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Fitts D.D. - Principles of Quantum Mechanics[c] As Applied to Chemistry and Chemical Physics (1999)(en)

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Systems of identical particles

ging two columns and hence changes the sign of the determinant. Moreover, if any pair of particles are in the same single-particle state, then two rows of the Slater determinant are identical and the determinant vanishes, in agreement with the Pauli exclusion principle.

Although the concept of non-interacting particles is an idealization, the model may be applied to real systems as an approximation when the interactions between particles are small. Such an approximation is often useful as a starting point for more extensive calculations, such as those discussed in Chapter 9.

Probability densities

The difference in behavior between bosons and fermions is clearly demonstrated by their probability densities jØS j2 and jØAj2. For a pair of noninteracting bosons, we have from equation (8.49a)

S j2 12a(1)j2b(2)j2 12a(2)j2b(1)j2 Re[øa (1)øb (2)øa(2)øb(1)]


For a pair of non-interacting fermions, equation (8.49b) gives

Aj2 12a(1)j2b(2)j2 12a(2)j2b(1)j2 ÿ Re[øa (1)øb (2)øa(2)øb(1)]


The probability density for a pair of distinguishable particles with particle 1 in state a and particle 2 in state b is jøa(1)j2b(2)j2. If the distinguishable particles are interchanged, the probability density is jøa(2)j2b(1)j2. The probability density for one distinguishable particle (either one) being in state a and the other in state b is, then

12a(1)j2b(2)j2 12a(2)j2b(1)j2

which appears in both jØS j2 and jØAj2. The last term on the right-hand sides of equations (8.52) and (8.53) arises because the particles are indistinguishable and this term is known as the exchange density or overlap density. Since the exchange density is added in jØS j2 and subtracted in jØAj2, it is responsible for the different behavior of bosons and fermions.

The values of jØS j2 and jØAj2 when the two particles have the same coordinate value, say q0, so that q1 q2 q0, are

8.4 Non-interacting particles


S j20 12a(q0)j2b(q0)j2 12a(q0)j2b(q0)j2

Re[øa (q0b (q0a(q0b(q0)]


Aj20 12a(q0)j2b(q0)j2 12a(q0)j2b(q0)j2

ÿ Re[øa (q0b (q0a(q0b(q0)]


Thus, the two bosons have an increased probability density of being at the same point in space, while the two fermions have a vanishing probability density of being at the same point. This conclusion also applies to systems with N identical particles. Identical bosons (fermions) behave as though they are under the in¯uence of mutually attractive (repulsive) forces. These apparent forces are called exchange forces, although they are not forces in the mechanical sense, but rather statistical results.

The exchange density in equations (8.52) and (8.53) is important only when the single-particle wave functions øa(q) and øb(q) overlap substantially. Suppose that the probability density jøa(q)j2 is negligibly small except in a region A and that jøb(q)j2 is negligibly small except in a region B, which does not overlap with region A. The quantities øa (1)øb(1) and øb (2)øa(2) are then negligibly small and the exchange density essentially vanishes. For q1 in region A and q2 in region B, only the ®rst term jøa(1)j2b(2)j2 on the right-hand sides of equations (8.52) and (8.53) is important. This expression is just the probability density for particle 1 con®ned to region A and particle 2 con®ned to region B. The two particles become distinguishable by means of their locations and their joint wave function does not need to be made symmetric or antisymmetric. Thus, only particles whose probability densities overlap to a non-negligible extent need to be included in the symmetrization process. For example, electrons in a non-bonded atom and electrons within a molecule possess antisymmetric wave functions; electrons in neighboring atoms and molecules are too remote to be included.

Electron spin and the helium atom

We may express the single-particle wave function øn(qi) as the product of a spatial wave function ön(ri) and a spin function ÷(i). For a fermion with spin 12, such as an electron, there are just two spin states, which we designate by á(i) for ms 12 and â(i) for ms ÿ12. Therefore, for two particles there are three symmetric spin wave functions


Systems of identical particles












and one antisymmetric spin wave function









where the factors 2ÿ1=2 are normalization constants. When the spatial and spin wave functions are combined, there are four antisymmetric combinations: a singlet state (S 0)

12a(1)öb(2) öa(2)öb(1)][á(1)â(2) ÿ á(2)â(1)]

and three triplet states (S 1)

8 <á(1)á(2)

2ÿ1=2a(1)öb(2) ÿ öa(2)öb(1)]: â(1)â(2)

2ÿ1=2[á(1)â(2) á(2)â(1)]

These four antisymmetric wave functions are normalized if the single-particle spatial wave functions ön(ri) are normalized. If the two fermions are in the same state öa(ri), then only the singlet state occurs

