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32 Complete the following dialogues by using the words below them.

1 – (1)... .


– (2)... to the nearest chemist's, please?


– Do you know where the nearest chemist's is?

– No, (4)... I'm a stranger around here. (5)... the policeman over there?

– Oh, yes. (6)... .Thanks.

I'm afraid not; Good idea; Pardon; Excuse me; Could you tell me the way; Why don't you ask.

2 – Excuse me. Could you tell me (1)... the nearest post office, please?

– Yes, (2)... . Go down this street and ( 3)... at the traffic lights. Take (4)... . That's the road with a cinema on the corner. The post office is about a hundred metres along the road on the right (5)... .

– So that's left at the traffic lights, then second right. Thanks very much.

– (6)....

the second on the right; just after a supermarket; how to get to; turn left; You're welcome; of course.8

3 – Hello, Mike. Why are you late?

– Sorry. You know, at (1)... the buses are (2)... .

– Half an hour is left till the performance begins, How do we (3)... the theatre?

– We'd rather (4)... till Nemiga. It'll (5)... us 10 minutes, not more.

– And from Nemiga we'll (6)..., won't we?

– Quite right. It's not ...(7) from there. . 4 So. Vera, I 'm waiting for you (1)... at 7.

– O.K. How can I get to your (2)...?

– (3)... № 59 and go to the Central Market. There is a chemist's just (4)... there.

– I know it is in a 12 – (5)... house.

– Quite right. Just (6)... this house there are two 5 – storeyed houses, and I (7)... at number 10.

– O.K., Ann. I'll be at your place (8)... .

– See you soon.

as we agreed; Take bus; at my place; across the bus stop; live; house; behind; storeyed.

33 Translate the following dialogues into English.

1 – Извините, как можно пройти до ближайшей почты?

– Насколько я знаю, здесь поблизости нет почты. Вам надо сесть на троллейбус № 3 и проехать две остановки.

– А где здесь остановка троллейбуса?

– Вот там, на другой стороне улицы.

– Спасибо.

2 – Виктор, мы пойдем в бассейн сегодня?

– Конечно, как договорились.

– Где мы встретимся? Как обычно у станции метро?

– Нет, давай встретимся на остановке автобуса у твоего дома.

– Это там, где стоит газетный киоск?

– Да. В 5 часов встречаемся там.

3 – Извините, я правильно иду к театру оперы и балета?

– Да. Идите прямо по этой улице до светофора, а затем поверните направо.

– Это далеко отсюда?

– Нет, думаю не более 10 минут ходьбы.

4 – Привет, Ольга. Давно не видела тебя. В чем дело?

– Мы переехали на новую квартиру в Уручье.

– О, это очень далеко. Как ты добираешься до университета?

– Никаких проблем. Я еду на метро, а потом на троллейбусе.

– Сколько времени тебе надо, чтобы добраться до университета.

– Около 40 минут.

34 Look through the following words. List them according to the part of the town you can find these places.

Museum, bus station, power station, market, university, statues, department stores, post offices, parks, concert halls, squares, libraries, churches, multi-storey car park, theatres, railway station, art gallery, roundabouts, supermarkets, office blocks, restaurants, shopping centre, cafes, shoe shops, cinemas, apartment blocks, houses, bars, schools, blocks of flats, opera house, factories, ring road, sports stadium, swimming pool, banks.

In the outskirts; outside town; in the industrial area; in the town centre; throughout the town.