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ТЕСТЫ англ.яз. (Васкецова О.Л.).doc
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VII. Match the word with its definition.

1. Adolescent

a) a person or animal grown to full size or strength

b) a person growing up between childhood and maturity

c) a grown up

2. Disorder

a) absence of order, confusions

b) the state of being pregnant

c) having in the body an offspring

3. Behavior

a) prevent from using or enjoying , underprivileged

b) way of behaving, manners, treatment shown towards others

c) way of relaxation

4. Dieting

a) a state when persons are limiting themselves to a certain food

b) make empty of waste matter by means of medicine

c) a state when persons eat a lot

5. Elation

a) a feeling of bad joy or pride

b) a feeling of exultant joy or pride

c) a feeling of exultant problem or trouble

6. Soul

a) material part of a human body, believed to exist for ever

b) non-material part of a human body, believed to exist for ever

c) non-material part of a human body, believed to exist never

7. Sinful

a) absence of sin and bad action

b) full of or characterized by sin and good action

c) full of or characterized by sin

8. Juvenile delinquency

a) behavior by young persons of not more than a specified age, usually 18 years, that is antisocial or in violation of the law

b) behavior by young persons of not more than a specified age, usually 18 years, that is social or in violation of the law

c) behavior by adult persons of not more than a specified age, usually 18 years, that is antisocial or in violation of the law

Morality: what is it?

I. Choose the synonym to the given word.

a) to yearn

1. To aspire b) to praise

c) to nurture

a) to look for

2. To take care of b) to take after

c) to look after

a) to cause

3. To stand b) to bear

c) to fit

a) to go on

4. To keep on b) to go away

c) to go to

a) cell

5. Disease b) death

c) illness

a) heartily

6. Zestfully b) unwilling

c) fast

a) river

7. Stream b) sea

c) ocean

a) ointment

8. Pill b) mixture

c) tablet

a) memoir

9. Diary b) letter

c) detective

a) to praise

10. Glorify b) to enrich

c) to pursue