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Движение исследование неудача оставаться [2] паром переходить приводить к проект следовать стоимость шум экстренный

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Be careful with Grammar.

1) Be careful when you ___ the road in this place: the ___ is very heavy here. 2) The accident on the road ___ a traffic jam and we were afraid of missing the airplane. 3) This express train will ___ to the final destination without any stops.4) He ___ at home while the rest of us went to the terminal to see our friends off. 5) There were many people on the pier waiting for the arrival of the ___. 6) Everyone engaged in this ___ was awarded with special prizes. 7) According to the ___ the channel will be deepened and widened. 8) Success came after many ___. 9) The engineer was asked to estimate the ___ for the repair of the building.10) This mechanism activates the ___ brake. 11) Let it ___ as it is. 12) The engine was old and was making a lot of ___.

Grammar review (Infinitive; Complex Object; Complex Subject; attributive groups)

Ex.5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to infinitives. State the functions of infinitives.

A. 1) To use steel rails instead of wooden ones was a great step forward. 2) It is very difficult to drive a car in a big city. 3) It will be quicker to return the book by mail. 4) The task of traffic police is to provide safety on roads. 5) Although David started his career as a small clerk, his aim was to become a head of a big business. 6) The mechanic was asked to estimate the cost for the repair of the car. 7) Suddenly the engine began to make a strange noise. 8) The train was too heavy to be hauled by one locomotive. 9) The new tunnel to be constructed here will be the longest in the country. 10) A special design bureau in St.Petersburg was the first in the world to develop the production of super-long escalators. 11) He was not old enough to drive a car at that time. 12) To make the Moscow-St.Petersburg line straight and level, 185 bridges and 19 viaducts were built. 13) The railways must increase their speed to compete with air and road transport. 14) The lorry is too heavy to be towed by a car. 15) To avoid accidents the driver must strictly follow traffic rules. 16) A band of metal was used to strengthen the joint.

B. 1) The new branches of industry to be developed in this part of the country are metallurgy and radio engineering. 2) The function of the automatic engine driver is to start and stop the train, to select the speed of running and to keep strictly to the schedule. 3) To protect wooden sleepers against decay, they are treated with creosote. 4) In planning a railway route the main factors to be taken into account are the cost of constructing a line, the cost of operating it and the probable volume of traffic. 5) The Tacoma Bridge collapsed because its structure was not strong enough to withstand the wind of 42 miles per hour. 6) Before the refrigerator car was invented, it was impossible to carry fresh meat, fruit, vegetables and other food products for long distances. 7) The boat is not strong enough to be used for distant journeys. 8) It is necessary to provide regular maintenance of the car. 9) In the USA the Baltimore Railway Company was the first to put forward the idea of centralized railway traffic. 10) In Hong Kong the new trains carrying passengers to and from the airport are equipped with TV sets to give information on flights, news, tourist information and weather. 11) It is dangerous to stand on the step of a moving train. 12) The aim of using several locomotives in one train is to carry extremely heavy loads. 13) Our design bureau has developed spiral escalators to be used in public buildings. 14) She is too proud to receive customers’ tips. 15) Some scientists say that it is dangerous to use cellular phone too much. 16) We are never too old to learn. 17) To know everything is to know nothing.

Ex.6. Complete the sentences using infinitives as subjects according to the model. If it is difficult for you to make up your own sentences, consult the box.

Model: It is dangerous… → It is dangerous to ride a motorcycle with closed eyes. =

To ride a motorcycle with closed eyes is dangerous.

1) It was quite difficult… 9) It was unpleasant…

2) It is important… 10) It was never easy for me…

3) It would be interesting… 11) It will take you half an hour…

4) It was foolish of him… 12) It is necessary…

5) It is always a pleasure… 13) It might be exciting…

6) It is impossible… 14) It is a good idea…

7) It is simple… 15) It is dangerous…

8) It is better… 16) It is easier…

to start the engine in such cold weather to get to the airport

to get a good dinner in our canteen to stand on this ladder

to communicate with people thanks to Internet to talk to you

to go to the country tomorrow to learn this rule by heart

to ride an elephant to get tickets for this train

to steal the money from the bank to receive the information today

to watch good films and to read good books to ride with a drunk driver

to get a visa to give up smoking

to buy this old car to see you

to hear the other side of the story to meet new people

to watch their quarrel to take part in this expedition

to give advice than to follow it to jump with a parachute

to play chess with Karpov to learn Japanese

to have few real friends than to have a lot of to be wealthy than to be healthy


Ex.7. Match two parts of the sentences paying attention to infinitives as predicatives.

