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Words and word combinations to be remembered

1) accessдоступ

2) to calculate – вычислять, рассчитывать

3) to click – нажимать, щёлкать

4) compatibleсовместимый

5) data – данные, сведения; информация

6) to display – отображать, показывать

display – показ; дисплей

7) to downloadзагружать

download загрузка

8) drawbackнедостаток

9) enormous – огромный

10) to eraseстирать

11) error – ошибка

12) to handle управлять, регулировать

13) hardware – машинное обеспечение компьютера

14) icon – значок

15) keyboard – клавиатура

16) to occupy – занимать

17) to occur – происходить

occurrence – происшествие, случай

18) to perform – выполнять

19) to process – обрабатывать

20) to record – записывать

record – запись

tape recorder – магнитофон

21) to replicate – копировать

22) screenэкран

23) software – программное обеспечение компьютера

24) to solve – решать

25) to sound – звучать

sound – звук

26) to spread (spread, spread) – распространяться

27) to store – хранить

storage – память, запоминающее устройство

28) to supply (with smth.) – обеспечивать, снабжать (чем-либо)

Ex.2. Describe the relationship between each of the following words (antonyms, synonyms, neither):

1) to occur/ to happen/ to take place 16) inevitable/ avoidable

2) output/ input 17) to delete/ to destroy/ to eradicate

3) to replicate/ to copy 18) drawback/ disadvantage

4) permanent/ temporary 19) to record/ to erase

5) to store/ to delete 20) to carry out/ to perform/ to execute

6) to provide/ to supply 21) screen/ monitor

7) drawback/ advantage 22) to erase/ to restore

8) to calculate/ to compute/ to count 23) to store/ to keep

9) enormous/ huge/ vast/ gigantic 24) main/ basic

10) to turn on/ to turn off 25) to include/ to comprise

11) particularly/ especially 26) experienced/ inexperienced

12) to install/ to set 27) access/ admittance

13) compatible/ incompatible 28) useful/ useless

14) to display/ to show 29) mistake/ error

15) to record/ to reduce 30) to download/ to reload

Ex.3. Match the words in the left column with their translation on the right.

1) central processing unit

a) дисковод

2) database

b) лазерный принтер

3) disk drive

c) жесткий диск

4) floppy disk (diskette)

d) устройство вывода данных

5) hard disk

e) интегральная схема

6) input device

f) база данных

7) integrated circuit (chip)

g) периферийные устройства

8) laser printer

h) дистанционное управление

9) output device

i) гибкий диск (дискета)

10) peripherals

j) режим отключения экрана при паузах в работе

11) remote control

k) запоминающее устройство

12) storage device

l) центральный процессор

13) word processor

m) устройство ввода данных

14) screen saver

n) текстовой процессор

Translate the sentences given below from Russian into English.

1) Интегральная схема – это основной компонент любого электронного устройства. 2) Машинное обеспечение компьютера включает центральный процессор, который является сердцем и мозгом компьютера. 3) К периферийным устройствам относятся устройства ввода и вывода информации, а также запоминающее устройство. Все это оборудование соединено с центральным процессором. 4) Самое простое устройство ввода информации – это клавиатура. 5) Лазерный принтер относится к устройствам вывода информации. 6) Гибкий диск используется для записи и хранения информации. 7) Гибкий диск также называют дискетой. 8) Все программы, необходимые для работы компьютера, хранятся на дисках {жёстких дисках, гибких дисках, компакт дисках}. 9) Дисковод – это электронный механизм, считывающий информацию, которая находится на диске.

