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2. Ознайомтесь із текстом. Зверніть увагу на особливостіведення бізнесу у сша.

Doing business in USA

The population of the United States is 300 million people of mixed races and heritage. Although the population is predominantly of European descent, the country has been a welcoming beacon to immigrants from virtually every country and culture in the world. English is the predominant language, although languages from many foreign countries are spoken within cultural enclaves throughout the U.S. The majority of American's (U.S.) are Christian.

The United States of America consists of 50 states governed on a federal level, as well as a state level. Laws are written at both levels, and when doing business in the United States one must make sure to meet the requirements mandated by these laws. The country is very litigious so legal resources are available and specialists can be found to assist with any transaction.

The culture and geographic location of an area will influence how business is done. Traditionally, the East Coast is more conservative and formal in their dress and manners than the West Coast. That is not to say a West Coast meeting carries any less importance. The climate and lifestyle are just more relaxed, which is reflected in the pace and informality.


Geert Hofstede Analysis United States of America

The Geert Hofstede analysis for the United States is very similar to other World Countries that have their heritage founded in Europe with strong ties to the British Isles (see Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand). Individualism ranks highest and is a significant factor in the life of U.S. Americans. The low ranking of Long-term Orientation reflects a freedom in the culture from long-term traditional commitments, which allows greater flexibility and the freedom to react quickly to new opportunities. 

There are only seven (7) countries in the Geert Hofstede research that have Individualism (IDV) as their highest Dimension: USA (91), Australia (90), United Kingdom (89), Netherlands and Canada (80), and Italy (76).

The high Individualism (IDV) ranking for the United States indicates a society with a more individualistic attitude and relatively loose bonds with others. The populace is more self-reliant and looks out for themselves and their close family members.

The next highest Hofstede Dimension is Masculinity (MAS) with a ranking of 62, compared with a world average of 50. This indicates the country experiences a higher degree of gender differentiation of roles. The male dominates a significant portion of the society and power structure. This situation generates a female population that becomes more assertive and competitive, with women shifting toward the male role model and away from their female role. The United States was included in the group of countries that had the Long Term Orientation (LTO) Dimension added. The LTO is the lowest Dimension for the US at 29, compared to the world average of 45. This low LTO ranking is indicative of the societies' belief in meeting its obligations and tends to reflect an appreciation for cultural traditions.

The next lowest ranking Dimension for the United States is Power Distance (PDI) at 40, compared to the world Average of 55. This is indicative of a greater equality between societal levels, including government, organizations, and even within families. This orientation reinforces a cooperative interaction across power levels and creates a more stable cultural environment.

The last Geert Hofstede Dimension for the US is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI), with a ranking of 46, compared to the world average of 64. A low ranking in the Uncertainty Avoidance Dimension is indicative of a society that has fewer rules and does not attempt to control all outcomes and results. It also has a greater level of tolerance for a variety of ideas, thoughts, and beliefs.

 Religion in the United States of America


In analyzing Predominantly Christian countries, the primary correlation between religion and the Geert Hofstede Dimensions is a high Individualism (IDV) ranking. This indicates that predominantly Christian countries have a strong belief in individuality, with individual rights being paramount within the society. Individuals in these countries may tend to form a larger number of looser relationships. The predominant religion in the United States is Christian at 56%, and when added to Catholic practitioners (28%), the total practice of Christianity within the US is 84%. (We have defined a predominantly Christian country as over 50% of the population practicing some form of Christianity, other than Catholicism. ) 


Business suit and tie are appropriate in all major cities. Wear dark colored business suits in classic colors of gray and navy. For an important formal meeting, choose a white dress shirt, for less formal a light blue shirt will still give you a conservative appearance.

Women should wear a suit or dress with jacket in major cities. Wearing classic clothing and classic colors of navy, gray, ivory, and white will ensure you give a confident and conservative appearance.

Rural areas and areas with extremely warm summers have more informal wardrobe requirements.

Women may wear a business dress, or skirt and blouse, in rural areas.

Men may conduct business without wearing a jacket and/or tie in rural areas.

The formality of a meeting, even in rural areas, may dictate a sports jacket and tie for men. The same formality will require a woman to wear a dress, possibly with a jacket.

Casual clothing is appropriate when not attending a work related meeting/dinner. Building a casual wardrobe using classic lines and colors (navy, gray, camel, ivory and white) will give you a look that is stylish and professional even when you are relaxing.

Clothing, whether formal or casual, should be clean and neat in appearance.

Men may generally wear jeans or khaki pants with a shirt for casual attire. Normally they can be paired with either dark urban shoes  or dress shoes.

Women may wear comfortably fitting slacks with a casual shirt. Wearing jeans or shorts, even in a casual setting, may be inappropriate for the city. It is better to err on the conservative side if you are not sure.



Business conversation may take place during meals. However, many times you will find more social conversation taking place during the actual meal.

Business meetings may be arranged as breakfast meetings, luncheon meetings, or dinner meetings depending on time schedules and necessity. Generally a dinner, even though for business purposes, is treated as a social meal and a time to build rapport.

Gift giving is discouraged or limited by many US companies. A gracious written note is always appropriate and acceptable.

If you do give a gift, it should not appear to be a bribe.

An invitation for a meal or a modest gift is usually acceptable.

If you are someplace with a line or queue, go to the end and wait your turn.

Do not use or chew on a toothpick in public.

Many public places and private homes do not allow smoking. In some areas laws have been passed to prevent smoking in public places.



Offer a firm handshake, lasting 3-5 seconds, upon greeting and leaving. Maintain good eye contact during your handshake. If you are meeting several people at once, maintain eye contact with the person you are shaking hands with, until you are moving on the next person.

Good eye contact during business and social conversations shows interest, sincerity and confidence.

Good friends may briefly embrace, although the larger the city, usually the more formal the behavior.

Introductions include one's title if appropriate, or Mr., Ms, Mrs. and the full name.

Business cards are generally exchanged during introductions. However, they may be exchanged when one party is leaving.

A smile is a sign of friendliness, and in rural areas you may be greeted with a "hello" rather than a handshake.

Ask permission to smoke before lighting a cigarette or cigar. Due to health concerns, you may or may not be given permission.


Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  • Is it possible to have business conversation during taking meals in USA?

  • What are the nuances of giving gifts while doing business in USA?

  • How important is to maintain an eye contact?

  • Are men and women equal in leading business in USA?

4.Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

  • Imagine that you have a business meeting with several people at once, what would you start with?

  • Imagine that you are invited to a business meeting with an owner of a big firm, what would you be dressed in?

Базова література::

  1. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. – 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. - 182с (Библиотечка для изучающих английский язык).

Інформаційні ресурси:



Додаткова література:

1.Liz and John Soars. New Headway Intermediate. The third edition. Student’s book.

Інформаційні ресурси:





Практичне заняття №5

Тема: Культура ділового спілкування Великої Британії.

(6 години)

Навчальна:введення нового лексичногоматеріалу, надання англомовної інформації щодо особливостей ділового етикету Великої Британії.

Розвиваюча:розвиток навичок використання ділового стилю в комунікації англійською мовою.

Виховна:формування культурної грамотності, поваги до культур інших країн.

Освітня:оволодіння знаннями про особливості спілкування з представниками інших кульур.

Основні поняття: United Kingdom's international business, "Brits", England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, "Standard Oxbridge" or "BBC English accent", negotiating, .

Наочність: роздатковий матеріал


1. Ознайомлення з лексикою з теми "Культура діловогоспілкуванняВеликоїБританії". Активізація нового мовногоматеріалу.

2. Робота з текстом "BusinessEtiquetteinBritain". Читання та переклад.

3. Виконаннялексичних та післятекстовихзавдань для закріпленнязнань з теми.

4. Моделюванняситуаційспілкування.

Практичні завдання

1.Введення нової лексики з теми "Культура ділового спілкування Великої Британії".

Entity, constituent parts, to be sensitive to the ethnic heritage of associates, to appear intrusive, to interrogate, look a bit desperate for conversation, to become chummy, to become anxious, to be discreet.

Перекладіть українською:

1. England is only one part of the entity known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2. U.K. countries are members of the European Union, the British do not consider themselves "European." This is vital when discussing issues regarding the E.U.

3. Do not try to interrogate your British colleagues with personal questions while you're at work.

4. Great Britain's devolution of powers has continued over the last decade.

5. Schedule your visit at least a few days ahead of time, then confirm your appointment upon arrival.

6. In the U.K., there are established rules for everything, which gives a sense of stability to the lives of locals. The English are very time-oriented and may become anxious about deadlines and results.

2. Ознайомтесь із текстом. Зверніть увагу на особливості ведення бізнесу у Великої Британії.

Business Etiquette in Britain.

Regions, customs and accents

England is only one part of the entity known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Most of the United Kingdom's international business is conducted through England. Britain refers to the island on which England, Wales and Scotland are located. Although the English are in the habit of referring to all natives of Britain as "Brits," this term is not appreciated by many Welsh, Irish and Scots. Although U.K. countries are members of the European Union, the British do not consider themselves "European." This is vital when discussing issues regarding the E.U.

Northern Ireland shares the island of ?ire with the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, while the Republic of Ireland is not. It is both incorrect and insulting to call someone from the Republic of Ireland (also known as ?ire, Southern Ireland, the Free State or the South) a Brit.

Each of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) has a distinct history, culture and ancestral language. There are also separatist pressures pulling each of these regions apart, so be sensitive to the ethnic heritage of your associates. Great Britain's devolution of powers has continued over the last decade. The Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh opened in 1999, as did the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff.

In the U.K., one's private life is just that. Do not try to interrogate your British colleagues with personal questions while you're at work. Even asking where someone is from (something that is obvious to other people from the U.K., based on accent) may appear intrusive and can make a foreign businessperson look a bit desperate for conversation. True English friendships are few and specific; do not try to become chummy during contract negotiations.

While there is a "Standard Oxbridge" or "BBC English accent" that most foreigners recognize, a multitude of other accents and dialects are common as well. Just 10 minutes outside London, pronunciation begins to change. In the United Kingdom alone, there are well over 30 dialects, including Cockney, Scouse, Geordie, West Country, East Anglia, Birmingham (aka Brummy or Brummie), South Wales, Edinburgh, Belfast, Cornwall, Cumberland and Devonshire.

Punctuality, appointments and local time

Always be punctual. In London, traffic can make this difficult, so allow plenty of time to get to your appointment. Schedule your visit at least a few days ahead of time, then confirm your appointment upon arrival. In the U.K., there are established rules for everything, which gives a sense of stability to the lives of locals. The English are very time-oriented and may become anxious about deadlines and results.

There are no designated national holidays in England, but workers enjoy several weeks' worth of official holidays in the United Kingdom, including a number of bank holidays. The English are on Greenwich Mean Time, also known as GMT.


An oral agreement may be considered binding, followed by written confirmation. Generally, only major agreements require legal procedures. Be discreet when you suggest contacting an attorney (called a solicitor in the United Kingdom).

The best way to make contact with senior executives is through a third party. The hierarchy in business is as follows: the managing director (equivalent to a CEO in the U.S.), the director (corporate vice president), the divisional officers, the deputy directors and the managers.

Businesspeople are normally more interested in short-term results than in long-term prospects. The British do not necessarily see change as a good thing. Generally speaking, the British do not often reveal excitement or other emotions (except at soccer matches, when anything can happen). Try to stay understated as well. Similarly, the British tend to refrain from extravagant claims about products or plans.

Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. What does the term "Brits" mean?

2. Is it possible to interrogate your British colleagues with personal questions while you're at work?

3. What can you say about English friendships?

4. What is the hierarchy in UK business?

4. Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

" Imagine that you are late for a business meeting in UK, what are you going to do and what are you going to say when you will finally arrive?

Базова література::

  1. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. - 3-е изд., испр. - К.: Знання, 2006. - 182с (Библиотечка для изучающих английский язык).

Інформаційні ресурси:



Додаткова література:

1.Liz and John Soars. New Headway Intermediate. The third edition. Student's book.