1) The job of the dispatcher is… a) to repair the track as soon as possible.

2) Your duty will be… b) to find necessary equipment for

the experiment.

3) My wish is… c) to prepare breakfast.

4) The task of the workers was... d) to control the movement of trains.

5) The function of railway signals is… e) to visit it on foot.

6) The only chance to catch the train was… f) to look through the mail.

7) The main problem was… g) to construct the new bridge for both

railway and road traffic.

8) Their project is… h) to keep the trains at some distance from

one another.

9) The best way to get to know the city is… i) to go around the world.

10) Every morning my first job is… j) to hire a taxi.

Ex.8. Fill in the blanks with the infinitive forms of the appropriate verbs in the function of the object. Use your imagination and a dictionary if necessary.

Model: I was glad ___ a letter from you. → I was glad to get a letter from you.

1) Don’t forget ____ the lights before you go out. 2) I asked the passer-by ___ me the way to the nearest bank. 3) The police wanted ___ the cause of the accident. 4) I was surprised ___ Tim at the meeting. 5) Jack failed ___ the book to the library on time. 6) They agreed ___ the damage free of charge. 7) When I decided ___ English, I didn’t know how difficult it would be. 8) Only very wealthy tourists can afford ___ at the Hilton. 9) We were sorry ___ the bad news. 10) I promised ___ the CD by next weekend. 11) They planned ___ by train, but they went by car after all. 12) We’ve arranged ___ with their representatives to discuss the problem. 13) He hopes ___ this information tomorrow. 14) Unfortunately I didn’t manage ___ the exam. 15) She was pleased ___ the invitation to the party. 16) We were relieved ___ that he had arrived safely. 17) The inspector asked the passengers ___ their tickets. 18) We were lucky ___ the last tickets for the 12 o’clock train.

Ex.9. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate infinitive as the attribute from the box. The first one is done for you.

to appear to arrive to be discussed to be followed to be installed to be memorized to be missed to be repaired

to be taken to be transported to be understood to confirm to do to introduce to rely on

1) The road surface to be upgraded was destroyed by heavy vehicles many years ago. 2) Japan was the first country ___ the system of automatic ticket selling. 3) He is not a man ___. 4) The Times was the only newspaper ___ that morning. 5) He is the only man ___ it better than me. 6) Goods ___ to the north are stored at the railway station. 7) The problem ___ is connected with the city water supply system. 8) The bridge ___ was built in the 18th century. 9) The engine ___ in this car is very powerful. 10) The train ___ at the station in 5 minutes will be the train from Moscow. 11) Here is an example ___. 12) In every subject there are elements ___, but there are also some underlying principles ___. 13) These are the measures ___ urgently. 14) This was a lucky chance not ___. 15) The President was the first ___ this information.

Ex.10. Make up sentences to say why people go to some of the following places. Begin with: You go... .

Model: a library → You go to a library to borrow books.

l) a bookshop; 2) a cinema; 3) a theatre; 4) a driving school; 5) a railway station; 6) an inquiry office; 7) an airport; 8) a booking office; 9) a bank; 10) a restaurant; 11) a post office; 12) a Left-Luggage Office; 13) a supermarket; 14) a garage; 15) the Academy.

Ex.11. Complete the following sentences with the infinitive phrase.

Model: This car is too expensive___. → This car is too expensive for me to buy it.

1) Today it is too cold___. 2) The reason is serious enough___. 3) Nuclear physics is too difficult___. 4) This car is not powerful enough___. 5) Your knowledge of English is good enough___. 6) The box is too heavy___. 7) We were too tired___. 8) The student was clever enough ___. 9) He was too proud___. 10) As they were busy, they did not have enough time___. 11) The traffic was too heavy___. 12) We don’t have money enough ___.

