Have a seat, please. The doctor will see you soon.

  • Thank you.

  • Dr. Smith, this is Ms. Pearl.

  • Hello, Ms. Pearl. Please, come with me. Sit down. (Ms. Pearl sitting down in the dentist’s chair) What’s the problem?

  • I don’t like stains and yellowish discolorations on my teeth. I’m getting a new job and will be working in direct contact with people, so I’d like to have a bright smile, doctor.

  • Oh, the smile is very important! I think I can help you. First, it’s necessary to remove plaque from your teeth. And then, we’ll use laser whitening. It’s the most modern technique nowadays.

  • Is it safe, doctor? I’ve heard laser teeth whitening can damage my teeth, is it true?

  • This type of procedure is completely non-invasive, it doesn’t involve scalpels, stitches, or needles. But you should follow some instructions after the procedure. You should be more careful with what you eat and drink. Mind that strong tea or coffee stain the teeth and may cause different kinds of discolorations.

  1. Translate the following dialogue and then dramatize it:

  • Здравствуйте, доктор.

  • Здравствуйте, садитесь, пожалуйста. Что случилось?

  • Я хотел бы, чтобы мне сделали профессиональную чистку зубов. И потом, мне не нравится желтоватый цвет моих зубов. Можно сделать отбеливание?

  • Да, вначале нужно удалить налет с ваших зубов, а затем мы используем лазерное отбеливание.

  • А это безопасно? Может лазерное отбеливание повредить мои зубы?

  • Нет, это самая современная методика в наше время. Процедура совершенно безопасная, но после нее вы должны соблюдать некоторые рекомендации относительно того, что вы пьете и едите. Помните. Что крепкий чай или кофе могут приводить к появлению пятен на зубах.

  1. Make up your own dialogues based on these situations:

  1. Teeth Whitening. Is it Safe?

  2. You Must Follow My Instructions

  3. What Types of Teeth Whitening Do You Know?