2ÿ1=2öa(1)öa(2)[á(1)â(2) ÿ á(2)â(1)]

The helium atom serves as a simple example for the application of this

construction. If the nucleus (for which

Z 2) is considered to be ®xed in

space, the Hamiltonian operator










H for the two electrons is

















2me (=1


ÿ r1

ÿ r2



where r1 and r2 are the distances of electrons 1 and 2 from the nucleus, r12 is the distance between the two electrons, and e9 e for CGS units or e9 e=(4ðå0)1=2 for SI units. Spin±orbit and spin±spin interactions of the electrons are small and have been neglected. The electron±electron interaction is relatively small in comparison with the interaction between an electron and a nucleus, so that as a crude ®rst-order approximation the last term on the right-

hand side of equation (8.54) may be neglected. The operator ^ then becomes


the sum of two hydrogen-atom Hamiltonian operators with Z 2. The corresponding single-particle states are the hydrogen-like atomic orbitals ønlm discussed in Section 6.4. The energy of the helium atom depends on the principal quantum numbers n1 and n2 of the two electrons and is the sum of two hydrogen-like atomic energies with Z 2











me Z2 e94















54:4 eV



8.4 Non-interacting particles


In the ground state of helium, according to this model, the two electrons are in the 1s orbital with opposing spins. The ground-state wave function is

Ø0(1, 2) 2ÿ1=21s(1)1s(2)[á(1)â(2) ÿ á(2)â(1)]

and the ground-state energy is ÿ108:8 eV. The energy of the ground state of the helium ion He , for which n1 1 and n2 1, is ÿ54.4 eV. In Section 9.6, we consider the contribution of the electron±electron repulsion term to the ground-state energy of helium and obtain more realistic values.

Although the orbital energies for a hydrogen-like atom depend only on the principal quantum number n, for a multi-electron atom these orbital energies increase as the azimuthal quantum number l increases. The reason is that the electron probability density near the nucleus decreases as l increases, as shown in Figure 6.5. Therefore, on average, an electron with a larger l value is screened from the attractive force of the nucleus by the inner electrons more than an electron with a smaller l value, thereby increasing its energy. Thus, the 2s orbital has a lower energy than the 2p orbitals.

Following this argument, in the ®rstand second-excited states, the electrons are placed in the 1s and 2s orbitals. The antisymmetric spatial wave function has the lower energy, so that the ®rst-excited state Ø1(1, 2) is a triplet state,

8 <á(1)á(2)

Ø1(1, 2) 2ÿ1=2[1s(1)2s(2) ÿ 1s(2)2s(1)] â(1)â(2)

:2ÿ1=2[á(1)â(2) á(2)â(1)]

and the second-excited state Ø2(1, 2) is a singlet state

Ø2(1, 2) 12[1s(1)2s(2) 1s(2)2s(1)][á(1)â(2) ÿ á(2)â(1)]

Similar constructions apply to higher excited states. The triplet states are called orthohelium, while the singlet states are called parahelium. For a given pair of atomic orbitals, the orthohelium has the lower energy. In constructing these excited states, we place one of the electrons in the 1s atomic orbital and the other in an excited atomic orbital. If both electrons were placed in excited orbitals (n1 > 2, n2 > 2), the resulting energy would be equal to or greater than ÿ27.2 eV, which is greater than the energy of He , and the atom would ionize.

This same procedure may be used to explain, in a qualitative way, the chemical behavior of the elements in the periodic table. The application of the Pauli exclusion principle to the ground states of multi-electron atoms is discussed in great detail in most elementary textbooks on the principles of chemistry and, therefore, is not repeated here.


Systems of identical particles


8.5 The free-electron gas

The concept of non-interacting fermions may be applied to electrons in a metal. A metal consists of an ordered three-dimensional array of atoms in which some of the valence electrons are so weakly bound to their parent atoms that they form an `electron gas'. These mobile electrons then move in the Coulombic ®eld produced by the array of ionized atoms. In addition, the mobile electrons repel each other according to Coulomb's law. For a given mobile electron, its Coulombic interactions with the ions and the other mobile electrons are longranged and are relatively constant over the range of the electron's position. Consequently, as a ®rst-order approximation, the mobile electrons may be treated as a gas of identical non-interacting fermions in a constant potential energy ®eld.

The free-electron gas was ®rst applied to a metal by A. Sommerfeld (1928) and this application is also known as the Sommerfeld model. Although the model does not give results that are in quantitative agreement with experiments, it does predict the qualitative behavior of the electronic contribution to the heat capacity, electrical and thermal conductivity, and thermionic emission. The reason for the success of this model is that the quantum effects due to the antisymmetric character of the electronic wave function are very large and dominate the effects of the Coulombic interactions.