Ex.12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1) Мы остановились, чтобы заправить машину. 2) Цель реконструкции этой железной дороги состоит в том, чтобы увеличить скорость движения поездов до 240 километров в час. 3) Люди, которые будут приглашены на конференцию, получат специальные приглашения. 4) Для того, чтобы расследовать детали и причины крушения [a derailment] поезда была создана специальная комиссия. 5) Я научился водить машину достаточно [rather] быстро. 6) Завести [to start] двигатель в такую холодную погоду очень трудно. 7) Проблема состояла в том, чтобы выбрать лучший проект из семи предложенных. 8) Для того, чтобы добраться до Нового Орлеана [New Orleans] нам придётся сделать пересадку в Бирмингеме [Birmingham]. 9) Двигатель, который будет установлен в этой машине, очень мощный. 10) Невозможно перевозить наливные грузы без специальных вагонов. 11) Были проведены многочисленные эксперименты, чтобы подтвердить [to confirm] новую теорию. 12) Единственный шанс успеть на поезд – поймать такси.

Ex.13. Read and translate the text paying attention to non-finite forms of the verbs.

Alarm-clocks produced in that city are rather pleasant to look at but they, extremely rare if ever, wake you up at a proper time. Once a man came to a lawyer with a demand to charge [взимать плату] the plant producing these alarm-clocks the fare of the flight from New York to Texas. On hearing this demand the lawyer couldn’t help being surprised. It took the man demanding his money several minutes to explain what the matter was. The alarm-clock didn’t ring at the required time and the man sleeping soundly was late for his plane. The lawyer didn’t consider the explanation given reliable enough and decided to make an experiment. He went to the shop selling these alarm-clocks. They put four alarm-clocks to ring at 7 a.m. In the morning it turned out that two of them stopped long before the required time. One of the tested alarm-clocks didn’t ring at all. And the last rang at 9 a.m. The data received made it possible for the man to get his money back.

Ex.14. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the infinitive construction Complex Subject.

A. 1) Customer is known to be always right. 2) Do you happen to know when the train will arrive? 3) The repair of the track is likely to be over in an hour. 4) We appear to have met before. 5) He is unlikely to follow your recommendations. 6) This work seems to take much time. 7) Thunderstorm is said to be approaching. 9) They were expected to take a taxi. 10) The suitcase seemed to get heavier and heavier as I carried it along the road. 11) The price of the tickets proved to be not very high. 12) He appears to be right. 13) The car seemed to be in excellent condition. 14) He turned out to become a good specialist. 15) Do you happen to know who can repair this device? 16) She seems to be waiting for you.

B. 1) The train timetable is known to be always compiled for a long period, generally for six months. 2) Have you happened to see where they parked their car? 3) He seems to know what he is talking about. 4) The electric locomotive’s service life is said to be about 30 years. 5) She is unlikely to go by plane, because she is airsick. 6) Firms from more than 20 countries are expected to take part in the next international railway transport exhibition in Moscow. 7) The French super-train“Aquitaine” was reported to cover the 580 km distance from Paris to Bordeaux non-stop in four hours. 8) At a large terminal there are so many tracks that trains seem to be arriving or departing every minute. 9) The railways are known to carry 80 per cent of all freight because only the railways can transport anything, almost anywhere and do it without thinking of weather conditions. 10) The price of railway tickets was reported to be increased in summer.

Ex.15. Make up sentences and translate them into Russian.

▫ Two new Metro stations

▫ The weather

▫ The VL80 Locomotive

▫ The atom

▫ The boxes with equipment

▫ The new power-station

▫ Ink

▫ was thought

▫ is supposed

▫ were said

▫ is expected

▫ are expected

▫ is known

▫ was reported

▫ to change for the better.

▫ to be built in a far-off region.

▫ to be indivisible for a long period of time.

▫ to have been already unloaded.

▫ to be put into operation next year.

▫ to have been invented in Egypt.

▫ to be designed for hauling trains of up to 4,500 tons on sections with steep grades.

▫ New buses

▫ The doctor

▫ Bad weather sometimes

▫ This metal

▫ You

▫ He

▫ She

▫ happened

▫ happens

▫ appears

▫ seem

▫ seems

▫ proved

▫ turned out

▫ to have lost the key to her suitcase.

