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практика речи 2 курс 3 семестр.doc
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Задания для дополнительного модуля

  1. Темы рефератов:

1. Present 10 – 20 interesting quotations (both in Russian and English) given by famous people on the topic of work, career and professional success

  1. Modern school and its problems.

  2. Smoking is a real malady of the 21st century.

  3. Drugs in our modern world.

  4. The best way to keep fit recommended by sport-, movie- and pop-stars.

  5. Extreme kinds of sports today: seeking for adrenaline rush?

  6. The newest Olympic kinds of sport.

  7. The most popular sporting activities in Britain.

  8. The most popular sporting activities in the USA.

  9. The most popular sporting activities in Russia

  10. Top British sports events.

  11. Top American sports events.

  12. Top Russian sports events.

  13. The Biggest Sports Scandals of All-Time.

  14. Inspiring Russian Olympians.

  15. Inspiring American Olympians.

  16. Inspiring European Olympians.

  1. Аудиокниги:

Jack Kerouac “On the Road”

  1. Лабораторные работы:

  1. Выбор профессии (2)

  2. Здоровый образ жизни (4)

  3. Спорт и фитнесс (2)

  1. Документальные фильмы:

Интеренет-ресурсы, ресурсы телекомпаний BBC, Universal, Discovery, Russia Today, Eurochannel, Eurosport.

Студент должен найти документальные учебные фильмы по изучаемым темам и подготовить аннотацию.

  • Описание проведения зачета

Зачет состоит из трех вопросов, каждый оценивается максимально – 10 баллов.

  1. Сдача портфолио студента:

  • темы (12 тем)

  • статьи по изучаемой тематике (1 статья на английском языке и 1 статья на русском языке) по большой изучаемой теме

  • лабораторные работы

  • работа с аудио книгой

  • тетрадь по индивидуальному чтению (выбор книги остается за ст.преподавателем курса) и чтению по выбору (не менее 400 стр. текста из списка рекомендованных авторов), в тетради необходимо представить (200 лексических единиц с переводом на русский язык, пересказы, информации про авторов и характеристики любимых героев) - (за каждый пункт 2 балла максимум)

  1. Финальный перевод по лексике трех тем, изученных в первом семестре (20 предложений)

  2. Финальный тест (100 вопросов)

Список тем к зачёту (1-й семестр)

  1. The process of looking for a job as a first step to career success. Speak on intellectual and emotional challenges looking for a job involves.

  2. Your future as an employee. Give a talk on your professional expectations: how you see your future, what professional activities you’d like to be engaged in, what demands you make upon a job.

  3. A teacher: pros and cons of the career. Speak on positive and negative sides of the teaching profession.

  4. Youth unemployment as one of the most pressing problems of today. Give a talk on the role of this problem in our society and possible ways to solve it.

  5. The career of your dream. Present a talk on the life and professional career of a famous person whose way to success is worth admiring.

  6. Fast –track lifestyle is the choice of the young today. Speak on the work rhythms typical of people oriented to success and unpleasant consequences of such a lifestyle.

  7. Lifestyle Changes to Manage Weight. Speak on modern approaches to healthy eating and their influence on people.

  8. The life of an average person today is full of unhealthy habits. Speak about the influence of a modern lifestyle on people’s health and the most typical unhealthy habits of today.

  9. Addiction to medications as a malady of the 21st century. Speak on emotional and physical consequences of playing with drugs in modern society.

  10. The development of sport popularity in Russia. Speak on the historical development of the role of sport in the Russian society.

  11. Sport today is a big business suffering from a number of maladies. Speak on the most alarming problems professional sport is facing today.

  12. The Olympic Games: transition from sports activity into political weapon. Present a talk on the history of the Olympic movement and its modern problems.