Інформаційні ресурси:


Практичне заняття № 6

Тема: Ділова бесіда. Ділове інтерв’ю. Виконання творчих завдань.

(6 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: надання англомовної інформації щодо ведення ділової бесіди.

Розвиваюча: розвиток вмінь та навичок до виділення основної інформації з прочитаного тексту та використання знань з теми англійською мовою на практиці.

Виховна: формування культурної грамотності, формування професійної свідомості.

Освітня: оволодіння знаннями про особливості ведення ділової бесіди.

Основні поняття:Business Interview, candidate, first impression, candidate's qualifications, job description, to hire someone.

Наочність: роздатковий матеріал.


1. Ознайомлення з лексикою з теми "Ділова бесіда. Ділове інтерв’ю". Активізація нового мовногоматеріалу.

2. Робота з текстом "Business Interview and Business conversation". Читання та переклад.

3. Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань для закріплення знань з теми.

4. Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

Практичні завдання

1.Введення нової лексики з теми "Ділова бесіда.Ділове інтерв’ю".

Successful job, Interview, enhance, sloppy clothing, distraction, to create the wrong initial impression, neutral and neat attire, neatly groomed, persuasive information, to make some adjustments in the job.


Перекладіть українською:

1. A successful job interview is a sales event and what is being sold is you, the candidate.

2. In an interview, a candidate wants the hiring decision to be based solely on his or her ability to get the job done.

3. A too casual or sloppy wardrobe can create the wrong initial impression.

4. The "added bonuses" are often things that the interviewer does not expect to find, but would be thrilled if he could.

5. The interviewer wants to see if he likes you initially and if he would like working with you.

6. You can't wallow in needless details in an attempt to set up you main selling point. The interviewer may cut you off before you get to it!

2. Ознайомтесь із текстом. Зверніть увагу на особливості ведення ділової бесіди та проходження інтерв’ю.

Business Interview and Business conversation.

1. How you look affects how they see you

A successful job interview is a sales event and what is being sold is you, the candidate.

When something is being sold, whether on TV, in the newspaper or during an interview, a sales message is being delivered. How that message is delivered can either detract from the message or enhance its effectiveness.

In an interview, a candidate wants the hiring decision to be based solely on his or her ability to get the job done. However, should a candidate enter an interview with dirty or sloppy clothing, it can affect the interviewer, if only in terms of a distraction.

There is the saying: you only get one chance at a first impression. A too casual or sloppy wardrobe can create the wrong initial impression. So, regardless of how qualified you may be, your appearance can make or break your interview.

It is best to wear neutral and neat attire. The best-dressed candidate is often the one least noticed for his or her appearance. In this way, all attention can be focused on the interview and on the candidate's qualifications, and not on their appearance.

Some interview attire guidelines:


  • A clean pressed dress shirt and tie

  • Conservative colors

  • A suit or sports coat and dress slacks

  • Well-polished dress shoes

  • Neatly groomed


  • Conservative blouse

  • Business suit

  • Conservative colors

  • Properly fitting attire

  • Non-revealing attire

  • Conservative hairstyle

2. You will interview the best if you are prepared and have done your homework

  • Learn something about the company that will be interviewing you. Do your homework by reading company literature and visiting their web site. Get an understanding of their products, services and location. Find out what differentiates them from their competitors.

  • Find out what the interviewer is looking for in a candidate. Try to know as much as possible about the interviewer or interviewers, the job description and responsibilities. Find out about the required skills of the position and the special skills or abilities an ideal candidate should possess. Remember, you are selling yourself in an interview and it is very helpful to understand what the interviewer is looking for in an employee.

  • Know the "must haves", the "like to haves" and the "added bonuses":

  • In every job opening there are key skills that the candidate must have to get the job. This could be a certain college or technical degree or type of experience. You need to know what these "must haves" are and make sure that you qualify before you go to the interview. Don't waste your time or the interviewer's time if you don't have these "must haves" in your background.

  • Next, there are skills that the interviewer would "like to have" in a candidate. Know what these are and note which ones you have. Realize that you don't always have to have all of the "like to haves".

  • The "added bonuses" are often things that the interviewer does not expect to find, but would be thrilled if he could. These are usually special skills. Make sure you note these and be prepared to mention any "added bonuses" you possess.

  • Get a map and directions to the interview location. Sometimes a city map gets you to the plant or engineering center and a second set of directions is needed to know where to park, which entrance to use, and if a visitor's pass is required for entry.

  • Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early. If construction or traffic is a concern, leave for the interview site even earlier. Be sure to get the name and phone number of the interviewer, should you get delayed.

3. The interviewing process is really a sales call

  • An interview is essentially a sales call. The interviewer has decided to "buy" the services of a trained professional and is now in the selection process. This is much the same process you enter into when you decide to buy a new car. You want to test drive several that meet your initial criteria and select the one that best fits your needs and your price range.

  • As the person being interviewed, you are in a unique position of being both the salesman and the product being sold. You must present your skills and unique qualities to the buyer and then, once you are "purchased", must live up to your sales pitch.

  • During an interview you are selling yourself as a candidate on two levels:

  • 1. As a fine person, and 2. As someone clearly able to do the job.

  • Usually, an interviewer begins with the "fine person test". The interviewer wants to see if he likes you initially and if he would like working with you. He wants to make sure that you will fit into the culture of the organization and reflect well on him for hiring you. He wants to make sure that you will represent the company well.

  • In addition to passing the "fine person test" you must also pass a "skills test". The interviewer must determine whether or not you possess the right skills and background to be able to do the job. He will focus on your experience and knowledge. In technical jobs, he may require you to pass a formal skills test.

  • To get the job you must score well on both tests. Deliver enough persuasive information to convince the decision maker that you are easy to work with and that you can do the job.

  • One comforting factor you should keep in mind is that deep down inside, everyone interviewing a candidate wants them to do well. They do want to find everything to their satisfaction. They need to hire someone.

5. Make your interview read like a newspaper

Pick up any newspaper and notice the following about every article in it:

  • 1. The headline sums up the article.

  • 2. The first paragraph lays out the entire story.

  • 3. The first sentence of every paragraph tells what the whole paragraph is about.

  • 4. The major facts of every story always come earliest. Lesser details come later, and the most trivial are at the end.

  • There's a good reason for this "big-picture-first" format. It allows you, the reader, to get what you want out of the paper very quickly and efficiently. You can stop reading any article after a paragraph or two and still know the gist of the story. And when an article really interests you, you can dig deeper into the details by reading further.

  • See the analogy to what you're trying to achieve in an interview? Just like the newspaper reader, the interviewer has the option to dig deeper or to switch to another topic. You can drop any article after reading the headline or just a paragraph. And the interviewer can do the same by diverting to another subject or asking a different question.

  • Therefore, all answers should be in "newspaper style." You've got to state your main point in the first sentence or two of each answer. You can't wallow in needless details in an attempt to set up you main selling point. The interviewer may cut you off before you get to it!

  • You can go too far the other way also. You should never respond to their questions with one or two word answers. If asked, "Tell me about yourself," you should never reply with "I'm basically OK, I guess." Worse yet: "Do you like designing machines?" Answer: "Yep."

  • "Newspaper style" is very common in the business world. Study and master it. Use it orally and in writing. Presentations are best given this way. Surprisingly few interview candidates have learned what newspapers tell them each day. Learn "Newspaper style."

6. Job Interviewing is a two-way street

  • Today, interviewing is a two way street. On one hand, the candidate must sell himself to the company. On the other hand, the company interviewer realizes that someone with the right qualifications and attitude may not be easy to find and may have other offers. The interviewer must sell the job and the company to the candidate.

  • So it is appropriate for you to interview the interviewer about the company and the job. Find out what you will be doing. Make sure that you can do the work and that it is the type of work you are looking for. Be honest with yourself and the interviewer. If you have a problem with the job scope, now is the time to mention it. If the interviewer is truly interested in you, he or she may be able to make some adjustments in the job.

  • Turn-around questions are fair play during an interview, as long as they do not attempt to take over the interview. Keep a sense of balance in an interview, in terms of you and the interviewer getting to know each other.

  • It is important to sell yourself as a candidate, but it is also important to completely understand the job, know the expectations of the customer, and to become familiar enough with the company to make an important career decision.

  • Be yourself in an interview. Ask questions as you feel they are appropriate and keep an interview a two-way flow of information. The interviewer needs to be sold on you and you need to be sold on the interviewer and his company.

7. Use your recruiter to negotiate your best salary

  • The recruiter is your agent for your salary. Much like a sports agent, he is in a unique position with the potential employer. He can usually get you an attractive offer if you have interviewed well but these negotiations are usually done after the interview process is complete.

  • You should have a good idea of the salary range offered for this job before you agree to interview. Sometimes, as in a contract position, you will know the exact amount the job will pay. Make sure these figures are acceptable to you and don't expect an offer substantially higher than the stated range.

  • Don't use the interviewer's invitation to ask questions as an opportunity to start talking about pay rates or salary. There is a time to talk finances, and your questions directed at the interviewer should not give them the impression that you are focused on the almighty dollar and only motivated by money. Your recruiter can and will act as your agent in the successful negotiation of a competitive offer, but this should occur only after the interviewer is sold on hiring you.

  • When asked, "What are your salary requirements?" a suitable response could be, "I understand from my recruiter that this job pays a competitive salary. I would carefully consider any competitive offer."

  • The final tip: If you want the job, end your interview by asking for the job offer.

  • If you've decided from the interview that you indeed do want the job, you should make it clear to the interviewer that you would like the job and would appreciate an offer. You may share with the interviewer what about the job or company interests you the most.

  • On the other hand, should you have reservations about the job, you should simply say that you appreciate their interest and are thankful for the opportunity of an interview.

Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань.

Practice questions (not typical interview questions) in pairs and make sure you remember all the rules of business interview:

  • Tell me about your college years and what you got out of them?

  • How did you get your spouse to marry you?

  • What two cars you've owned have been the biggest headaches?

  • What have you done for your children that your parents didn't do for you?

  • What's your philosophy of life and how does it differ from most others.

  • What three characteristics do you look for in a friend...and why?

  • What could be done to improve service at your bank?

  • How did your two favorite teachers or professors help you most?

  • Why do you eat out as often or as little as you do?

  • If you had to be an animal in the zoo, which would it be and why?

  • If you could do one nice thing for 20 strangers, what would it be?

  • If forced to take a government job, what would it be and why?

  • How could the postal office be improved?

  • Explain the two things you like most about your spouse?

  • What did you learn as a teenager that you'd like other kids to learn?

  • Tell me the dishes you prepare best and your main cooking secret.

  • Why do you keep returning to the restaurant you like the best?

  • Which American politician have you respected most and why?

  • Tell me about the two happiest days of your life.

  • Tell me about another house you'd prefer to the one you have.

4. Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

Imagine that you are interviewing your friend. Ask the typical question below, and make sure your friend answers short and to the point.

Typical Interview Questions:

  • What are your long-range and short-range goals and objectives? When and why did you establish these goals, and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?

  • What professional goals have you established for yourself for the next 10 years?

  • What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

  • What would you like most of all to accomplish in your career?

  • What are your long-range career objectives?

  • How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

  • What are the most important rewards you expect in your business career?

  • What do you expect to be earning in five years?

  • Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?

  • Which is more important to you, the money or the type of Job?

  • What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

  • How would you describe yourself?

  • How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?

  • What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?

  • How has your college experience prepared you for a business career?

  • Why should I hire you?

  • What qualifications do you have that make you think you will be successful?

  • How do you determine or evaluate success?

  • What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?

  • In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?

Перекладіть українською:

1. England is only one part of the entity known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2. U.K. countries are members of the European Union, the British do not consider themselves "European." This is vital when discussing issues regarding the E.U.

3. Do not try to interrogate your British colleagues with personal questions while you're at work.

4. The culture and geographic location of an area will influence how business is done.

5. Many years ago business was conducted predominantly by men.

6. A successful job interview is a sales event and what is being sold is you, the candidate.

7. In an interview, a candidate wants the hiring decision to be based solely on his or her ability to get the job done.

Приготуйте повідомлення про культуру ділового спілкування будь-якої країни та зробіть порівняльний аналіз з культурою ділового спілкування в Україні.

Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

1. Imagine you are a business woman that came for business to Arabian country, what are you going to wear, and how would you lead your business conversation.

2. Imagine you are going to hire a good specialist but he has very “free” way of being dressed, what would you tell him/her.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Dramatize them.

A. Well, Mrs. Bradley, I see you’ve already had quite a lot of experience in the food industry. Could you dwell on your regular duties at your recent job?

B. Yes, I can tell you that----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. You mentioned earlier that you liked the people you had worked with. What features do you appreciate in your colleagues?

B. I think that-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. It seems to me you had a pleasant place to work. I’m surprised you are going to leave.

B. You are quite right, but----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. You mentioned that you had attended special language courses. How do you think it will help you in the future work?

B. I suppose that----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Базова література::

  1. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. - 3-е изд., испр. - К.: Знання, 2006. - 182с (Библиотечка для изучающих английский язык).

Інформаційні ресурси:



Додаткова література:

1.Liz and John Soars. New Headway Intermediate. The third edition. Student's book.

Інформаційні ресурси:


Практичне заняття № 7

Тема: Виконання творчих завдань.

(4 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: надання англомовної інформації щодо ведення ділової бесіди.

Розвиваюча: розвиток вмінь та навичок іншомовного говоріння та використання знань з теми у спілкуванні англійською мовою.

Виховна: формування культурної грамотності, формування професійної свідомості.

Освітня: оволодіння знаннями про особливості ведення ділової бесіди.

Основні поняття:Business Interview, candidate, first impression, candidate's qualifications, job description, to hire someone.

Наочність: роздатковий матеріал.


1. Активізація лексики з теми "Ділова бесіда. Ділове інтерв’ю". Активізація нового мовного матеріалу.

2. Робота з текстом "Business Interview and Business conversation". Читання та переклад.

3. Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань для закріплення знань з теми.

4. Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

Практичні завдання

1. Активізація лексики з теми "Ділова бесіда. Ділове інтерв’ю".

Successful job, Interview, enhance, sloppy clothing, distraction, to create the wrong initial impression, neutral and neat attire, neatly groomed, persuasive information, to make some adjustments in the job.


Перекладіть українською:

1. A successful job interview is a sales event and what is being sold is you, the candidate.

2. In an interview, a candidate wants the hiring decision to be based solely on his or her ability to get the job done.

3. A too casual or sloppy wardrobe can create the wrong initial impression.

4. The "added bonuses" are often things that the interviewer does not expect to find, but would be thrilled if he could.

5. The interviewer wants to see if he likes you initially and if he would like working with you.

6. You can't wallow in needless details in an attempt to set up you main selling point. The interviewer may cut you off before you get to it!

2. Ознайомтесь із текстом. Зверніть увагу на особливості ведення ділової бесіди та проходження інтерв’ю.

Business Interview and Business conversation.

1. How you look affects how they see you

A successful job interview is a sales event and what is being sold is you, the candidate.

When something is being sold, whether on TV, in the newspaper or during an interview, a sales message is being delivered. How that message is delivered can either detract from the message or enhance its effectiveness.

In an interview, a candidate wants the hiring decision to be based solely on his or her ability to get the job done. However, should a candidate enter an interview with dirty or sloppy clothing, it can affect the interviewer, if only in terms of a distraction.

There is the saying: you only get one chance at a first impression. A too casual or sloppy wardrobe can create the wrong initial impression. So, regardless of how qualified you may be, your appearance can make or break your interview.

It is best to wear neutral and neat attire. The best-dressed candidate is often the one least noticed for his or her appearance. In this way, all attention can be focused on the interview and on the candidate's qualifications, and not on their appearance.

Some interview attire guidelines:


  • A clean pressed dress shirt and tie

  • Conservative colours

  • A suit or sports coat and dress slacks

  • Well-polished dress shoes

  • Neatly groomed


  • Conservative blouse

  • Business suit

  • Conservative colours

  • Properly fitting attire

  • Non-revealing attire

  • Conservative hairstyle

2. You will interview the best if you are prepared and have done your homework

  • Learn something about the company that will be interviewing you. Do your homework by reading company literature and visiting their web site. Get an understanding of their products, services and location. Find out what differentiates them from their competitors.

  • Find out what the interviewer is looking for in a candidate. Try to know as much as possible about the interviewer or interviewers, the job description and responsibilities. Find out about the required skills of the position and the special skills or abilities an ideal candidate should possess. Remember, you are selling yourself in an interview and it is very helpful to understand what the interviewer is looking for in an employee.

  • Know the "must haves", the "like to haves" and the "added bonuses":

  • In every job opening there are key skills that the candidate must have to get the job. This could be a certain college or technical degree or type of experience. You need to know what these "must haves" are and make sure that you qualify before you go to the interview. Don't waste your time or the interviewer's time if you don't have these "must haves" in your background.

  • Next, there are skills that the interviewer would "like to have" in a candidate. Know what these are and note which ones you have. Realize that you don't always have to have all of the "like to haves".

  • The "added bonuses" are often things that the interviewer does not expect to find, but would be thrilled if he could. These are usually special skills. Make sure you note these and be prepared to mention any "added bonuses" you possess.

  • Get a map and directions to the interview location. Sometimes a city map gets you to the plant or engineering center and a second set of directions is needed to know where to park, which entrance to use, and if a visitor's pass is required for entry.

  • Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early. If construction or traffic is a concern, leave for the interview site even earlier. Be sure to get the name and phone number of the interviewer, should you get delayed.

3. The interviewing process is really a sales call

  • An interview is essentially a sales call. The interviewer has decided to "buy" the services of a trained professional and is now in the selection process. This is much the same process you enter into when you decide to buy a new car. You want to test drive several that meet your initial criteria and select the one that best fits your needs and your price range.

  • As the person being interviewed, you are in a unique position of being both the salesman and the product being sold. You must present your skills and unique qualities to the buyer and then, once you are "purchased", must live up to your sales pitch.

  • During an interview you are selling yourself as a candidate on two levels:

  • 1. As a fine person, and 2. As someone clearly able to do the job.

  • Usually, an interviewer begins with the "fine person test". The interviewer wants to see if he likes you initially and if he would like working with you. He wants to make sure that you will fit into the culture of the organization and reflect well on him for hiring you. He wants to make sure that you will represent the company well.

  • In addition to passing the "fine person test" you must also pass a "skills test". The interviewer must determine whether or not you possess the right skills and background to be able to do the job. He will focus on your experience and knowledge. In technical jobs, he may require you to pass a formal skills test.

  • To get the job you must score well on both tests. Deliver enough persuasive information to convince the decision maker that you are easy to work with and that you can do the job.

  • One comforting factor you should keep in mind is that deep down inside, everyone interviewing a candidate wants them to do well. They do want to find everything to their satisfaction. They need to hire someone.

5. Make your interview read like a newspaper

Pick up any newspaper and notice the following about every article in it:

  • 1. The headline sums up the article.

  • 2. The first paragraph lays out the entire story.

  • 3. The first sentence of every paragraph tells what the whole paragraph is about.

  • 4. The major facts of every story always come earliest. Lesser details come later, and the most trivial are at the end.

  • There's a good reason for this "big-picture-first" format. It allows you, the reader, to get what you want out of the paper very quickly and efficiently. You can stop reading any article after a paragraph or two and still know the gist of the story. And when an article really interests you, you can dig deeper into the details by reading further.

  • See the analogy to what you're trying to achieve in an interview? Just like the newspaper reader, the interviewer has the option to dig deeper or to switch to another topic. You can drop any article after reading the headline or just a paragraph. And the interviewer can do the same by diverting to another subject or asking a different question.

  • Therefore, all answers should be in "newspaper style." You've got to state your main point in the first sentence or two of each answer. You can't wallow in needless details in an attempt to set up you main selling point. The interviewer may cut you off before you get to it!

  • You can go too far the other way also. You should never respond to their questions with one or two word answers. If asked, "Tell me about yourself," you should never reply with "I'm basically OK, I guess." Worse yet: "Do you like designing machines?" Answer: "Yep."

  • "Newspaper style" is very common in the business world. Study and master it. Use it orally and in writing. Presentations are best given this way. Surprisingly few interview candidates have learned what newspapers tell them each day. Learn "Newspaper style."

6. Job Interviewing is a two-way street

  • Today, interviewing is a two way street. On one hand, the candidate must sell himself to the company. On the other hand, the company interviewer realizes that someone with the right qualifications and attitude may not be easy to find and may have other offers. The interviewer must sell the job and the company to the candidate.

  • So it is appropriate for you to interview the interviewer about the company and the job. Find out what you will be doing. Make sure that you can do the work and that it is the type of work you are looking for. Be honest with yourself and the interviewer. If you have a problem with the job scope, now is the time to mention it. If the interviewer is truly interested in you, he or she may be able to make some adjustments in the job.

  • Turn-around questions are fair play during an interview, as long as they do not attempt to take over the interview. Keep a sense of balance in an interview, in terms of you and the interviewer getting to know each other.

  • It is important to sell yourself as a candidate, but it is also important to completely understand the job, know the expectations of the customer, and to become familiar enough with the company to make an important career decision.

  • Be yourself in an interview. Ask questions as you feel they are appropriate and keep an interview a two-way flow of information. The interviewer needs to be sold on you and you need to be sold on the interviewer and his company.

7. Use your recruiter to negotiate your best salary

  • The recruiter is your agent for your salary. Much like a sports agent, he is in a unique position with the potential employer. He can usually get you an attractive offer if you have interviewed well but these negotiations are usually done after the interview process is complete.

  • You should have a good idea of the salary range offered for this job before you agree to interview. Sometimes, as in a contract position, you will know the exact amount the job will pay. Make sure these figures are acceptable to you and don't expect an offer substantially higher than the stated range.

  • Don't use the interviewer's invitation to ask questions as an opportunity to start talking about pay rates or salary. There is a time to talk finances, and your questions directed at the interviewer should not give them the impression that you are focused on the almighty dollar and only motivated by money. Your recruiter can and will act as your agent in the successful negotiation of a competitive offer, but this should occur only after the interviewer is sold on hiring you.

  • When asked, "What are your salary requirements?" a suitable response could be, "I understand from my recruiter that this job pays a competitive salary. I would carefully consider any competitive offer."

  • The final tip: If you want the job, end your interview by asking for the job offer.

  • If you've decided from the interview that you indeed do want the job, you should make it clear to the interviewer that you would like the job and would appreciate an offer. You may share with the interviewer what about the job or company interests you the most.

  • On the other hand, should you have reservations about the job, you should simply say that you appreciate their interest and are thankful for the opportunity of an interview.

Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань.

Practice questions (not typical interview questions) in pairs and make sure you remember all the rules of business interview:

  • Tell me about your college years and what you got out of them?

  • How did you get your spouse to marry you?

  • What two cars you've owned have been the biggest headaches?

  • What have you done for your children that your parents didn't do for you?

  • What's your philosophy of life and how does it differ from most others.

  • What three characteristics do you look for in a friend...and why?

  • What could be done to improve service at your bank?

  • How did your two favorite teachers or professors help you most?

  • Why do you eat out as often or as little as you do?

  • If you had to be an animal in the zoo, which would it be and why?

  • If you could do one nice thing for 20 strangers, what would it be?

  • If forced to take a government job, what would it be and why?

  • How could the postal office be improved?

  • Explain the two things you like most about your spouse?

  • What did you learn as a teenager that you'd like other kids to learn?

  • Tell me the dishes you prepare best and your main cooking secret.

  • Why do you keep returning to the restaurant you like the best?

  • Which American politician have you respected most and why?

  • Tell me about the two happiest days of your life.

  • Tell me about another house you'd prefer to the one you have.

4. Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

Imagine that you are interviewing your friend. Ask the typical question below, and make sure your friend answers short and to the point.