▫ to know how to handle this device.

▫ to be there at the time of the accident.

▫ to have changed since I saw you last.

▫ to be very brittle.

▫ to result in a flight delay.

▫ to be very comfortable.

▫ I

▫ You

▫ She

▫ They

▫ John

▫ The book

▫ The train

▫ is likely

▫ am sure

▫ is sure

▫ is unlikely

▫ are unlikely

▫ are certain

▫ is certain

▫ to be given excellent recommendations.

▫ to reach the destination on time.

▫ to attract everybody’s attention.

▫ to be able to repair your computer.

▫ to have something to say.

▫ to know about his arrival.

▫ to change her mind.

Ex.16. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the construction Complex Subject.

1) Ожидалось, что результаты эксперимента будут опубликованы в журнале. 2) Вы, случайно, не знаете, почему поезд опаздывает? 3) Говорят, что груз был задержан [to hold up] на таможне. 4) Судя по всему, этот участок пути скоро будет открыт для движения. 5) Сообщили, что новая железнодорожная линия будет на 40 км короче, чем старая. 6) Я случайно встретил его на станции. 7) Ты непременно опоздаешь на поезд, если не [unless] поторопишься. 8) Вероятно, она забыла зонтик в автобусе. 9) Стальные вагоны, конечно, более безопасные и надёжные, чем деревянные. 10) Вряд ли он поможет вам. Он сейчас занят. 11) Полагают, что новая железная дорога откроет новые возможности [opportunity] для международного сотрудничества.

Ex.17. Read and translate the following sentences paying attention to the construction Complex Object.

A. 1) Theyexpectedhim to buya more expensive car. 2) Wedidn’t expectthis information to be announcedon the radio. 3) Do youknowSamuelMorse to have beena painter by profession? 4) Weknowmany railway lines to have been damagedduring the war. 5) Scientistsbelievenew laser devices to bewidelyusedin medicine. 6) Iwisha taxi to waitfor me fifteen minutes. 7) The managermade Mary copythe report again. 8) Many peoplesawthe bridge collapse. 9) Theywatchedthe plane go upuntil it became quite a small spot up in the sky. 10) Theydid not noticeus passby. 11) Do youwanta porter to carryyour luggage to the compartment?

B. 1) Nobody expected the president of the company to come to the party. 2)Twice a year people see birds fly south and north but we don't know how they find their way.3) I wouldn’t like this report to be discussed in my absence. 4) What made you change your mind? 5) Carrying out the experiments with electric telegraph, S. Morse noticed a pencil make a wavy line when connected to an electric wire. 6)The excellent properties of Damascus steel made metallurgists of the whole world look for the lost secret of its production. 7) Who allowed you to take these documents? 8) Bad weather conditions made pilots switch over to automatic control. 9) Nowadays people can watch on television the cosmonauts work in space, “Lunokhod” move on the surface of the Moon and Olympic Games take place on the other side of the globe. 10)Socrates is known to be the great Greek philosopher and orator. A talkative young man wanted Socrates to teach him oratory. He begged Socrates to hear him speak on some subject. Socrates let him talk as much as he liked and then said: «You must pay me double price because I'll have to teach you two sciences: how to speak and how to hold your tongue! »

Ex.18. Make up sentences and translate them into Russian.

▫ We

▫ The director

▫ The scientists

▫ The chief engineer

▫ I

▫ Everybody

▫ The news programs

▫ wanted

▫ knows

▫ reported

▫ ordered

▫ don’t want

▫ didn’t expect

▫ consider

▫ their discovery

▫ you

▫ him

▫ the electric current

▫ these devices

▫ his letters

▫ the plane

▫ to be repaired as fast as possible.

▫ to drive so fast.

▫ to be sent by airmail.

▫ to be the motion of electrons through an electric conductor.

▫ to land safely.

▫ to return so soon.

▫ to produce great changes in the field of electronics.

▫ The ticket inspector

▫ We

▫ A lot of people

▫ Nothing

▫ The passengers

▫ She

▫ I

▫ noticed

▫ could make

▫ didn’t hear

▫ saw

▫ made

▫ didn’t feel

▫ watched

▫ the sportsmen

▫ two passengers

▫ the car

▫ the train

▫ me

▫ the children

▫ him

▫ change his opinion.

