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3. Read and translate the text. Pros and Cons of High-Tech Life

Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better, some others think that technology will ruin the society because we are too dependent on electric and electronic gadgets and machines.

Let’s consider advantages and disadvantages of a high-tech life.

In favour of new technology I may name some things I can’t live without. At first it’s my mobile phone. I need it to get in touch with my family members or friends quickly, or when I am in a dangerous situation. I also couldn’t live without a computer because I need it for my studies, work and free time entertainment. I can go on the Internet and get some useful information, and I can communicate with other people. The third thing I find useful is my car because I can get everywhere I want, I can use it for work and for traveling.

However, for every plus there is a minus. For example, to have a mobile telephone is very expensive. Moreover it’s dangerous for health because of the rays it produces when ringing. As for computers, some people become the Internet addicts; they spend too much time and money on it. As a result they might have psychological problems in socializing with people. Using a car might be dangerous and slow in the city especially during the rush hour and in traffic jams.

In conclusion, a high-tech life is our reality. All modern inventions are made to help people, but how to use them everyone should decide himself.

4. Project work: Make a report. Think about a high-tech thing that is very important for you. Write down its advantages and disadvantages. Unit 4.Small Business

1. Read and answer the questions:

1) What kind of organization do you want to work for? (private or state)

2) Would you like to have your own business?

3) What sphere of small-business is the most productive today?

2. Study the active topical vocabulary.

1.compete (v)– состязаться, соревноваться, конкурировать

competition (n) – соревнование, состязание, конкуренция

competitive (adj)- состязательный, конкурирующий

competitor (n) – участник соревнований, конкурент

2. collective voice - «коллективный голос», общее мнение

3. enterprise [′entəpraiz]1) смелое предприятие;

2) предприимчивость, смелость, инициатива;

3) предпринимательство;

4) промышленное предприятие (фабрика, завод и т.п.).

free/private enterpriseсвободное (частное) предпринимательство;

entrepreneur [α:ntrəprə′nə:] – предприниматель

4. lobby1) вестибюль, приемная, холл; 2) группа лиц, «обрабатывающих» членов парламента в пользу того или иного законопроекта;

5. to have a good head forиметь хорошие способности делать что-либо

6. a representative – представитель

7. an employer – работодатель

an employee – работник по найму, служащий

3. Match the new words from Ex. 1 with their definitions:

1. a person who starts and manages her or his own business

2. a method of organizing commercial projects

3. a group of private persons who try to affect law making

4. to have a good ability to do something

5. a person authorized or empowered to act for another or others

6. an act of competing

7. a person, firm, product etc. that competes

8. a person who gives work for pay to others

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