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10. Translate verbs with Present Perfect form.

11. Answer the following questions.

1. What has been the backbone of the American enterprise system?

2. What is the ambitious entrepreneur able to do well?

3. Who has had the loudest voice in the US national economic policy?

4 How many small-business entrepreneurs are there in the USA?

5. How many small business entrepreneurs have been at the conference?

6. Does American small business generate new jobs? Prove it.

7. What kind of objectives have small-business people put out?

8. What do they want to change in the national economic policy?

12. Render the article.(Use Supplement 3)

13.Project work: My own business. Interview.

Imagine that you have a company of your own. You meet a colleague at the conference.

Sample questions:

1. How many years has your business worked?

2. How many people have worked for your company?

3. What kind of goods have you produced?

4. How much money have you earned?

5. How many taxes have you paid this year?

Unit 5

Business and Culture

1. Answer questions and make a word-map:

1) What do culture and business mean for you?

2) Are culture and business connected?

3) Is it important for businessman to know about customs in different countries?

4) Are body language and manners important for successful business?

2. Do the quiz and choose the best answer. Every country has its customs. Different nations can behave differently in the same situations.

1) Which should you never offer a Moslem to eat?

a) beef b) pork c) chicken d) fish

2) What do you have to do before you go into a mosque?

a) put on white clothes b) take off your shoes

3) At a traditional meal in India you would eat

a) only with right hand b) only with your left hand

4) In a Buddhist country you shouldn’t

a)pat a child’s head b) hold hands with a child

5) If you are a guest in Japan, and you can’t finish the food, it would be polite

a) to leave the food on your plate b) to wrap the food in the paper and take it home

6) What Italians do at midnight on New Year’s Eve?

a) throw old things out of the windows b) sit on the floor and hold hands

7) In Russia at the English lesson students

a) chatting b) listening to the teacher

8) In Russia at the English lesson students

a) chew a gum b) use a mobile phone c) are ready with their homework

9) If you’re invited to a meal in Brazil, you should arrive

a) shortly before the stated time b) some time after the stated time

10) In Arab countries a guest must be careful not to admire his hosts possessions because

a) the host will offer them as a present b) it’s considered to be impolite

3. Guess the meaning of the word “business” in the following sentences:

1. Business is the production, buying, and selling of goods and services.

2. A business, company, or firm is an organization that sells goods or services.

3. A business may also be referred to formally as a concern.

4. A business may be referred to approvingly as an enterprise to emphasize its adventurous, risk-taking qualities.

5. Business is also referred to as commerce when it is used to distinguish the business sphere from other areas such as government or the arts.

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