Ex.4. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1) A new electronic device will calculate how far one can drive on the fuel left in the tank. 2) Thanks to computers we can process information millions times quicker. 3) Software is generally stored on magnetic disks, compact disks or tapes. 4) I turned the volume right up, but there was still no sound. 5) Few people know that the first programmer in the world was Lord Byron’s daughter. 6) Great volumes of information are processed by means of modern electronic computers. 7) Up-to-date calculating machines perform adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing very quickly. 8) Moving the mouse on the surface of the table we control the movement of the cursor on the screen. 9) The first-generation computers were very large and consumed enormous quantity of electrical power. 10) The automatic engine driver is a small computer with transducers. All the necessary data of train operation – distance, time of covering each section of the route, speed limits, etc. are programmed and fed into the computer’s memory. 11) I think the microphone or the recording mechanism is broken. 12) An icon is a small picture representing an object, process or function. 13) The new computer virus quickly spread worldwide. 14) Input signal comes from antenna.

Ex.5. Read the following sentences replacing the Russian words by their English equivalents. Be careful with Grammar.

1) He записывать the speech on his pocket tape-recorder. 2) I suspect there is ошибка in the software here. 3) The first time I played the магнитофон, it “ate” the tape. 4) While количество of electronic computers is constantly увеличивать, they are not использовать to full capacity because there is no adequate программное обеспечение. 5) Огромный amount of money was spent for this исследование but the scientists failed to достигать the required result. 6) The software for a computer system is often дороже than машинное обеспечение. 7) A modern computer comprises two основной parts – the hardware and the software. 8) You can move the pointer on экран with the help of the mouse. 9) You can type letters and other characters using this клавиатура. 10) He tried to вычислять how much he had spent on gasoline. 11) Память is the nerve centre of the computer, the section in which initial data, intermediate and final results хранить. 12) Дистанционное управление is a system for controlling machinery from a distance by radio signals. 13) The first computer weighed 30 tons and занимать 1,500 square feet of floor space. 14) The news распространяться quickly over the village.

Ex.6. Cross out one word that does not have the same meaning as the other words.

1) The hardware [includes; copies; consists of; comprises] a computer and all its peripherals such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.

2) The hardest work in mines is now [performed; fulfilled; recorded; implemented; carried out] by robots.

3) Most phones now have memories for [accessing; storing; keeping] frequently used numbers.

4) Many countries have cable TV, a system [using; spreading; employing; applying] wires for transmitting TV programs.

5) A video phone has a device, which [allows; displays; permits; enables] us to see a room and the face of the person speaking.

6) Howard Aiken [stored; designed; developed] a number of automatic machines to solve differential equations.

7) The first electronic computers were like very large furnaces, consuming [enormous; basic; giant; huge] quantities of electrical power.

8) Сomputers can do many things that people do, but [faster; slower; swifter; quicker] and better. They [can; should; are able to] control trains or machines at factories, work out tomorrow's weather forecast and even play chess, write poetry or compose music.

9) The preparation of computer [software; peripherals; programs] takes up as much, if not more time as the actual [production; manufacture; download] of the hardware and is by no means easier.

10) The research didn’t give the expected results because of the [drawback; error; blunder; mistake] in the [computation; calculation; installation].

11) [Going on; turning on; switching on] the tape-recorder, I immediately noticed that it was not working properly.

Ex.7. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. Consult the box.

1) The fire brigade arrived just in time, before the fire could ___. 2) Damages due to computer’s ___ were assessed at $1000. 3) The information should be fed into the computer for ___. 4) How many letter keys are there on this computer ___? 5) This ___ needs four batteries to power it. 6) The music started playing and everybody looked at the ___. 7) Press this button to ___ the device. 8) Nobody knew how to set a ___ to switch off the monitor screen. 9) It took the operator some time to find the necessary ___. 10) The smallest ___ holds more information than 100 floppies. 11) You can get ___ to a great amount of information with the help of CD-ROM. 12) The ___ doesn’t work if you hold it in the air like a remote control. 13) People send ___ messages with the help of the Internet, a system that lets computers connect by telephone lines. 14) A ___ is used for sending and receiving copies of original documents via a phone line. 15) I heard a noise which ___ like a helicopter. 16) When I tried to ___ the tape it got stuck.

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