Each of the electrons in the free-electron gas may be regarded as a particle in a three-dimensional box, as discussed in Section 2.8. Energies may be de®ned relative to the constant potential energy ®eld due to the electron±ion and electron±electron interactions in the metallic crystal, so that we may arbitrarily set this potential energy equal to zero without loss of generality. Since the mobile electrons are not allowed to leave the metal, the potential energy outside the metal is in®nite. For simplicity, we assume that the metallic crystal is a cube of volume v with sides of length a, so that v a3. As given by equations (2.82) and (2.83), the single-particle wave functions and energy

levels are





















ønx,n y,nz








































Enx,n y,nz




(n2x n2y n2z )





8me a2



where me is the electronic mass and the quantum numbers nx, ny, nz have values nx, ny, nz 1, 2, 3, . . . :

We next consider a three-dimensional cartesian space with axes nx, ny, nz. Each point in this n-space with positive (but non-zero) integer values of nx, ny,

8.5 The free-electron gas


and nz corresponds to a single-particle state ønx,n y,nz . These points all lie in the positive octant of this space. If we divide the octant into unit cubic cells, every point representing a single-particle state lies at the corner of one of these unit cells. Accordingly, we may associate a volume of unit size with each singleparticle state. Equation (8.56) may be rewritten in the form

n2x n2y n2z

8me a2 E


which we recognize as the equation in n-space of a sphere with radius R equal p•••••••••••••••••••••••

to 8me a2 E=h2. The number N (E) of single-particle states with energy less than or equal to E is then the volume of the octant of a sphere of radius R


1 4ð


ð 8me a2 E







N (E)













(2me E)3=2


8 3






The number of single-particle states with energies between E and E dE is ù(E) dE, where ù(E) is the density of single-particle states and is related to N (E) by


dN (E)



(2me)3=2 E1=2








According to the Pauli exclusion principle, no more than two electrons, one spin up, the other spin down, can have the same set of quantum numbers nx, ny, nz. At a temperature of absolute zero, two electrons can be in the ground state with energy 3h2=8me a2, two in each of the three states with energy 6h2=8me a2, two in each of the three states with energy 9h2=8me a2, etc. The states with the lowest energies are ®lled, each with two electrons, until the spherical octant in n-space is ®lled up to a value EF, which is called the Fermi energy. If there are

N electrons in the free-electron gas, then we have


N 2N (EF)


(2me EF)3=2






































where equation (8.57) has been used. The Fermi energy is dependent on the density N=v of the free-electron gas, but not on the size of the metallic crystal.

The total energy Etot of the N particles is given by




Etot 20

F Eù(E) dE


where the factor 2 in front of the integral arises because each single-particle state is doubly occupied. Substitution of equation (8.58) into (8.61) gives

228 Systems of identical particles


















(2me)3=2 EF





which may be simpli®ed to






























The average energy E per electron is, then




































Equations (8.57) and (8.58) are valid only for values of E suf®ciently large and for energy levels suf®ciently close together that E can be treated as a continuous variable. For a metallic crystal of volume 1 cm3, the lowest energy level is about 10ÿ14 eV and the spacing between levels is likewise of the order of 10ÿ14 eV. Since metals typically possess about 1022 to 1023 free electrons per cm3, the Fermi energy EF is about 1.5 to 8 eV and the average energy E per electron is about 1 to 5 eV. Thus, for all practical purposes, the energy of the lowest level may be taken as zero and the energy values may be treated as continuous.

The smooth surface of the spherical octant in n-space which de®nes the Fermi energy cuts through some of the unit cubic cells that represent singleparticle states. The replacement of what should be a ragged surface by a smooth surface results in a negligible difference because the density of singleparticle states near the Fermi energy EF is so large that E is essentially continuous. At the Fermi energy EF, the density of single-particle states is


2ðvm 3N











which typically is about 1022 to 1023 states per eV. Thus, near the Fermi energy EF, a differential energy range dE of 10ÿ10 eV contains about 1011 to 1012 doubly occupied single-particle states.

Since the potential energy of the electrons in the free-electron gas is assumed to be zero, all the energy of the mobile electrons is kinetic. The electron velocity uF at the Fermi level EF is given by


21me uF2 EF


and the average electron velocity


is given by












For electrons in a metal, these velocities are on the order of 108 cm sÿ1.


The Fermi temperature TF is de®ned by the relation






Bose±Einstein condensation


where kB is Boltzmann's

constant, and typically ranges

from 18 000 K to

90 000 K for metals. At temperatures up to the melting temperature, we have the relationship


Thus, even at temperatures well above absolute zero, the electrons are essentially all in the lowest possible energy states. As a result, the electronic heat capacity at constant volume, which equals dEtot=dT, is small at ordinary temperatures and approaches zero at low temperatures.