Typical Interview Questions:

  • What are your long-range and short-range goals and objectives? When and why did you establish these goals, and how are you preparing yourself to achieve them?

  • What professional goals have you established for yourself for the next 10 years?

  • What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

  • What would you like most of all to accomplish in your career?

  • What are your long-range career objectives?

  • How do you plan to achieve your career goals?

  • What are the most important rewards you expect in your business career?

  • What do you expect to be earning in five years?

  • Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?

  • Which is more important to you, the money or the type of Job?

  • What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

  • How would you describe yourself?

  • How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?

  • What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?

  • How has your college experience prepared you for a business career?

  • Why should I hire you?

  • What qualifications do you have that make you think you will be successful?

  • How do you determine or evaluate success?

  • What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?

  • In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?

Перекладіть українською:

1. England is only one part of the entity known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2. U.K. countries are members of the European Union, the British do not consider themselves "European." This is vital when discussing issues regarding the E.U.

3. Do not try to interrogate your British colleagues with personal questions while you're at work.

4. The culture and geographic location of an area will influence how business is done.

5. Many years ago business was conducted predominantly by men.

6. A successful job interview is a sales event and what is being sold is you, the candidate.

7. In an interview, a candidate wants the hiring decision to be based solely on his or her ability to get the job done.

Приготуйте повідомлення про культуру ділового спілкування будь-якої країни та зробіть порівняльний аналіз з культурою ділового спілкування в Україні.

Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

1. Imagine you are a business woman that came for business to Arabian country, what are you going to wear, and how would you lead your business conversation.

2. Imagine you are going to hire a good specialist but he has very “free” way of being dressed, what would you tell him/her.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Dramatize them.

A. Well, Mrs. Bradley, I see you’ve already had quite a lot of experience in the food industry. Could you dwell on your regular duties at your recent job?

B. Yes, I can tell you that----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. You mentioned earlier that you liked the people you had worked with. What features do you appreciate in your colleagues?

B. I think that-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. It seems to me you had a pleasant place to work. I’m surprised you are going to leave.

B. You are quite right, but----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A. You mentioned that you had attended special language courses. How do you think it will help you in the future work?

B. I suppose that----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Базова література::

1.Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. - 3-е изд., испр. - К.: Знання, 2006. - 182с (Библиотечка для изучающих английский язык).

Інформаційні ресурси:



Додаткова література:

1.Liz and John Soars. New Headway Intermediate. The third edition. Student's book.

Інформаційні ресурси:



Business communication, Business talk, Business negotiations, Representative, Business interview, Reference, Colleagues, Job applicant, Questions.


Тема 2 „Культура ділового листування (The culture of business correspondence)



(16 годин)

Практичне заняття № 1

Тема: Типи ділових листів.

(2 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: закріплення лексичного матеріалу з теми «Ділове листування»; надання англомовної інформації щодо оформлення ділового листа, удосконалення навичок письма.

Розвиваюча: розвиток вмінь та навичок до виділення основної інформації з прочитаного тексту та написання ділового листа англійською мовою.

Виховна: формування культурної грамотності, формування професійної свідомості.

Освітня: оволодіння знаннями про юридичне документознавство країни, мова якої вивчається.

Основні поняття:business writing, business letter, letterhead, reference line, date, inside address,

greeting/salutation, body of the letter, ending / complimentary close, signature block.

Наочність: роздатковий матеріал.


  1. Введення нової лексики з теми « Типи ділових листів»

  2. “Business letter vocabulary”- пояснення вживання спеціальної термінології.

  3. Робота з текстом «Types of business letter”, читання та переклад тексту.

Практичні завдання

1. Введення нової лексики з теми «Типи ділових листів».

Acknowledgement Letter, Appreciation Letter, Complaint Letter, Inquiry Letter,letterhead, reference line, date, inside address, greeting/salutation, body of the letter, ending / complimentary close, signature block

Перекладіть українською:

1. One writes a letter to enquire information, apply for a job, acknowledge someone's work, and appreciate one's job done.

2. An apology letter is written for a failure in delivering the desired results.

3. An appreciation letter is written to appreciate some one's work in the organization.

4. A Letter is a platform where you can express your innermost feelings in a straightforward manner.

5. When an individual starts working in a professional environment, he needs to understand the various nuances of business letter writing.

2. Прочитайте та перекладіть спеціальні терміни, які вживаються у написанні бізнес листів.

Business Letter Vocabulary


extra document or image that is added to an email

block format

most common business letter format, single spaced, all paragraphs begin at the left margin


the content of the letter; between the salutation and signature


small dark dots used to set off items in an unnumbered list

certified mail

important letters that sender pays extra postage for in order to receive a notice of receipt


logical; easy to understand


gets to the point quickly

confidential, personal


diplomacy, diplomatic

demonstrating consideration and kindness

direct mail, junk mail

marketing letters addressed to a large audience

double space

format where one blank line is left between lines of text


extra document or image included with a letter


uses set formatting and business language, opposite of casual


the set up or organization of a document


a word or phrase that indicates what the text below will be about


extra spaces (usually 5) at the beginning of a paragraph



Inside address

recipient's mailing information

justified margins

straight and even text, always begins at the same place


specialized paper with a (company) logo or name printed at the top


symbol or image that identifies a specific organization


a blank space that borders the edge of the text

memorandum (memo)

document sent within a company (internal), presented in short form

modified block format

left justified as block format, but date and closing are centered

on arrival notation

notice to recipient that appears on an envelope (e.g. "confidential")


the cost of sending a letter through the Post Office


read through a finished document to check for mistakes


marks used within or after sentences and phrases (e.g. periods, commas)


easy to read


the person who receives the letter

right ragged

format in which text on the right side of the document ends at slightly different points (not justified)


greeting in a letter (e.g. "Dear Mr Jones")

sensitive information

content in a letter that may cause the receiver to feel upset

semi-block format

paragraphs are indented, not left-justified


term used before a name when formally closing a letter

single spaced

format where no blanks lines are left in-between lines of text


blank area between words or lines of text


the feeling of the language (e.g. serious, enthusiastic)


words or phrases used to make a letter flow naturally (e.g. "furthermore", "on the other hand")

3. Ознайомтесь із текстом. Зверніть увагу на рекомендації щодо написання ділових листів.

Types of Business Letter

Business letter is an old form of official correspondence. A business letter is written by an individual to an organization or an organization to another organization. Business letters are written for various purposes. One writes a letter to enquire information, apply for a job, acknowledge someone's work, and appreciate one's job done, etc.

As the motive of writing the letter is different, the style of the letter changes and you get different types of business letters. The various types of business letters are used by different people to serve their purpose of sending the message across.

Let's take look at the most common types of business letters:

  • Acknowledgement Letter :This type of letter is written when you want to acknowledge some one for his help or support when you were in trouble. The letter can be used to just say thanks for something you have received from some one, which is of great help to you.

  • Apology Letter :An apology letter is written for a failure in delivering the desired results. If the person has taken up a task and he fails to meet the target then he apologizes and asks for an opportunity to improve in this type of letter.

  • Appreciation Letter :An appreciation letter is written to appreciate some one's work in the organization. This type of letter is written by a superior to his junior. An organization can also write an appreciation letter to other organization, thanking the client for doing business with them.

  • Complaint Letter :A complaint letter is written to show one that an error has occurred and that needs to be corrected as soon as possible. The letter can be used as a document that was used for warning the reader.

  • Inquiry Letter :The letter of inquiry is written to inquire about a product or service. If you have ordered a product and yet not received it then you can write a letter to inquire when you will be receiving it.

  • Order Letter :This letter is as the name suggests is used for ordering products. This letter can be used as a legal document to show the transaction between the customer and vendor.

  • Letter of Recommendation :This type of letter is written to recommend a person for a job position. The letter states the positive aspects of the applicant's personality and how he/she would be an asset for the organization. Letter of recommendation is even used for promoting a person in the organization.

Business Letter

Letter writing is an art. A letter on one topic can be written in different styles with the help of various formats. Writing a letter is a difficult task for some because of format used for writing. The letter has to have following parts. They are date, name and address of sender and receiver, salutation, main body and complimentary closure. When all these parts are combined together then you will get a well drafted letter. Writing as well as receiving a letter is always special. A Letter is a platform where you can express your innermost feelings in a straightforward manner.

Business letters and personal letters are two types of letters. For all official and formal situations, you write business letter whereas letters written to friends, relatives, acquaintances are personal letters. Both follow the same format only the difference lies in the language used for writing. In business letters, formal language is used and situations discussed are work related. In personal letters language is informal and you discuss personal and intimate topics.

Business letter writing

When an individual starts working in a professional environment, he needs to understand the various nuances of business letter writing. Business letter has to be brief and concise. The purpose of writing the letter should feature in the first paragraph. Give enough information about the main idea but be specific. Professionals do not have time to read lengthy letters. So keep the letters as short as possible. The business letter has to effectively convey the message to the reader. Here in this section of the site, you will get tips to write business letters, types of business letters and samples of business letter. Use the formats and modify the content as per your requirements.

Here is some information on how to write a good business letters with samples and templates. This section also gives some specific types of letters like business introduction and proposal letters.

What is a Business Letter?

A business letter is written in formal language. The letter is written for official correspondence between two organizations and organizations and customers, clients, etc. The style of the business letter depends on the relationship that is shared between the two parties. A business letter is used for various purposes like offering a business deal to other organization, accepting an offer, denying an offer, new schemes for customer, extending the contract with a client.

A business letter should be short and to the point. The content used in the letter should be clear and it should suffice the objective of writing the letter. The letter has to give out the main message to be conveyed right in the beginning. The letter should not have any typographical and grammatical error.

Take a look at the following points that will help you in drafting a business letter:

  • Make sure that you type the letter. It should not be handwritten.

  • Always use a letter head to write a formal letter.

  • If you don't have a letter head, then type your name, designation and address at the top of the page.

  • Mentioning the date in a letter is a must as it serves the purpose of reference in further letter regarding the same topic.

  • After the date, you need to write the full name, designation and full address of the recipient.

  • Then you need to insert greeting to the person whom the letter is written. You have to use formal language. Take a look at this example: Dear Mr. Brown,

  • Now, you can actually begin to write the main message of the letter. In the first paragraph, you have to introduce yourself if the receiver does not know you. You could begin with a sentence like "We had recently met in a conference", or "I had purchased a SIP from your company two months back."

  • After that you have to clearly mention the purpose of the letter. The purpose may be to lodge a complaint, request for information, compliment a product or service provided, discussing a business deal etc. You have to be brief and precise.

  • In the end of the letter, you have a complimentary close. The words that are included: Sincerely, thanking you, regards, etc.

  • The last thing is you need to type your name and sign the letter.

  • The letter should be printed in a readable font.

Business Letter Format

Business Letter is an important part of business correspondence. The format used to write business letter is specific. The way a business letter looks is important as it creates an impression on the reader. The format of the business letter has a lot to do in making an impression on the reader. A simple format of a letter helps in conveying the message clearly to the readers.

Based on the indentation of the paragraphs and alignment, there are four formats used while writing Business letter. The four formats are as follows:

  • Block: In this type of format, the entire text is aligned to the left side of the paper and the paragraphs are not given an indent.

  • Semi-block: In this format, the text is left aligned and all the paragraphs in the letter are indented.

  • Modified block: This format has paragraphs that are not indented. The text is aligned to the left side of the paper. Only the writer's address, date and closing in the letter are indented towards the center or right side of the paper. The indentation is about three inches from left margin.

  • Modified Semi-block: The said format has paragraphs that are indented. The text is aligned to the left side of the paper. Only the writer's address, date and closing in the letter are indented towards the center or right side of the paper. The indentation is about three inches from left margin.

Out of all the four formats, the Block format is the most commonly used format due to its simple style. The Block Letter Format is as follows:

A Sample Business Letter Format


Writer's Name Address Email Address Phone Number Date:

Sender's Name Designation Address Email Address Phone Number

        Opening line with a greeting -Dear followed by Mr. /Ms. and full name

        Body of the letter - Main idea that has to be conveyed.

