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Ex. 7. Answer the following questions.

1. What natural resources is Ukraine rich in?

2. Why does Ukraine have to import oil and gas?

3. What industries are highly developed in Ukraine?

4. Why are today’s industries unable to satisfy the consumers’ wants?

5. What are the two branches of agricultural production?

6. What crops are grown in Ukraine?

7. What are the branches of animal husbandry?

8. What characterizes Ukraine’s economy today?

9. What reforms have been made in the banking system?

10. What can you say about privatization?

11. What is Ukraine’s foreign policy aimed at?

12. What is the most effective way of solving both economic and political problems?

Grammar Revew: Future Tenses



  • Use

Signal Words

Future I Simple

(going to)

A: He is going to speak. N: He is not going to speak. Q: Is he going to speak?

decision made for the future

conclusion with regard to the future

in one year, next week, tomorrow

Future I Progressive

A: He will be speaking. N: He will not be speaking. Q: Will he be speaking?

action that is going on at a certain time in the future

action that is sure to happen in the near future

in one year, next week, tomorrow

Future II Simple

A: He will have spoken. N: He will not have spoken. Q: Will he have spoken?

action that will be finished at a certain time in the future

by Monday, in a week

Future II Progressive

A: He will have been speaking. N: He will not have been speaking. Q: Will he have been speaking?

action taking place before a certain time in the future

putting emphasis on the course of an action

for …, the last couple of hours, all day long


Ex. 8. Put the verb in a right form, use Future I Simple, Future I Progressive, Future II Simple, Future II Progressive.

1. I am reading an English book now. It is so interesting that by the end of the day I ..... reading it.

  • am finishing

  • will have finished

  • will be finishing

  • will finish

2. By the first of December this year I ..... here for fifteen years already.

  • will have been working

  • will work

  • will have worked

  • will be working

3. Ask Tom if he ..... in the chess tournament next week.

  • will take part

  • takes part

  • will be taking part

  • will have taken part

4. I'll come home late tomorrow. I ..... out with my friend.

  • will be dining

  • will dine

  • will have been dining

  • am dining

5. By the beginning of next month the firm ..... for four years.

  • will function

  • will have been functioning

  • is functioning

  • will have functioned

6. According to the weather forecast it ..... tomorrow all day long.

  • will be raining

  • will rain

  • will have rained

  • will have been raining

7. Did you write that letter to Jack? - Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. I ..... it in the evening.

  • will have written

  • will have been writing

  • will write

  • am writing

8. When Jerry enters a Medical school he ..... Chemistry for more than four years.

  • will be studying

  • will study

  • will have been studying

  • will have studied

9. I won't leave the house before the postman ..... mail.

  • will have brought

  • brings

  • will bring

  • is bringing

10. I ..... to a party tomorrow. Would you like to come?

  • will go

  • am going

  • will be going

  • will have gone

11. I'll come home late tonight. But I don’t think that by the time I come the children will have gone to bed; they ..... for me.

  • will wait

  • will be waiting

  • will have been waiting

  • will have waited

12. Ted is looking for a job. He is a good worker and I hope that by the end of the month he ..... a good job.

  • will find

  • is going to find

  • will have found

  • is finding

13. They ..... all the problems by the end of the meeting, I am afraid.

  • won’t settle

  • won’t have settled

  • aren’t settling

  • won’t be settling

14. The dog will wait for his master near the door until his master ..... from work.

  • gets back

  • will get back

  • won’t get back

  • will be getting back

15. She is not sure if she ..... his telephone number in the telephone directory.

  • will find

  • will have found

  • finds

  • will be finding


Ex.1. Read the following words

Manufactured, employed, agriculture, mining, building, provide, natural, resources, richly, cultivation, sheep breeding, pig raising, soil, fertile, quality, expensive, characteristic, semi-finished, cheap, mostly, precision, equipment, chemicals, woollen, leather, synthetic, original, coal mining, iron steel, engineering, particularly, aircraft, automobile, atomic, reactor, emphasis.

Ex.2. Read and translate the text.

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