▫ jump on to the running tram.

▫ disappear round the corner of the street.

▫ start.

▫ come up because the radio was making a lot of noise.

▫ jump with parachutes.

▫ get off the bus because they didn’t pay fares.

Ex.19. Complete the following sentences using infinitives with to or without to.

Model: Have you ever seen them__? → Have you ever seen them help their friends?

1) I would like my friends___. 2) His parents expect him___. 3) We saw her___. 4) We heard them___. 5) We watched the train___. 6) I suppose her___. 7) The teacher didn't let the students___. 8) Nobody expected him___. 9) We saw the car___. 10) We know him___. 11) They made us___. 12) They believed him___. 13)You can't make me___. 14) I don't think him___. 15)The teacher does not consider him___. 16) I heard you ___.

Ex.20. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the construction Complex Object.

1) Мы не ожидали, что он отложит обсуждение этого проекта. 2) Я знаю, что она проводит научно-исследовательскую работу в области [field] химии. 3) Мы полагаем, что ты справишься с [to cope with] этой работой. 4) Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы ты опаздывал. 5) Вы не видели, как произошла авария? 6) Водитель такси отказался взять чек; он хотел, чтобы пассажир заплатил наличными [in cash]. 7) Мы хотели, чтобы он рассказал нам о своей поездке в Лондон. 8) Ты знаешь, что они уехали за границу два дня назад? 9) Они надеялись, что эксперимент окажется удачным. 10) Я слышал, как он рассказывал эту историю много раз. 11) Я думал, что вы встретите меня на вокзале.

Ex.21. Read and Smile. Translate the following story into Russian. Try to find sentences with the construction Complex Object (five sentences are a good result but maybe you will be able to find more).

Linda, a girl of thirty, wanted any young handsome man to propose to her. But nobody turned up and she had only her dreams.

It was midnight, she was lying on the couch, her eyes were closed and she was dreaming about her prince who was sure to come. It was quite dark in the room and suddenly she felt a gentle wind blow and then heard somebody enter the room. She opened her eyes and saw a young handsome man lean over her dressing-table. It must be him, the prince she had been dreaming of for such a long time. And she burst out crying and saying: “Darling! Dearest! You’ve come at last!” These words made him shudder. She noticed the expression of his face change suddenly. “I’m no darling of yours,” protested the man. “But yes, you are!” answered Linda with determination. And she tried to embrace him. “Leave me alone, can’t you see, I’m no boy-friend of yours! I’m only a burglar!” And Linda saw the young man rush out of the room.

Ex.22. Translate the following attributive groups. What parts of speech are the attributes expressed by?


▫ the city power supply system ▫ the driver fined for speeding

▫ the departing and arriving trains ▫ heavily loaded vehicle

▫ low cost of transporting freight ▫ the train passing the curve

▫ the devices to be packed into the boxes ▫ train speed restriction signs

▫ the problem of increasing train speeds ▫ passenger service quality

▫ the computers to be supplied by this firm ▫ the engine troubles

▫ the possibility of applying atomic energy ▫ the trailers made of stainless steel

▫ the railway line laid down through ▫ successful research

forests and marshes ▫ average freight train speed

▫ the time of covering each section of the track ▫ high speeds of running

▫ a cargo weighing several tons ▫ the train moving on schedule

▫ improved methods of constructing ▫ the cars parked near the terminal

▫ the opportunity of traveling free of charge ▫ a 82 horse-power engine

▫ a tunnel to be bored through the mountain ▫ an overcrowded bus

▫ the cost of repairing the damaged cars ▫ the road surface to be repaired

▫ goods to be carried in large-tonnage ▫ a running engine.