Yours Sincerely, Signature Type your full name

  • Виконання лексичних та післятекстових завдань.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

  • What types of business letters do you know?

  • What are the purposes of writing business letters?

  • What parts of business letters do you know?

  • Why is it important to have the right letter format?

Напишіть два ділових письма.

Базова література:

  1. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. – 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. - 182с (Библиотечка для изучающих английский язык).

  2. СтупинЛ.П. Письма по-английски на все случаижизни: Учебно-справочноепособие для изучающиханглийскийязык / Худож. А. М. Гусаров.— СПб.: отд-ние изд-ва «Просве­щение», 1997.— 207 с.

Додаткова література:

1.Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 1, 2001. – 449р.

  1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 2, 2001. – 477р.

  2. Business correspondence English-Russian-English dictionary. Polyglossum, 2007. – 1342р.

  3. Jeanette S. Martinand LillianH. Chaney. Praeger Publishers,2006, 179

Практичне заняття № 2 ( 2 години)

Тема: Засоби швидкої комунікації. Факс.

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: надання студентам англомовної інформації про загальні положення оформлення факсу, розширення лексичного запасу у студентів на матеріалі теми ”Засоби швидкої комунікації”, удосконалення лексичних і граматичних навичок.

Розвиваюча: розвиток навичок читання, говоріння, письма, активізація лексики з теми.

Виховна: підвищення інтересу до використання засобів швидкої комунікації, як в повсякденному житті так і на фахової практиці.

Освітня: оволодіння знаннями про міжнародні засоби швидкої комунікації.

Основні поняття:fax, fax message, quick methods of communication, fax transmission, sending documents, requirements, confidential information.

Наочність: підручник, роздатковий матеріал, схеми.


  1. Ознайомлення зі скороченнями для швидких засобів зв’язку.

  2. Читання та переклад тексту. Виконання після текстового завдання.

  3. Виконання лексичних вправ на закріплення теми.

Практичні завдання:

1. Законспектуйте схему скорочень.

Прийняті скорочення для швидких засобів зв’язку

asap – as soon as possible

attnmr bean – to the attention of Mr Bean

bk – break

cfm – confirm

dtd – dated

fin – I have finished my message

fin? – Have you finished your message?

ga – go ahead: send your message/may I send my message?

hr(s) – hours

mns – minutes

msg – message

n – and

occ – occupied

ok – agrees/do you agree?

pls – please

r – received

rec’d – received

rgds – regards

rptaa – repeat all after..

rptab – repeat all before

rpt all – repeat all

tlx – telex

wk(s) – weeks

2. Прочитайте й перекладіть текст „Факс”). Виконайте після текстовe завдання.

Facsimile (Fax)

In fact faxes are just quick letters, so all the requirements of letters can be applied to them. Moreover, in some cases the sending of fax message is confirmed by sending of ordinary letter.

The use of fax messages is increasing as a quick method of communication between countries. Points of etiquette regarding fax transmission

• Calling ahead to confirm the fax number and allowing the person to switch the line to the fax machine in case the fax shares a telephone are very helpful. This will also alert the person that you are sending a message. You should send the message immediately because you are disabling their ability to receive telephone calls.

• Sending documents that are longer than 10 to 15 pages, personal or confidential information, and negative news should not be done using a facsimile.

• Using the fax when impressions are important should be avoided. Printed documents that have been faxed are not always as crisp and clean looking as the original document nor can you control the paper quality.

In many countries, global businesses have found the facsimile (fax)machine to be more dependable than the mail service. If the telephone system is of poor quality, however, then the fax machine may not be any better than the mail. Countries that have very stormy seasons generally will have poor mail and phone service during those time periods. Another problem is the regularity of maintenance and delivery service in remote areas. Telecommunication satellites, cell towers, and cell phone service are becoming more dependable in many locations around the globe.

Faxes require the same good writing skills that letters or e-mails require. When sending production schedules, budgets, or other types of written information, use a cover letter or transmittal sheet so that the receiver knows to whom the fax is directed, from whom the material originates, and how many total pages are included.

Example of a fax message

Savil Row, London W1 PT 4AZ

Tel: 0020 753465321

Fax Transmission

TO: Mr. Stewart

FROM: Ashley Nilson

FAX NUMBER: 0020 753465322

DATE: 20.11.2009

NUMBER OF PAGES: (including this) 2

Прямая соединительная линия 2

Dear Mr. Stewart.

As you requested, I send you all the information about our paintballing club.

“Peace or War” was opened in 2001. Paintball is not only sport, but also an adventure. It helps people to acquire team spirit which is so necessary for success of the company.

First of all I would like to inform you about our schedule. We are open during all the week including weekends from 9 A.M. till 11 P.M. There are also night games but you should inform us about wish for playing at night in advance. There is a prior reservation in our club. You can let us know about the data as soon as you make the decision.

As regards the prices we have a special discount for corporate clients. Enter is 30 pounds per person and palls with paint cost 70 pounds for a box. In each box there are 2000 balls which is enough for 3-4 persons to play 2-3 hours.

All other necessary materials you can find on the 2nd page. The rules of the game, its aim and maps are described there. If you have any questions I will answer them willingly.

Thank you for your interest in our services.

We are looking forward to seeing you and your colleagues in our club.

Yours sincerely,

Ashley Nilson

Managing director

Situation for further discussion:

  • Do you often send or receive fax massages?

  • What is the difference in the layout of a business letter and a fax massage?

  • Why is it important to observe the rules in writing fax messages?

3. Виконайте завдання на закріплення теми.

Врава 1.

You work as a Product Manager at a big Car Company. Send the fax to your partner informing about the visit of 3 representatives of your company. Mention the terms of the visit and the purpose. Use the model given above.

Врава2. Підберіть відповідні вислови для використання у вступному абзаці залежно від змісту листа:

1)вказуючи на причини написання листа

2) повідомляючи гарні новини

3) висловлюючи подяку

4) висолюючи вибачення

5) посилаючи до попереднього листування або перемови

6) підтверджуючи попередні домовленості

7) висловлюючи прохання

a) We thank you for your letter dated 5th May and write to tell you…

b) We would request you to…

c) Referring to your letter…

d) We confirm our consent to the alterations…

e) We are writing in connection with…

f) We are glad to inform you that…

  1. Please accept our apologies for…

Врава3. Підберіть українськівідповідності англійським висловам:

1) Цим листом підтверджуємо нашу попередню домовленість, щодо...

2) Підтверджуємо отримання вашого факсу…

3) Дуже вдячні вам за вашу відповідь…

4) Мені б хотілося висловити вам щиру подяку за вашу гостинність…

5) Я дуже вдячний вам за ваше люб’язне запрошення на прийом з нагоди…

6) Просимо вибачення за затримку та спричинені незручності.

7) Ми запевняємо вас, що будемо постійно намагатися виробляти продукцію кращого ґатунку.

a) We are sorry for the delay and inconvenience.

b) You may be assured of our continuing dedication to achieving the best quality and performance.

c) I am most grateful to you for your kind invitation to the reception on the occasion of…

d) We are writing you to confirm our preliminary agreement regarding…

e) I would like to thank you most warmly for your hospitality rendered to me…

f) We thank you for your reply…

  1. We have received your fax…

Базова література:

  1. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. – 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. – 182 с.

  2. Rupert Haigh, Oxford handbook of legal correspondence. Oxford University Press, 2010. –232 p.

  3. Мердок-Стерн, Серена. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, Е-mail, деловая переписка: учебное пособие/ Серена Мердок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И.И.Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 142с.

Додаткова література:

1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 1, 2001. – 449р.

  1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 2, 2001. – 477р.

  2. VirginiaEvans,SuccessfulWritingIntermediate. Express Publishing, 2006. – 151p.

Практичне заняття № 3

Тема: Елементи ділового листа ( 2 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: закріплення лексичного матеріалу з теми «Ділове листування»; надання англомовної інформації щодо оформлення ділового листа, удосконалення навичок письма.

Розвиваюча: розвиток вмінь та навичок до виділення основної інформації з прочитаного тексту та написання ділового листа англійською мовою.

Виховна: формування культурної грамотності, формування професійної свідомості.

Освітня: оволодіння знаннями про юридичне документознавство країни, мова якої вивчається.

Основні поняття:business writing, business letter, letterhead, reference line, date, inside address,

greeting/salutation, body of the letter, ending / complimentary close, signature block.

Наочність: роздатковий матеріал, схема «Звернення та вітання»


  1. Робота з текстом «Plan of the business letter», читання та переклад текту.

  2. Закріплення лексики з теми «Ділове листування». Виконання лексичних вправ.

  3. Написання ділового листа.

Практичні завдання:

1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст «Елементи ділового письма».

Plan of the Business Letter

5. The Attention Line

You will not see the Attention Line in every business letter. When writing to a company or a department within a company, you might need to attract attention of a specific person. The following are various styles of attention lines:

Attention: Mr. Gordon Brown

Attention of the Personnel Manager For the attention of …

6. The Salutation

There are several accepted forms of salutations:

Dear Sirs, (British)


Gentlemen: (American)

when you are addressing a company or an organization.

Dear Sir, Dear Mr. Gordon,

when addressing a man

Dear Madam, Dear Mrs. Craig, Dear Miss Craig, Dear Ms Craig,

when addressing a woman

If the person you are writing to is known to you, you should start with, Dear Mr Snore, Dear MrsCraig, etc. Otherwise you should begin Dear Sir(s), Dear Madame, or Gentlemen (AE). Note that “Gentlemen” is followed by a colon (двокрапка), while the rest of the greetings are all followed by a comma (кома). Never use an exclamation mark (знак оклику) after the greeting.

Схема «Звернення та вітання»




Формально та строго офіційно

My dear Sir / Sir

My dear Madam / Madam

Строго офіційно

Sir/ My dear

Mr. Smith

Madam/ My dear

Mrs. Smith




Dear Sir

Dear Madam

Dear Sirs/ Sirs

Dear Mesdames/




Менш формаль­но (за наявності попереднього листування)

Dear Mr. Jones

Dear Mrs. Jones

Dear Messrs. Jones

and Smith

Dear Mmes. Jones

and Smith


Dear Jack/ Jack

7. The Subject line

Just like the Attention Line the Subject Line may also be omitted. The writer needs it when he/she wants to give the reader advance notice of what the letter is about. Here are examples of different Subject Line styles:

Subject: Order for Books

Re: Mr H. Milford’s visit to Canada

Policy № 7569

Remember that the subject line is always underlined in business letters. It may be sometimes used instead of the

Reference (Re).

8. The Body of the Letter

The Body of the Letter is the message itself, while all the other parts are just framing elements. The message of every business letter usually consists of at least two paragraphs – even if the second paragraph is just a courtesy phrase, i.e. the conclusion. It usually presents some polite remark to round the letter off.

9. The Complimentary Close

Complimentary Closings, or Subscriptions, like Salutations, vary in form. In fact, your choice of a closing depends on the Salutation. Certain beginnings require their proper endings. Sample patterns:

Dear Mr Green

Dear Mrs Green

Dear Miss Green

Dear Ms Green

Yours sincerely

Dear Sir(s)

Dear Madam

Yours faithfully

AE: Gentlemen:

Very truly yours

10. The Signature Block

It consists of:

  • the writer’s handwritten signature;

  • the writer’s identification;

  • the typed name of the company.

The typed name of the company is usually considered to be an optional part of the Signature Block as it is already given in the Letterhead. When identifying the writer you must give his/her name and his/her title or position in the company. Sometimes it is necessary to write the development.

11. The Enclosure

When you enclose something with the letter in the same envelope, do not forget to indicate this fact in the Enclosure

Notation, for example:

Enclosures: 1. Contract Encl. (2)

2. ChequeEncl.: Invoice (рахунок)

2. Виконайте вправи на закріплення матеріалу з теми.

