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10. Choose the right answer.

1. The police have not yet found a possible ….. for the murder.

a) example b) motive c) principle d) understanding

2. As the result of the police on the disco, ten people were arrested.

a) entry b) invasion c) raid d) storm

3. I was informed by the police constable that he would be forced to take me into ….. .

a) confinement b) custody c) detection d) guardianship

4. After the accident the policeman asked if there had been any ….. .

a) observers b) onlookers c) spectators d) witnesses

5. Why don't the police take .. measures against crime?

a) affective b) effective c) efficient d) ineffective

6. The unruly ….. was broken up by the police.

a) collection b) congregation c) group d) mob

7. The chief of police said that he saw no ….. between the four murders.

a) communication b) connection c) join d) joint

8.The police set a to catch the thieves.

a) device b) plan c) snare d) trap

9.The police asked if I thought I could .. the man who stole my car if I looked at some photos.

a) certify b) identify c) justify d) verify

10. The inspector was a very ….. man and he rechecked the evidence several times.

a) attentive b) complete c) thorough d) thoughtful

11.Those acting for the defendant propose to appeal the sentence.

a) against b) for c) out d) to

12.Mr Tipsy was twenty pounds for drinking and driving.

a) charged b) fined c) ordered d) sentenced

13.The ringleader was lucky to get a suspended sentence.

a) away b) off with c) through d) through to

14. Despite the seriousness of his crime he only received a sentence.

a) light b) little c) small d) soft

15.It is often difficult for ex-convicts to keep to the ….. and narrow.

a) deep b) long c) straight d) wide

16.The judge recommended more humane forms of punishment for juvenile ….. .

a) convicts b) delinquents c) sinners d) villains

17. The high court judge will pass a …. next week.

a) justice b) punishment c) sentence d) verdict

18.If you break the law, you will be ….. trouble.

a) for b) in c) out d) out of

19.The judge the pedestrian for the accident.

a) accused b) blamed c) charged d) sued

20.  After considering the evidence for a few hours, the Jury came to a(n) verdict.

a) unambiguous b) unanimous c) undivided d) united

11. Go through the list of offences and decide which are major and which are minor. Then look at the forms of punishment and decide which is appropriate for each offence. Write sentences as in the example.


  1. murder 8. stealing sweets

  2. hijacking an aircraft 9. making noise late at night

  3. kidnapping 10. being on a bus without a ticket

  4. littering 11. violent behaviour in a football stadium

  5. writing graffiti on a public building 12. toxic waste pollution

  6. stealing a car 13. gang rape

  7. pickpocketing 14. arson


to be sentenced to life imprisonment, to be sent to prison, to be fined a large/small amount of money, to be given a suspended sentence, to do community service, to be given a warning

e.g. Murder is a major offence. I think that someone who murders somebody should be sentenced to life imprisonment.