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reconstruction of built-in and attached gas boiler houses, installation of up-to-date equipment and their transfer to unattended automatic operation;

reconstruction of coal boiler houses and installation of mechanized furnaces including those with fluidized bed;

Ex.1. Read and translate the text.

Ex.2. Find out the English equivalents of the words and expressions from the text:

-парогазовые; паротурбинные; газотурбинные установки;

-механизированные топки с кипящим слоем;

-сжиженный и природный газ;

-экономичное децентрализованное теплоснабжение;

-коррозиестойкие материалы;

-сильфонные компенсаторы;

-развитие систем защиты магистральных и распредели тельных тепловых сетей;

-теплоснабжение на базе альтернативных источников энергии

Ex.3. Answer the questions given below:

a)What is the main item of energy safety of the City?

b) Is the General Scheme of Development for Energy supply in St. Petersburg the very complex plan of Engineering Environmental Protection Program?

Text F. The point of the problem in short

For energy safety of the City which is 94% dependant on gas delivery it should be necessary to estimate the quantitative reliability and survival indices for the gas, electric and heat power and develop measures for their improvement. Significant influence on technical and economic indicators and quality of the City’s energy supply is exerted by scheme solutions and their development. One of the priority tasks is elaboration of area – to – area and general schemes for development of energy supply and searching for more and more Engineering Environmental Protection methods as the basis for safety future.

Ex.1. Translate the text in written.

Ex.2. Answer the question: What have already done in the direction of solution of the whole problem declared by 2008?


Ex.3. Read the text “The resume” .Make up your own additional notes to the literary observation of the global technical problem

…Everybody who is going along the path of Knowledge and Education has been exercising the Wisdom. Constantly… Endlessly… Successfully. We are to establish ourselves with wisdom that means today to be protected in the face of Eternity. Wisdom for us is practice and activity in accordance with Nature and Society Protection by means of personal and engineering professionalism in dealing with d positive demands of the modern world.

Coming back to the ancients, let us penetrate through the one brilliant maxim: ”Wisdom knows what to do. Skill knows how to do it. Wisdom solves the problems that gold or silver cannot handle. It gives a security they are helpless

to offer. It promotes honor beyond their power to aid.

Nothing is comparable to the sagacious insight which empowers man to act wisely. It enables him to pick his way through an outrageous maze of disastrous paths. And in the long run, no person can prosper out of proportion to the quality and quantity of wisdom he exercises.’’

Harmful attention to Environment,

to Ecology of industrial society and

ecology of human soul and spirit leads

the so called ‘’ those interested ‘’to the

outrageous maze of any kind disastrous path just mentioned.

As the quality of the Human Life depends on the quality of Human thoughts, the core of it is

The Philosophy of Engineering Environmental Protection as engineering insight and activity.

-It is the art of leaving and creating:

-Being morally right it is always right politically:

-It is a way of enjoying present pleasures without injuring future ones.

The development and renovation of Engineering Protection Environmental Technologies into theory and practice - is the mirror in which every country concerned shows their image.


Список литературы

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9.T.H.Maльчевская. Сборник упражнений по переводу гуманитарных текстов с английского языка на русский.Издательство «Наука»,Л.,1970