Вправа 1. Оберіть зразок підпису з правильним порядком елементів:

1) Yours sincerely,



Sales Manager

3) Yours sincerely,

Sales Manager



2)Yours sincerely,



Sales Manager

4) Yours sincerely,

Sales Manager



Вправа 2. Визначте правильний порядок елементів листа:

1) відомості про відправника, заголовок листа, дата, вступне звернення, внутрішня адреса, текст листа, додаток, підпис, заключна формула ввічливості;

2) відомості про відправника, дата, заголовок листа, посилання, вступне звернення, текст листа, додаток, підпис, заключна формула ввічливості, внутрішня адреса;

3) відомості про відправника, дата, внутрішня адреса, вступне звернення, заголовок листа, текст листа, заключна формула ввічливості, підпис, додаток;

4) відомості про відправника, заголовок листа, дата, вступне звернення, внутрішня адреса, текст листа, додаток, підпис, заключна формула ввічливості.

Вправа 3. Виберіть зразок внутрішньої адреси з правильним порядком елементів:

1)Mr J.Frocks, Manager

Black & White Co.

12 High Street

Detroit Michigan 43217


3)MrJ.Frocks, Manager

Black & White Co.

Detroit Michigan 43217


12 High Street

2) USA

Detroit Michigan 43217

High Street 12

Black & White Co.

MrJ.Frocks, Manager

4) Black & White Co.

USA 43217

Detroit Michigan

12 High Street

Mr J.Frocks, Manager

Вправа 4. Виберіть зразок підпису з правильним порядком елементів:

1) Yours sincerely,



Staff Manager

3) Yours sincerely,

Staff Manager



2)Yours sincerely,



Staff Manager

4) Yours sincerely,

Staff Manager



3. Напишіть ділового листа відповідно до вимог та оформленню.

A. Dear Mr. Anderson,

The purpose of this letter is to follow up on the discussion we had in your office last week. This letter details the steps we discussed to make your project a reality.

Since my letter of December 10, there have been a number of changing circumstances that necessitate e different approach be used to develop the project. I look forward to working with you on this project.

Would it be possible to meet you either in Moscow or St. Petersburg to discuss this further?

Sincerely yours,

B. Dear David,

I received a partial fax from... It was sent late last week, but I only received the very top portion of one page.

Could you check to see who sent it and ask them to try it again? I would be most appreciative.

Also I would appreciate your acknowledging the receipt of this message so I will know that you received it.

Thanks for your assistance.

Базова література:

  1. Business English. Деловой английский язык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. – 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. - 182с (Библиотечка для изучающих английский язык).

  2. VirginiaEvans,SuccessfulWritingIntermediate. Express Publishing, 2006. – 151p.

Додаткова література:

1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 1, 2001. – 449р.

  1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 2, 2001. – 477р.

  2. Business correspondence English-Russian-English dictionary. Polyglossum, 2007. – 1342р.

  3. Jeanette S. Martinand LillianH. Chaney. Praeger Publishers,2006, 179

Практичне заняття № 4

Тема: Особливості електронного листування.

( 2 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: надати студентам англомовної інформації про загальні положення електронної пошти, розширити лексичного запасу у студентів на матеріалі теми ”Засоби швидкої комунікації”, удосконалити лексичні та граматичні навички.

Розвиваюча: розвити у студентів вміння аналізувати надані факти та інформацію, виділяти основну ідею тексту, розвиток навичок читання, говоріння, письма та вмінь роботи з комп’ютером в мережі Інтернет.

Виховна: підвищити інтерес до використання засобів швидкої комунікації.

Освітня: формувати уміння використовувати надану інформацію на практиці та в майбутній професії.

Основні поняття: electronic mail, electronic correspondence, the Internet, mailbox, message, TLAs, abbreviations, emoticons.

Наочність:підручник, роздатковий матеріал


  1. Ознайомлення з навчальним текстом та абревіатурами. Обговорення тексту.

  2. Виконання лексичних завдань на повторення теми.

  3. Написання електронного листа.

Практичні завдання:

1. Ознайомтесь з навчальним текстом:

Electronic Mail (E-Mail)

Electronic mail is a separate, special way of communication which enables to perform live exchange of information and at the same time the one that has great possibilities as well as considerable difficulties because of peculiarities of electronic correspondence. On one side electronic letters almost don’t differ from ordinary paper letters. They have the name of the addressee and the address of the sender, they automatically provide the date and time of sending, space for the text of the letter and the signature of the sender. There is the line «Subject» and the option to send a copy, the enclosed file performs the function of The Enclosure. Bu there are some differences as well.

The Internet and e-mail are connected to major cities around the world. Because e-mail sends documents in their original format as attachments, it has become a very convenient way to send documents. Normally, e-mail printouts are clearer than those from a fax machine. Again, the quality of the infrastructure in the country is important to the quality and dependability of e-mail, faxes, and telephone service, and the cost for these services may be much higher than the cost to which you are accustomed. E-mail as a communication medium has not been totally adopted by non-Western countries, and one reason given for this is different communication preferences. Culturally based resistance is common if proper managerial intervention does not take place so culture has an important role in technology adoption. It has been found that people with highpowered distance values perceive e-mail as not fulfilling their desired goal of social interaction with individuals.

For your international e-mail, use the same good writing skills you would use for a letter. The format is a memorandum form with the TO, FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT already stated. Because of this automatic formatting, you would not use an inside address in the body of the e-mail. Rather than using a proper salutation as you would in writing a letter, address the receiver by name in the first sentence (e.g., “Mr. Chou, your kindness is greatly appreciated”). Avoid first names unless the person has given you permission to use the first name. Your electronic mailbox should be checked at least once a day, but two or three times is probably a better idea. Responses should be made within 24 hours. Messages should be concise and brief; no more than two screens should be used. An electronic “signature” is necessary because, unlike a letter, it is not on company letterhead.

When composing an e-mail message, you must consider your receiver’s e-mail habits and resources. If English is the receiver’s second language, be sure to use words that you are sure will be understood and state points clearly. Use normal grammar and paragraphing, use politeness markers such as “please” or “this might work” because nonverbal cues are absent. Do not use jokes or informal idioms, and edit carefully. Rules of e-mail etiquette should be observed. The following are examples of improper netiquette: If you type in all caps, it is the same as shouting. You should not speak ill of someone; doing so is called dissing. Sending vicious or insulting messages is called flaming and should not be done. Sending mass messages is called spamming and is wasteful of the receiver’s time. Avoid the use of humor and sarcasm globally because it is probably going to be misinterpreted. Cultural variations exist in what is perceived as humorous. Also, maintain a positive tone rather than even a slightly critical one. A company is responsible for information leaked into cyberspace; employees should be very careful about the messages they send. A good rule to follow: If you would not want your message posted on the company bulletin board, do not send it via e-mail. Hitting the delete key does not necessarily remove the message or a trail from your computer. Choosing a channel by which to send a message is something that needs to be thought about. The advantage of e-mail is its low preparation and fast delivery time as well as being personal and convenient for the receiver. The disadvantages of e-mail include the lack of confidentiality and the lack of nonverbal interaction. Also, all countries do not use e-mail as frequently as do people in the United States. Internet access is available to 68.8 percent of the people in the United States (third highest of the top 20 countries); almost75 percent of the residents in Sweden; 72.5 percent of the people in Hong Kong; 66 percent of the residents of the Netherlands, Australia, and Canada; 58.5 percent of the residents of the United Kingdom; and 52.2 percent of Japanese residents. 36 Some other suggestions to avoid misunderstanding include spelling out the name of the month, including country codes in telephone numbers, and indicating whose time zone you are referring to when you wish to make contact at a specific time of day.

Email abbreviations

TLAs (three-letter acronyms)

In order to keep email messages short, people sometimes use abbreviations for common expressions, just as they do in text messaging. These are known as TLAs, although some of them are more than three letters long. Here is the list of some of the most commonly used TLAs:

AFAIK as far as I know

BFN bye for now

BTW bye the way

COB close of business

FYI for your information

IOW in other words

NRN no reply necessary

OTON on the other hand

POV point of view

TBA to be announced/ to be agreed

TLAs are highly informal, and are therefore not suitable for the vast majority of email correcpondence. They should never be used in letters or faxes.


Emoticons (a combination of the words emotion and icon), also known as smileys, are often used in informal email correspondence. They express emotions which may not be evident from the words alone, e.g.:

 a smile

 a frown

;-) a wink

Emoticons should never be used in emails sent in the course of legal work –using them will destroy your professional credibility.

Answer the questions to the text:

  • What is the electronic mail?

  • Why is the email is so wide-spread?

  • What are the instructions in writing the international e-mail?

  • What do TLAs mean?

  • Give the definition of emoticons.

2. Виконайте лексичні завдання:

Вправа 1. Підберіть відповідники висловам, які інформують про порядок відправлення та особливості змісту вкладеного листування:

1. Термінове доправлення

2. Рекомендований лист

3. Особисте

4.До запитання

5. Суворо конфіденційно

6. Авіа

a) Private

b) Express

c) Post Restant

d) Registered

e) Air Mail

f) Strictly Confidential

Вправа 2. Використовуючи наведені нижче внутрішні адреси, визначте який з листів надіслано:

1)на ім’я компанії

2) на ім’я певного посадовця в компанії

3) невідомому вам співробітнику компанії, який займається питаннями, що вас цікавлять

4) певному посадовцю в компанії

5) на ім’я людини, чия адреса невідома, але відома адреса організації, з якою він підтримує стосунки

a) Hunting Aviation Ltd

22 Bath Road

Crowford Medodx UB6 OLL

Attention of Mr Parrison

b)Consultancy Officer

Overseas Development Company

Fabercastle House Sagem Rd

Glasgow G47 8 EA

c)The Secretary

Duna&Hagrit Int’l Group

Dept E1684 Ave Lloyd Gogage Box 3

1155 Brussels


d)Dr E.R. Shpak

c/o Exhalt Network Ltd

540 Surley Way

Beachem CRO 5Z


e)International Export - Import Consultancy

903, 13th Street

N.W. Washington D.C. 22501

Вправа 3. Розставте рядки листа у правильному порядку.

We are sending you herewith our brochure about the latest samples of engines we manufacture. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Fax: 765-7896 Telex: 2567 FED Telephone: 214-396

Your Ref:

Our Ref: FO/ng

Dear Mr Nikonorov,

V/O Blockimport 52/66

Stolayrov pl.

Zhmerinka 6662


Yours sincerely

Pedro Sanchez


Att: Mr S. Nikonorov

Technical Service Section,

Industrial Vehicle Dept.

11 June 2001

3. Складіть своє електронне повідомлення, відповідно до його оформлення С. 24 (Rupert Haigh, Oxford handbook of legal correspondence. Oxford University Press, 2010. –p.24).

Базова література:

  1. Rupert Haigh, Oxford handbook of legal correspondence. Oxford University Press, 2010. –232 p.

  2. Мердок-Стерн, Серена. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, Е-mail, деловая переписка: учебное пособие/ Серена Мердок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И.И.Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 142с.

Додаткова література:

1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 1, 2001. – 449р.

  1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 2, 2001. – 477р.

Практичне заняття № 5

Тема: Міжнародні стандарти оформлення ділового листа.

(2 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: закріпити лексичний матеріал; практикувати студентів у написанні ділового листа та конверта

Розвиваюча: розвиток лексичних навичок, розвиток здібностей студентів до формування висловлювання щодо прочитаної інформації

Виховна: формування професійної свідомості, формування культурної грамотності

Освітня: оволодіння знаннями про юридичне документознавство країни, мова якої вивчається.

Основні поняття:legal correspondence, letter, address, registered (mail), air mail/ via air mail express (delivery), express.

Наочність: роздатковий матеріал, схеми, шаблони.


1. Пояснення матеріалу «Оформлення конверта».

2. Робота зі схемами, шаблонами. Оформлення конверта.

3. Закріплення матеріалу. Виконання лексичних вправ.

Практичні завдання:

1. Ознайомтеся з темою «Оформлення конверта» та законспектуйте схеми та шаблони:


Зараз у США, та й у всій Європі (вклю­чаючи Англію), існує єдиний стандарт оформлення конвертів. Згідно з цим стандартом інформація розміщується в строго визначеному місці та в строго визначеному порядку. Основний принцип такого розміщення: від окремого до загального, від індивіда до країни.

