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Grammar structures

1. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense

+ I (we, you, they) have (not)

been working here

He (she) has (not)

a) since 1985


b) for 5 years

? Have I (we, you, they)

been working here

Has he (she)'

a) since 1985

b) for 5 years

2|. Modal Verbs

Affirmative and negative forms




speak English





may not

come later


must must not

come in time




should not

visit the parents





ought not

to be more careful


Interrogative, affirmative and negative forms



speak English?

Yes, you can. No, you cannot. No, you can't.



read this book?

Yes, you may.

No, you must not. No, you mustn't. No, you can't.

No, you may not.




come today?

Yes, he must.

No, he must not. No, he mustn't.

No, he needn't.



visit him?

Yes, we should.

No, we should not. No, we shouldn't.



to do it?

Yes, they ought to.

No, they ought not to. No, they oughtn't to.

3. The Future and the Past Simple Tense

Forms of Modal verbs "must", "can", "may" and their


Modal Verbs

Simple Past

Simple Future


I had to do it yesterday.

I. didn't have to do it


Did you have to do it


I'll have to do it next


Will you have to do it

next week?

To be to

I was to meet him at 7 p.m. but I failed to come.

We are to meat at noon. He is to come here tomorrow ,


He was not able to do it


Was he able to do it


He could do it


Could he do it


He'll be able to do it next


He won't be able to do it

next week.

Will he be able to do it

next week?

May ,

He said I might do it


I was allowed to do it


, I shall be allowed to do it myself.



Ex.1. Make up questions to have the following answers:

1. You should participate in the work of the conference in Seva­stopol.

2. You should see a lot of places of interest there. 2. You may go to the National Opera with me.

  1. You must visit this museum. It is worth seeing.

  2. You may park your car somewhere in the center of the city.

  3. You can get from one end of the city to another in no time.

  4. You'll have to spend a lot of time to do your shopping.

  5. If the green light is on, you must go. If the red light is on, you v. must stop and wait.

9. If you’re out in the country and there's no sign for the speed limit you may go at a high speed.

  1. As you can't see the difference between colours, you mustn't drive a car.

  2. I must finish my work now. My friends are waiting for me because we are going to the theatre.

  3. You should invite your friend to go sightseeing with you.

  4. You may ask her to look after your child while you're doing some shopping.

  5. We must walk fast to get to the station in time.

  6. We are to meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow.

Ex.2. Express the same idea in one sentence by using the Present Perfect Progressive as in the example:

Example; -I began touring this country a week ago. I'm still touring it. - / have been touring this country for a week.

  1. He began parking his car a quarter of an hour ago. He is still parking it.

  2. I began to look for this museum half an hour ago. I'm still looking for it.

' 3. His father began working at this museum in 1980. He is still working there. .

4. My friend Borys began showing me the places of interest of Kyiv*from early morning. He is still showing them to me.


5. I began participating in the work of the conference 3 days ago. I'm still participating in it. '

Ex.3. Write down a few questions as in the example:

Example: - He'll have to participate in the work of the conference.

- Will he really have to participate in the work of the conference?

  1. We have to do everything as soon as possible.

  2. He had to park his car far from the center of the city.

  3. You ought to be very careful while crossing the street.

  4. You had to spend a lot of time to get from one end of the city to


  1. You should see the Dnieper slopes and many other places of interest.

  2. You must promise to write a letter to me.

Ex.4. Translate from Ukrainian into English:

t. Він має взяти участь у роботі конференції.

  1. Ми можемо зустрітися з ним після обіду.

  2. Він не може запросити до себе так багато гостей, бо у ньо­го маленька квартира.

  3. Він хотів би дещо більше знати про цю країну, бо наступного місяця у нього буде можливість поїхати туди на деякий мас.

  4. Варто відвідати Ермітаж. Там є на що подивитися.

  5. Краще їхати туди поїздом. На те піде ніч, щоб доїхати з Києва до Одеси.

  6. Треба бути уважним при переході через цю вулицю, бо тут рух напружений.

  7. Немає потреби так рано їхати на вокзал.

  8. Мені немає чого йти туди сьогодні,

  1. Вам треба їхати туди на метро; станція метро зовсім близько.

  2. Я не пам'ятаю хто перший прийшов до нас.

  3. Треба брати таксі, щоб не спізнитися на поїзд.

  4. Варто оглянути історичні пам'ятники міста.

  5. Я оглядаю визначні місця цього міста вже протягом тижня;

  6. Ви маєте змогу купити квітки на поїзд.

  7. Він мав поспішати, бо було вже пізно.

17. Він мав подати статтю до газети, але не встиг, бо тема виявилася набагато складнішою, ніж здавалося спочатку.


  1. Ви повинні були зважити на мою пораду.