The free-electron gas exerts a pressure on the walls of the in®nite potential well in which it is contained. If the volume v of the gas is increased slightly by an amount dv, then the energy levels Enx,n y,nz in equation (8.56) decrease slightly and consequently the Fermi energy EF in equation (8.60) and the total energy Etot in (8.62) also decrease. The change in total energy of the gas is equal to the work ÿP dv done on the gas by the surroundings, where P is the pressure of the gas. Thus, we have

P ÿ



3N dEF















5 dv





where equations (8.60) and (8.62) have been used. For a typical metal, the pressure P is of the order of 106 atm.

8.6 Bose±Einstein condensation

The behavior of a system of identical bosons is in sharp contrast to that for fermions. At low temperatures, non-interacting fermions of spin s ®ll the single-particle states with the lowest energies, 2s 1 particles in each state. Non-interacting bosons, on the other hand, have no restrictions on the number of particles that can occupy any given single-particle state. Therefore, at extremely low temperatures, all of the bosons drop into the ground singleparticle state. This phenomenon is known as Bose±Einstein condensation.

Although A. Einstein predicted this type of behavior in 1924, only recently has Bose±Einstein condensation for weakly interacting bosons been observed experimentally. In one study,2 a cloud of rubidium-87 atoms was cooled to a temperature of 170 3 10ÿ9 K (170 nK), at which some of the atoms began to condense into the single-particle ground state. The condensation continued as the temperature was lowered to 20 nK, ®nally giving about 2000 atoms in the ground state. In other studies, small gaseous samples of sodium atoms3 and of

2 M. H. Anderson, J. R. Ensher, M. R. Matthews, C. E. Wieman, and E. A. Cornell (1995) Science 269, 198.

3K. B. Davis, M.-O. Mewes, M. R. Andrews, N. J. van Druten, D. S. Durfee, D. M. Kurn, and W. Ketterle (1995) Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3969.


Systems of identical particles

lithium-7 atoms4,5 have also been cooled suf®ciently to undergo Bose±Einstein condensation.

Although we have explained Bose±Einstein condensation as a characteristic of an ideal or nearly ideal gas, i.e., a system of non-interacting or weakly interacting particles, systems of strongly interacting bosons also undergo similar transitions. Liquid helium-4, as an example, has a phase transition at 2.18 K and below that temperature exhibits very unusual behavior. The properties of helium-4 at and near this phase transition correlate with those of an ideal Bose±Einstein gas at and near its condensation temperature. Although the actual behavior of helium-4 is due to a combination of the effects of quantum statistics and interparticle forces, its qualitative behavior is related to Bose± Einstein condensation.



Show that the exchange operators


in equation (8.4) and


in (8.20) are










Noting from equation (8.10) that





Ø(1, 2) 2ÿ1=2S ØA)

Ø(2, 1) 2ÿ1=2S ÿ ØA)

show that Ø(1, 2) and Ø(2, 1) are orthogonal if ØS and ØA are normalized.

8.3Verify the validity of the relationships in equation (8.19).

8.4Verify the validity of the relationships in equation (8.22).

8.5Apply equation (8.12) to show that ØS and ØA in (8.26) are normalized.

8.6Consider two identical non-interacting particles, each of mass m, in a onedimensional box of length a. Suppose that they are in the same spin state so that spin may be ignored.

(a)What are the four lowest energy levels, their degeneracies, and their corresponding wave functions if the two particles are distinguishable?

(b)What are the four lowest energy levels, their degeneracies, and their corresponding wave functions if the two particles are identical fermions?

(c)What are the four lowest energy levels, their degeneracies, and their corresponding wave functions if the two particles are identical bosons?

8.7Consider a crude approximation to the ground state of the lithium atom in which the electron±electron repulsions are neglected. Construct the ground-state wave function in terms of the hydrogen-like atomic orbitals.

4 C. C. Bradley, C. A. Sackett, J. J. Tollett, and R. G. Hulet (1995) Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 1687. 5 C. C. Bradley, C. A. Sackett, and R. G. Hulet (1997) Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 985.

B ÿv



8.8The atomic weight of silver is 107.9 g molÿ1 and its density is 10.49 g cmÿ3. Assuming that each silver atom has one conduction electron, calculate

(a)the Fermi energy and the average electronic energy (in joules and in eV),

(b)the average electronic velocity,

(c)the Fermi temperature,

(d)the pressure of the electron gas.

8.9The bulk modulus or modulus of compression B is de®ned by

@P @v T

Show that B for a free-electron gas is given by B 5P/3.