Загальна схема оформлення американського та європейського конверта.

1. Ім’я, прізвище відправника, номер квартири/ дома, назва вулиці, місто, штат/ район, поштовий

індекс, країна

2. Марка, посилання на спосіб


3. Ім’я, прізвище одержувача,

номер квартири/ дома, назва вулиці,

місто, штат/ район, поштовий індекс,


Зразок оформлення конверта

J. Wilhelm Stamp

410 Lawrence Street, Apt. 5 REGISTERED


Ann Arbor MI 48105


Mr. J. R. Smith

400 S 5th Avenue, Suite # 80

Detroit, MI, 48202-2831


Поштова служба США надає велике значення пра­вильному оформленню конверта та розсилає своїм клієнтам спеціальну пам’ятку-схему How to Address Envelopes Completely and Correctly (див. нижче). Дотримання встановлених пра­вил забезпечує швидку та точну доставку кореспонденції адресату.


Адреса одержувача починається з його повного імені та прізвища, перед якими обов’язково ставиться одна з форм: Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms.

Далі йде зазначення номера дому, назва вулиці, перевулка. (Street, Avenue, Drive, Lane, Place, Road, Circle). При цьому зазвичай вказується, де знаходиться зазначена вулиця відносно до сторін світу: N, S, W, Е (північ, південь, захід, схід). Номер дома ставиться перед назвою вулиці, потім - номер квартири або апартаментів (Apt., Suite).


350 West Forty-Second Street, Apt. 10

85 N Gower Street, Apt. # 5

39 S Alexandra Road, Suite 8

У наведених зразках зазначимо наступне: слова Street, Apt., Suite(вулиця, квартира, апартаменти) частіше за все пишуться з великої літери. Знак # позначає 'номер' (але, він може і не ставитися).

Далі в адресі зазначається назва міста, штату (частіше скорочено) або графства - у Великобританії (теж скорочено).

Потім зазначається поштовий індекс (ZIP Code = Zone Improvement Plan). У США цей індекс складається з п’яти цифр, у Велико­британії - із букв та цифр. За поштовим індексом у США може стояти ще один (місцевий) код, який складається з чотирьох цифр. Нарешті, зазначається назва країни, яка може якось виді­лятися або підкреслюватися.


Mr. John S. Smith Mr. Giles S. Leman

25 High Street, Petersfleld 3500N 29th Street, Apt. 7

Hants., GU 31 4LN Waco TX 76708-2642

GreatBritain USA

Як бачите наприкінці рядка адреси кома не ставиться, а вся адреса разом не закінчується крапкою. Крім того, як зазначалося раніше, назви штатів у США та графств у Великобританії часто позначаються скорочено (MI = Michigan; Hants = Hampshire). Поштові індекси в США цифрові (76708-2642), а у Великобританії складаються з літер та цифр (GU 31 4LN; WC2 ЗАВ).

Так саме оформлюється і адреса відправника, з тією різницею, що зазвичай не вживається форма Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. перед ім’ям та прізвищем відправника. Іноді в адресі можна зустріти слова саге ofабо скорочено с/о, с.о. Ці слова означають, що листа направлено конкретній особі, але відправнику або зовсім невідома адреса цієї особи, або ця особа тимчасово знаходиться не за своєю адресою. Відповідно лист надсилається іншій особі, або в певну установу для передачі зазначеній особі. Це може бути готель, у якому зупинився одержувач листа, або особи, з якими він підтримує зв’язки.


Mr. R. Bones

с/ оThe Ritz Hotel



Адресу одержувача на конверті завжди слід писати повністю і по змозі друкованими літерами – це забезпечує надійне доправлення листа. Не намагайтеся вмістити адресу на двох рядках, пишіть її на трьох або чотирьох рядках.

Різні позначки про способи доправлення листа робляться зазвичай поштовим відділенням у верхній частині конверту під маркою, але вони іноді можуть бути зроблені вами особисто. Наприклад:

Registered (mail)

Air mail/ Via air mail

Express (delivery)

If not delivered please return

Рекомендований лист



У випадку недоставляння прохання повернути.

2. Оформить конверт згідно до європейських стандартів, приділяючи увагу схемам та шаблонам щодо його оформлення.

3. Виконайте вправи на закріплення матеріалу:

Вправа 1.Поставте фрази в належному порядку, щоб отримати логічно складеного листа:

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter and are pleased to give you all the particulars concerning the purchase of Chipboard from us. We are sending our samples by separate mail. As to the price we cannot agree with you that it is high. The prices for these goods are going up on the world market and goods are of superior quality. However, as we hope to establish close business relations with you we could grant you a 5 percent discount. All other terms are stated in our General Terms and Conditions. Yours truly...

Вправа 2. Чи правильно записані ці адреси? У разі потреби зробіть необхідні зміни.

1) Atlantic Hotel

London W1

10, Fen Road

3)10, Garston Road

Worldwide Dealers Ltd.

Mr R. Stevenson



2) Mathews & Wilson

Ladies’ Clothing

General Manager

75, High Street



4)Chicago, Illinois,


300, Lincoln Place The Modern Machine Tool Corporation

Вправа 3.

a) What will you start your letter with, i.e. what Salutation will be appropriate in each case, if you are writing a letter to:

- a British firm you do not know very well;

- Mr J. Blake, your old trade partner;

- the company’s President who is a woman;

- the head of the Export Department of Sport Shoes Manufacturers whose name is Barbara Doe;

- International Office Equipment Inc., an American corporation.

b) How will you finish your letter, i.e. what Complimentary Close will you choose?

Вправа 4. При оформленні конверта:

1) в лівому верхньому куті друкується адреса одержувача

3) у лівому верхньому куті розміщується марка або штамп що замінює марку

2) в лівому верхньому куті друкується адреса відправника

4) у лівому верхньому куті зазначається порядок відправлення та особливості змісту вкладеної кореспонденції.

Вправа 5.

Підберіть відповідники до висловів, що інформують про порядок відправлення та особливості змісту вкладеної кореспонденції.

  1. Рекомендований лист

  2. Авіа

  3. Експрес

  4. У випадку недоправлення прохання повернути

  5. Конфіденційно

  6. До запитання

a)Poste Restante




e)Air Mail

f)Strictly Confidential

Базова література:

  1. Rupert Haigh, Oxford handbook of legal correspondence. Oxford University Press, 2010. –232 p.

  2. VirginiaEvans,SuccessfulWritingIntermediate. Express Publishing, 2006. – 151p.

Додаткова література:

1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 1, 2001. – 449р.

  1. Burton S. Kaliski Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Volume 2, 2001. – 477р.

  2. Business correspondence English-Russian-English dictionary. Polyglossum, 2007. – 1342р.

  3. Jeanette S. Martinand LillianH. Chaney. Praeger Publishers,2006, 179

Практичне заняття № 6

Тема: Юридичне листування. Скарги.

( 2 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: навчити студентів заповнювати та розрізняти юридичні документи, активізувати й закріпити вивчену лексику з теми ”Типи ділових листів”, практикувати студентів у вживанні цих конструкцій на практиці.

Розвиваюча: розвити навички читання, говоріння, письма, поширення лексичного запасу з теми, розвити у студентів мовленнєву компетенцію.

Виховна: виховати вміння спілкуватися та вести юридичну кореспонденцію на професійному рівні.

Освітня:оволодіти знаннями про юридичне документознавство країни, мова якої вивчається.

Основні поняття:legal correspondence, letter of complaint, action, contract, minutes(protocols), proposer, penalty.

Наочність:підручники, роздатковий матеріал.


  1. Виконання лексичних вправ з метою закріплення отриманих на попередньому занятті знань.

  2. Ознайомлення з матеріалами теми.

  3. Робота з юридичними документами. Читання та переклад.

  4. Виконання лексичних вправ на закріплення матеріалу.

Практичні завдання:

1. Виконайте лексичні вправи№ 3, 4 на закріплення теми «Типи ділових листів» (Business English. Деловойанглийскийязык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. – 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. - С.9-10).

2. Ознайомтесь з інформацією щодо теми «Юридичне листування (Скарги, позови, контракти, протоколи)». Законспектуйте матеріал (ЭстерСелсдон. Какписать письмо по английски: пер. с анг./ ЭстерСелсдон. – М.: ООО «ИздательствоАстрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004. – С. 173,186).

3. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні документи. Приділяючи увагу оформленню (ЭстерСелсдон. Какписать письмо по английски: пер. с анг./ ЭстерСелсдон. – М.: ООО «Издательство Астрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004. – С. 173 - 175,186 - 187).

4. Виконайте лексичні вправи:

1. Fill in the gaps in the outline draft contract choosing from the words given below.

terms(умови, строки — условия, сроки)

arbitration(арбітраж — арбитраж)

payment(плата — оплата)

reclaim(рекламація — рекламация)

freight/ loading(фрахт)

late(пізно — поздно)

specification(специфікація — спецификация)

charges(витрати, видатки — затраты, расходы)


delivery( поставка)

substandard(нижчий від стандартної якості; ниже качества, установленного стандартом)

letter of credit (акредитив; аккредитив)

invoke(викликати до суду, звертатися — вызывать в суд, обращаться)

parties (сторони — стороны)

Draft Contract

between Valeo Ltd, hereinafter referred to as "the Seller",

and Mercury, hereinafter referred to as "the Buyer"

The Seller undertakes to supply the Buyer with 12 000 computers to

765 and to pay all and insurance

The terms of. and immediate payment of

charges by confirmed and irrevocable are to be


A clause will be included in the contract. It will be

against the Buyer for payment.

In the event of non-payment, the Seller shall be entitled to

the goods.

In case of a dispute between the to the contract the

matter will be taken to independent All the of

the contract must be complied with by both parties.

2. You work at a big firm and are responsible for presenting the Minutes (Protocol) of the last meeting. Topic: The relations with the new clients. Prospects of development. Use the scheme provided below.


Present: Mr.John (Chairman), Ms.Perkins (Finance Department), Ms.Carson (Sales Department), Mr.Smith (Product Manager Manager), Ms.Trueman (Secretary)

Apologies: Ms.Green and Mr.Brown were unable to attend and

sent their apologies.

Membership of the Committee

It was agreed that the Product Manager should be invited to

become a member of this Committee.

Proposer: Ms.Perkins

Seconder. Mr.Smith

Carried unanimously.

1998-1999: Development of European markets:

A team is to be set up to consider ways in which the company can meet the challenge. Members should be drawn from the Sales, Finance and Marketing Departments; Mr. Jones will be the chairman of this.

Other developments: After some discussion, it was agreed that Mr.Smith should look into the possibilities of moving some manufacturing operations to Kenya.

Proposen: Mr Jones Seconder: Ms. Carson

Carried without objections

Next year promotional budget. The Heads of the Design, Promotion, Sales and Marketing Departments are to form a group to work on this.

The group will be chaired by Mr.Jones and he will notify the people concerned.


Any other business:

Since there was nothing further, the meeting was adjourned.

Date of the next meeting: The next meeting will be held on 12 March.

Read the lexical commentaries for better comprehension:

chaired— під головуванням — под председательством

proposer— той, хто вносить пропозицію — вносящий предложение

seconder — той, хто підтримує пропозицію — поддерживающий предложение

apology— вибачення — извинения

to carry unanimously — прийняти одноголосно — принять единогласно

setup — засновувати, організовувати — основывать, организовывать

meet the challenge — вжити заходів на випадок претензій — принять меры на случай претензий

notify— повідомляти — уведомлять

adjourn— припинити (збори) — прекратить (собрание)

Базова література:

  1. Эстер Селсдон. Какписать письмо по английски: пер. с анг./ ЭстерСелсдон. – М.: ООО «ИздательствоАстрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004. – 239c.

  2. Business English. Деловойанглийскийязык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. – 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. - 182 c.

