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A) The school I went to

1) What school did you go to? [secondary school; gymnasium; vocational school; technical school; lyceum; specialized English school] 2) In what age did you begin to attend it? 3) Where is it situated? 4) What compulsory and optional subjects did you study at your school? 5) What were your favorite subjects? 6) How many times a week did you have your English lessons? 7) What did you do during your English lessons? 8) What was your mark in English? 9) Who was your favorite teacher? 10) What do you think are the characteristics of an ideal /bad teacher? 11) What exams did you pass at school? 12) What did you like and dislike about your school?

B) Entering the Academy

1) When did you first start thinking about entering a higher educational school? 2) Did anybody advise you or was it your own choice? 3) What made you choose the Railway Academy rather than some other higher school? Give your reasons. 4) Do your parents approve your choice? 5) How many entrance exams did you pass? 6) What marks did you get in Physics and Mathematics? 7) How did you prepare for the exams? [You attended the fitting school – подготовительные курсы; your teacher helped you; you read a lot of books yourself or you didn't prepare for your exams at all] 8) Were you afraid of taking exams? 9) Was the competition intense? 10) What was the most difficult subject for you to take? 11) How does it feel to be a student?

C) You are a freshman now

1) Do you like being a student? 2) Was it difficult for you to get accustomed [привыкать] to the system of lectures and seminars after the school system of classes? 3) What do you find more useful: lectures of seminars? 4) Do yon always take notes of lectures? 5) Is it difficult or easy for you to follow the lectures? 6) Some lectures are certainly more interesting than others. What does interest depend on? [It depends on the subject of the lecture or the personality of the lecturer] 7) Why are some lectures boring [скучный]? [Some lectures are boring because: the subject is boring; the subject is of no importance to you; the subject is too difficult for you to master; you find it hard to concentrate; you are not interested in the subject; you are not yet accustomed to listening to lectures every day; you get tired easily; the lecturer's manner of speech is monotonous; the lecturer speaks too fast for you to make notes; the lecturer gives no original information; the lecturer's arguments are too complicated for you]. 8) What subjects are included in the first-year program at your faculty? 9) What subject is the most interesting and the least interesting; the one you think the most important and the least important; the one you find the most difficult and the least difficult? 10) What must you do to pass your winter exams successfully? 11) What marks do you expect to get? 12) How much time do you spend to prepare your homework? 13) Do you have a lot of spare time? 14) What do you usually do during your spare time?

Ex.25. Retell the text about the Samara State Railway Academy according to the plan given below:

▪ the name of your Academy ▪ the subjects you study

▪ its location ▪ the equipment the Academy is provided with

▪ some facts about its history ▪ the exams you take and the grants you receive

▪ the departments and specializations ▪ the students' hostels

▪ how long the complete course lasts ▪ your future speciality

▪ the number of students ▪ what you like and dislike about your Academy.

Ex.26. Here are the answers. Write the questions.

1) Almost all the students. 2) During the entrance examinations. 3) Either today or tomorrow. 4) Very difficult. 5) English. 6) At the Railway Academy. 7) Dean of our faculty. 8) It is out of question. 9) I have nothing against it. 10) At the next lesson.

Ex.27. Choose and use. Work in pairs. Make up your own dialogues using the given phrases.

1. How’s life?

a) Nothing to boast of. b) It’s none of your business. c) Nothing to look at. d) Who cares? e) Thank you, I’m fine. f) It is too good to be true. g) So-so.

2. Excuse me, how can I get to the University?

a) Five stops from here. b) It’s far from here. c) Don’t hurry. d) You’d better take the trolley-bus. e) Leave me alone.

3. Excuse me, where is the nearest Metro station?

a) Unfortunately I don’t remember. b) It must be somewhere about. c) It’s over there, on the left. d) You will go far. e) I’ll see you off if you don’t mind.

4. It was a pleasure to talk to you.

a) What do you mean? b) I’m sorry to hear it. c) The more the better. d) The pleasure was mine. e) You are hard to please. f) Indeed?

5. Excuse my being late.

a) See you later. b) Glad to hear it. c) Better late than never. d) You are welcome. e) No need to be sorry. f) It is inexcusable! g) How could you!

6. What do you do?

a) I’m doing well, thank you. b) Nothing to boast of. c) I’m a first-year student. d) It’s none of your business.

7. Thank you for your help.

a) Never mind. b) It was a pleasure for me. c) Glad to hear it. d) Thank you for coming. e) I have nothing to do with it. f) I can’t believe my ears.

8. I’m taking my exam in two days.

a) Take care. b) So long. c) Good luck! d) Let’s hope for the best. e) Nothing good will come of it. f) There is nothing to be done. g) Put it out of your head. h) Are you sure? i) That doesn’t interest me.


Read the text filling in the blanks with the prepositions if necessary. Translate it without a dictionary and find at least 10 differences between our Academy and Cambridge (do it in written form).

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