▪ мост, соединяющий два острова ▪ доставка грузов

▪ правила дорожного движения ▪ порожний вагон

▪ пути улучшения пассажирского ▪ автомобиль, имеющий электрический

обслуживания двигатель

▪ часы, которые нужно отремонтировать ▪ проект реконструкции вокзала

▪ шпалы, сделанные из стали ▪ поезд, подходящий к станции

▪ временный мост ▪ увеличение скорости движения поездов

▪ грузовой поезд, состоящий из 60 вагонов ▪ оборудование, установленное в офисе

▪ новые приборы, которые будут ▪ машина, развивающая скорость 160 км/ч

использовать для проведения опыта ▪ двигатель, изобретённый Ползуновым

▪ интенсивное движение ▪ мост, который будет построен

▪ билеты, купленные заранее ▪ рабочие, ремонтирующие дорогу

▪ возрастающая стоимость топлива ▪ реконструкция железнодорожного моста

▪ оборудование, которое необходимо ▪ телефонные линии, повреждённые

заменить ураганом

▪ дорога, построенная недавно ▪ поезд, отправляющийся в Лондон.

Ex.23. Find grammar mistakes in the following sentences and correct them. The number of mistakes is pointed out in brackets.

1) The accident resulted to a traffic jam. [1] 2) The first self-propelled vehicle in Russia has been made Ivan Kulibin in the 18th century. [2] 3) The shuttle-train cover the distance from London in Paris in 3 hours 40 minutes. [2] 4) Wooden sleepers treat with creosote to prevent it from decay. [2] 5) Where has been a two-speed escalator developed? [1] 6) Nowadays the air over large cities is been contaminated by transport and industry. [2] 7) Not all the necessary things have been buyed for our trip that is why the departure have been postponed. [2] 8) Tomas Edison began working at the railway, when newspapers and snack he were selling. [2] 9) The construction the first steam locomotive in Russia will be connected with the name of the Cherepanov. [3] 10) A totally new ticket-vending systems has been install for our terminal. [3] 11) When was proposed the project of constructing of the Channel Tunnel? [2]

Ex.24. TEST. Choose the correct variant of the predicate.

1) Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage ___ already ___.

a) is packed b) was packed c) had been packed

2) You can’t take this tape-recorder because it ___ yet.

a) was not repaired b) has not been repaired c) is not repaired

3) Tickets ___ usually ___ long before the train departure.

a) are sold b) have sold c) are being sold

4) I was late because of my watch. It ___.

a) stops b) is stopping c) has stopped

5) We ___ the old engine by a new and more powerful one.

a) have replaced b) have been replaced c) were replaced

6) When we arrived in London, the famous Tower Bridge ___.

a) will be reconstructed b) was reconstructing c) was being reconstructed

7) I was told that the schedule of this train ___ recently ___.

a) has been changed b) was changed c) had been changed

8) Before the invention of steel all the railway cars ___ of wood.

a) were being made b) were made c) had been made

9) The workers always ___ the carriages before the train departure.

a) inspect b) are inspecting c) are inspected

10) Before starting the car the driver ___ the engine.

a) had examined b) has examined c) was examined

11) Mercury ___ at 357.25 degrees Centigrade.

a) had boiled b) boils c) is boiling

12) I regularly see him at the tram stop, but I ___ him since Monday.

a) don’t see b) haven’t seen c) didn’t see

*The results of the test: If your score is 10-12 correct answers, you are doing just great; 8-9 stand for good knowledge; 6-8 mean you have some problems; if the number of your correct answers is less than 6, go and learn the rules.

Ex.25. Put questions to the underlined words.

1) He has traveled by plane just once. 2) They learnt about the railway accident from the newspaper. 3) Our train departs late in the evening. 4) Plenty of sand will be required for building the road. 5) This distance can be covered by train in an hour. 6) Lorries were moving slowly along the mountain road. 7) The Railway International Journal publishes a lot of articles about the construction of high-speed railways all over the world. 8) The passengers have been just invited to take the train. 9) The mechanic replaced some out-of-date parts of this machine. 10) We suddenly discovered that we had lost our way. 11) Damages due to the computer’s error were assessed at $1,000. 12) The first automobiles appeared on the roads at the end of the 19th century. 13) Hungary is situated in the center of international trade routes, that is why freight traffic is constantly increasing. 14) He was fined for careless driving. 15) For several miles the road runs through a thick forest. 16) The electric equipment has been manufactured in France. 17) Refrigerator cars are widely used for carrying perishable goods. 18) They had to stop to fuel the car. 19) Tunnels are built for direct movement of automobiles or trains through mountain ranges or under rivers.


Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.

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