Додаткова література:

1. Jeanette S. Martinand LillianH. Chaney. Praeger Publishers,2006, 179.

2. Мізецька В.Я. Практичний курс англійської мови для юристів: Підручник. Видання друге. – Х.: „Одіссей”, 2004. – С. 137.

  1. Песочин А.А., Юрчук П.С. Практический курс английского языка для юристов: Учебное пособие. – Харьков: Консум, 2002. – с. 290-300.

Практичне заняття № 7

Тема: Юридичне листування. Рапорт.

( 2 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: навчити студентів заповнювати та розрізняти юридичні документи, активізувати й закріпити вивчену лексику з теми ”Типи ділових листів”, практикувати студентів у вживанні цих конструкцій на практиці.

Розвиваюча: розвити навички читання, говоріння, письма, поширення лексичного запасу з теми, розвити у студентів мовленнєву компетенцію.

Виховна: виховати вміння спілкуватися та вести юридичну кореспонденцію на професійному рівні.

Освітня:оволодіти знаннями про юридичне документознавство країни, мова якої вивчається.

Основні поняття:legal correspondence, letter of complaint, action, contract, minutes(protocols), proposer, penalty.

Наочність:підручники, роздатковий матеріал.


1. Виконання лексичних вправ з метою закріплення отриманих на попередньому занятті знань.

2. Ознайомлення з матеріалами теми.

3. Робота з юридичними документами. Читання та переклад.

4. Виконання лексичних вправ на закріплення матеріалу.

Практичні завдання:

1. Ознайомтесь з інформацією щодо теми «Юридичне листування (Скарги, позови, контракти, протоколи)». Законспектуйте матеріал (ЭстерСелсдон. Какписать письмо по английски: пер. с анг./ ЭстерСелсдон. – М.: ООО «ИздательствоАстрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004. – С. 173,186).

2. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні документи. Приділяючи увагу оформленню (ЭстерСелсдон. Какписать письмо по английски: пер. с анг./ ЭстерСелсдон. – М.: ООО «ИздательствоАстрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004. – С. 173 - 175,186 - 187).

3. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст «Writing police report».

Writing police report.

Police reports are summaries of incidents that detectives will use to investigate further and prosecuting authorities will use to decide what charges to file (or whether or not they have a case). They are written by the first officer on the scene---the "responding officer---for every police response from cats up trees to homicides. In departments without evidence technicians or forensic specialists, the responding officer may be responsible not only for filing initial reports but often for tracking or writing supplementary reports. These reports contain evidence discovered subsequent to the original report and must be linked to the incident report so that all reports are available for investigators or prosecutors. Once an officer creates an incident report and receives a case number, it becomes his or her case---he will be the "primary" police witness to be called if or when the case comes to trial.

Police reports contain only facts; what was taken, when it was noticed as missing, who noticed it, where it had been, why the person was looking for it at that place and time. The descriptions used are noun-dense, adjective-sparse and full of active verbs. Officers must carefully record victim and witness identification instruments, physical characteristics and contact information. They must accurately record not only the physical location but security systems, relative position of other landmarks and such details as weather conditions and neighborhood type. If witnesses are involved, personal information including vocation and reason for being present must be recorded along with identification. The officer also identifies any weapons present, their location and their relation to the incident. Property damage must be carefully described and recorded photographically if possible. Suspects must be described in as much detail as possible, including any personal or behavioral observations by witnesses as well as any identifying physical characteristics.

Once the officer completes the incident report, she writes a "narrative", a summary of the events that she has discovered so far. She tells the story of the incident in this section and puts additional information as well as anything that might seem relevant (like victim or witness responses to police or suspicious actions by others). She's also careful to record all of her actions including how she identified herself and her responses to actions by individuals. Although the incident report, narrative and any supplementary reports cannot be introduced as evidence in court (unless the officer was present at the crime as it happened, these reports are considered "hearsay" evidence), most courts will allow officers to "refresh" their recollection by referring to their reports. The wise officer includes as much detail and as many photographs (which may be admissible) as possible in his report since the trial (if one occurs) may take place months or even years after the incident. Any witness statements or other supplementary reports (blood alcohol level or DNA as examples) must be cross-referenced with the incident report and all must be completed within the department and filed in its records.

The first rule of thumb in police report writing is sticking to basics and keeping it simple. When I begin a police report, I will literally just sit down and start typing what happened in chronological order. The first line is almost always the same (just different dates of course), "Sir, on Wednesday, March.3rd, 2008...while working with Ofc . T. Johnson as D#232, we received a call from 911 dispatcher (name) to 123 Anywhere St. for a Man with a Gun." This opening line literally answers several questions that I've seen a lot of officers include later in a police report, vaguely in a police report, or not even at all. As a result, the police officer could be questioned in court as to who they were working with, who gave them the call, the time of the call, and/or what the call was about. But most importantly, the reader totally understands what's going on at this point, and can even picture what you are doing as well, making the story flow."  The next sentence, same paragraph, could be "Dispatcher (name) indicated that the subject was an ex-boyfriend of the caller, and described him as a M/W (male white), 5'8", 185 lbs, wearing a blue t-shirt with blue jeans. He was also driving an older model Ford Expedition blue in color, and was standing outside of his vehicle in front of the residence." This information is exactly as you received it, so it should go exactly here. Its important to remember that the reader knows nothing about this call and should therefore be "walked through" everything as it happened in a way that you are literally painting a picture to the reader, so they can picture what is going one. The reader has heard the information exactly as you have. Let's move on... Next paragraph in the police report could be, "We arrived at approximately 1728 hrs. As we approached, I observed an older model blue Ford Expedition parked in the driveway of 123 Anywhere Street. There was a M/W sitting in the driver's seat and I could see that there was a F/W standing in the front yard." With this line, there is again no confusion with your reader in this police report. The reader can literally picture you pulling up in your police car, and can "see" what you saw exactly as it happened. Some of the mistakes I see at this point in a police report with some officers is, they will start this second paragraph with something like "Officer (Me) spoke with complainant who stated Mr. Suspect pointed a gun at her and said he would kill her." The problem with this line is that you've skipped the "arriving" part (i.e. what you saw as you approached) which leaves the reader guessing, or learning later, what you saw when you approached. Sure, it might not be important in some cases, but it really paints a simple picture of what actually happened. And for this particular case, it shows why you did what you did later in the story. Another point in this line is, you're referring to yourself as third person, which I personally feel confuses readers and doesn't sound natural. It’s better to say "I spoke to the complainant," or "Mrs. (name) told me that..." When you lay it out in simple language like this, it’s very simple for the reader to understand. In fact, I tell officers this a lot: Type your report how you would explain to someone in person what happened. When you're telling your friend or co-worker what happened, you don't say "Yeah, we got this call, and reporting officer (you) spoke to complainant...» You would say "We received a call for a man with a gun, and when we got there, there was a guy standing in the front yard with a gun!" It might not be word-for-word like this, but the point is, type your story how you would say it, and people will understand it much easier. Moving on again... So the next line could be, "My partner and I approached the truck. I was on the driver's side and my partner stood on the passenger side. I asked the driver to slowly step out of the driver's door. As he was stepping out, I noticed..." Again, your reader is still with you. They can picture exactly what has happened, as you saw it and experienced it. To continue..."I noticed a black revolver handgun lying on the driver's side floor board. I ordered the man to put his hands behind his back (for my safety), and handcuffed him. I asked Mr. (whoever) if he had a CCW permit, and he stated "Nope." My partner then placed Mr. (whoever) in the back of our cruiser." Again, the reader is still with you, and can picture what has happened to this point perfectly. There is no confusion. Continuing, "I checked the weapon and found it to be loaded with six live rounds, which I unloaded for safety. Upon looking over the weapon, I found it to be a Smith & Wesson, model...which I checked through LEIN." "I secured the weapon and rounds in the trunk of our cruiser, while my partner began talking with the complainant (who was the woman we initially saw standing in the front yard)."

4.. Перекладіть українською.

  • The first rule of thumb in police report writing is sticking to basics and keeping it simple.

  • The descriptions used are noun-dense, adjective-sparse and full of active verbs.

  • Property damage must be carefully described and recorded photographically if possible.

  • Any witness statements or other supplementary reports (blood alcohol level or DNA as examples) must be cross-referenced with the incident report and all must be completed within the department and filed in its records.

Police reports are summaries of incidents that detectives will use to investigate further and prosecuting authorities will use to decide what charges to file (or whether or not they have a case).

Базова література:

1.Эстер Селсдон. Какписать письмо по английски: пер. с анг./ ЭстерСелсдон. – М.: ООО «ИздательствоАстрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004. – 239c.

2. Business English. Деловойанглийскийязык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. – 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. - 182 c.

Додаткова література:

1. Jeanette S. Martinand LillianH. Chaney. Praeger Publishers, 2006, 179.

2. Мізецька В.Я. Практичний курс англійської мови для юристів: Підручник. Видання друге. – Х.: „Одіссей”, 2004. – С. 137.

3.Песочин А.А., Юрчук П.С. Практический курс английского языка для юристов: Учебное пособие. – Харьков: Консум, 2002. –с. 290-300.

Практичне заняття № 8

Тема: Виконання творчих завдань.

(4 години)

Мета заняття:

Навчальна: надання англомовної інформації щодо складання ділових листів.

Розвиваюча: розвиток вмінь та навичок письмової іншомовної комунікації та використання знань з теми у спілкуванні англійською мовою.

Виховна: формування культурної грамотності, формування професійної свідомості.

Освітня: оволодіння знаннями про особливості складання ділових листів.

Основні поняття: legal correspondence, letter, address, registered (mail), air mail/ via air mail express (delivery), express.

Наочність: роздатковий матеріал.


1. Активізація лексики з теми "Юридичне листування". Активізація мовного матеріалу.

2. Моделювання ситуацій спілкування.

Практичні завдання

1. Активізація лексики з теми

Read the lexical commentaries:

chaired— під головуванням — под председательством

proposer— той, хто вносить пропозицію — вносящий предложение

seconder — той, хто підтримує пропозицію — поддерживающий предложение

apology— вибачення — извинения

to carry unanimously — прийняти одноголосно — принять единогласно

setup — засновувати, організовувати — основывать, организовывать

meet the challenge — вжити заходів на випадок претензій — принять меры на случай претензий

notify— повідомляти — уведомлять

adjourn— припинити (збори) — прекратить (собрание)


Перекладіть українською:

  • The descriptions used are noun-dense, adjective-sparse and full of active verbs.

  • Property damage must be carefully described and recorded photographically if possible.

  • The first rule of thumb in police report writing is sticking to basics and keeping it simple.

  • Any witness statements or other supplementary reports (blood alcohol level or DNA as examples) must be cross-referenced with the incident report and all must be completed within the department and filed in its records.

2. Моделювання ситуацій спілкування. Складіть ділові листи за умовами запропонованих ситуацій. Зверніть увагу на особливості ділових листів.

1. Imagine you are a businessman who wants to offer the services of his company. Write a letter proposing your services.

2. Imagine you are a police officer who makes a report about a theft from a hotel room.

3. Imagine that you are a customer of an internet shop who is displeased with the service. Write a letter of complaint.

Базова література:

1.ЭстерСелсдон. Какписать письмо по английски: пер. с анг./ ЭстерСелсдон. – М.: ООО «ИздательствоАстрель»: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004. – 239c.

2. Business English. Деловойанглийскийязык: Учеб. пособие / Сост. Е.В. Пинская. – 3-е изд., испр. – К.: Знання, 2006. - 182 c.

Додаткова література:

1. Jeanette S. Martinand LillianH. Chaney. Praeger Publishers, 2006, 179.

2. Мізецька В.Я. Практичний курс англійської мови для юристів: Підручник. Видання друге. – Х.: „Одіссей”, 2004. – С. 137.

3.Песочин А.А., Юрчук П.С. Практический курс английского языка для юристов: Учебное пособие. – Харьков: Консум, 2002. –с. 290-300.


Business writing, Business letter, Letterhead, Reference line, Date, Inside address, Greeting/Salutation, Body of the letter, Ending / Complimentary close, Signature block.