  2. Він має скоро приїхати. Якщо він не приїде, розглянемо питання без нього. .

  3. Можете не турбуватися про мене. Я сам дістануся до вокзалу.

Ex.5. Translate into English:

  1. Санкт-Петербург - одне з найкращих міст світу. Місто розташо­ване на річці Неві. Це великий культурний центр Росії! Його насе­лення - понад 4 млн. чоловік. Петербург славиться своїми театра­ми, бібліотеками, навчальними закладами, палацами, історичними пам'ятниками і музеями. Петербург це також великий морський порт. Щорічно тисячі іноземних туристів приїздять до цього чудо­вого міста.

  2. Київ - одне з найкрасивіших міст Європи і світу. Це місто бага­топоверхових будинків, широких вулиць і парків. Київ розташова­ний на берегах Дніпра. Метро з'єднує обидві частини міста.


  1. Describe your native city.'

  2. You have returned from your journey to Moscow. Describe your impressions of the city.



Topic: Higher Education. Educational Background. Grammar: The Passive Voice. Text: Kyiv University


Among the Ukrainian institutions of higher education that train specialists for various fields of economy and conduct scientific research work special place belongs to Kyiv University,

Peter Klymenko graduated from Kyiv University a«d has bean working there since then. It is one of the biggest higher educational establishments in Ukraine. It was founded in 1834. In 1939 it was named after the great poet of Ukraine T. G. Schevchenko on occasion of its 105th anniversary.

The University trains specialists for various fields of economy, conducts post-graduate courses, grants degrees. More than 20,000 future specialists get their training there. They major in physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, law, journalism, linguistics, etc.

Students are admitted to the University on the basis of their results at the entrance, examinations. They study at 16 faculties containing 155 departments. The departments grouped into faculties, covering the main subject groupings. Students from about 80 countries are being trained at Kyiv University. They are from Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Senior students major in those subjects which are essential for their future activity. Their annual tests and graduation papers are oriented towards the enterprises at which students are supposed to work afterwards. Naturally, it is advantageous for such students to take their practical training before finial exams at their future place of employment.

Students are provided with hostel accommodation, meals at reasonable prices, sports and recreation facilities. They have free access to medical assistance. A modern University campus has been built in the outskirts of the city.


Today Kiyv University enjoys national and international reputation for the contribution to scientific research.

The University devotes much attention to the promotion of cooperation with institutions of higher education in foreign countries on the basis of bilateral agreements. They exchange experience on teaching methods, research planning and textbook development. The agreements signed with some foreign institutions of higher education promote the exchange of curricula and syllabi, scientists and post­graduate students, scientific and teaching literature, as well as information on the activities of the universities involved. This is how John Smith arrived in Ukraine. He came to Kyiv University on an exchange basis. Peter Klymenko will go to Great Britain next year. He will participate in the work of a conference there.

Foreign languages are taught at all faculties of the University. As for the foreign students, they study Ukrainian. The language laboratories are well equipped. There are laboratories with booths in which tape-recorders are installed. The programme is transmitted from the teacher's console, which is the heart of the system. From this desk the teacher monitors the students and controls them. The language laboratories promote speech practice. There are some electronic laboratories here as well. Here you can see computers for performing calculations, say, in students' designs. About one thousand operations are performed by them. At lectures on different subjects the closed-circuit television system is applied.

Here is John Smith's story about British Universities.

In England there are more than 30 universities. The two oldest and most famous universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge, dating from the 12th century. London University is the biggest of the modern ones. It comprises a large number of various colleges and other institutions.

We find well-equipped .laboratories, lecture-rooms, museums, workshops for different subjects and great libraries holding thousand of volumes there. One must say that some of our remarkable Ukrainian scientists and writers are Honoured Doctors of Cambridge and Oxford Universities.


The main subjects which are taught at Oxford and Cambridge include ancient languages, philosophy, history, law, theology, medicine, natural sciences and mathematics. Each university has different courses, the number of credit tests varies too.

Universities in Great Britain are autonomous and responsible only to their governing body. The regulations differ from university to university. In Oxford and Cambridge there is a number of separate colleges, each with its own regulations and courses of study. The teaching is based on the tutorial system as well as lectures. Eасh student has a tutor who requires him to write essays and papers on the subjects he is studying and submit them to him regularly about once a fortnight for correction and discussion.

As Oxford and Cambridge are rather far from London and other cities the students have to live in the university flats (hostels) or in private rooms, and the rent is very high. Besides, students mast pay for tuition, exams, credit tests, for laboratory work, teaching aids and sо on. The students are almost entirely from the schools which serve only aristocracy. Some students get scholarship, but the number of these students is comparatively small.

At present some of new universities concentrate on technology. Besides the traditional university subjects, they teach agriculture, applied sciences and engineering.