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Методичка АНГЛ-ЯЗ 1 курс, 2 сем, ср.образ..doc
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Grammar structures

1. The Passive Voice (to be + Participle II)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

Simple Pre­sent

Simple Past

Simple Future

We (often ) discuss

this book.

We discussed this


We shall discuss

this book.

The book is (often) discussed.

The book was discussed.

The book will be discussed.

Present Prog­ressive

We are discussing it now.

It is being discussed now.


. Past Prog­ressive

Future Prog­ressive

We were discussing it when you came.

We shall be discussing it.

It was being discussed when you came.

Present Perfect .

We have (already) discussed this book.

The book has (already) been discussed.

Past Perfect Future Perfect

We had discussed it by that time.

We shall have discussed it by the end of the month.

It had been discussed by that


It will have been discussed by

the end of the month.

2. Ways of Translating the Passive Verb-Forms into Ukrainian

Kyiv University was founded in 1834.

Київський університет засновано 1834 року.

Students from about 80 countries are being trained at the University.

В університеті навчаються сту­денти із приблизно 80 країн.

The programme is transmitted from the teacher's console.

Програма надходить з пульту викладача.

і ...

3. Uses of the Prepositions by and with

The programme is transmitted

from the console by the

By - the doer of the action


This machine is operated by



That letter was written with a

With - an instrument.



Ex.1. Rewrite the following sentences in the negative and interrogative forms:

1. Foreign languages are taught at all faculties of the University.


  1. Students from about 80 countries are being trained at the University.

  2. At lectures the closed-circuit television system is applied rather often.

  1. A gym and a swimming-pool have been built for the students.

  2. A very important question is being discussed at the conference now.

Ex.2. Make up sentences using the Passive Voice with the following word combinations as in the example:

Example: - Text 10 - to study last week.

- Text 10 was studied last week.

  1. The foreign delegation - to show Kyiv University yesterday.

  2. The students of different specialities - to train there.

  3. Sports camps - to build next year. . '

  4. The tape-recorders - to install recently.

  5. Meetings -to hold here usually.

  6. The delegation - to meet tomorrow.

  7. The letters - to type now.

  8. The report - to listen to with great interest now.

Ex.3. Transform the sentences into the Passive Voice as in the example:

Example: - They will do these exercises tomorrow.

- These exercises wilt be done tomorrow.

  1. She is typing a business letter and she will send it in the afternoon.

  1. The teacher monitors the students and controls the class from the console.

  2. They are building a new gym and a swimming-pool for the stu­dents.

  3. They installed new tape-recorders in the laboratory booths.

  1. They equipped the language laboratories with new booths.

  2. We are discussing very important questions at the conference.

  3. The professor is examining my friend now.

  4. Who has given you this book?

  5. They took great care of their library.


Ex.4. Rewrite the sentences in the Active Voice as in the example. Translate them Into Ukrainian:

Example: - The delegation was met at the station by the interpreter. - The interpreter met the delegation at the station.

  1. Our production plan will be carried out.

  2. The students of various specialities are trained at 16 faculties of the University.

  3. Foreign languages are taught at all faculties of the University!

  4. English is spoken in England.

  5. The computers have been adjusted by the students.

  6. Radio is widely used for political, cultural and educational work.

  7. The meeting was held yesterday.

  8. This book must be read by alt the students of the group.

  9. The book is being translated by my friend now.

Ex.5. Use the correct verb forms in these sentences (infinitive forms are given in brackets): ,

  1. Five new buildings (to construct) in our street, the sixth buil­ding, a new school (to construct) and I hope the work (to finish) in August.

  2. The key to his room (to lose) and he (can) not (to get) into the room yesterday. ;

  3. The book (to read) by all students of their group and it (to discuss) next week.

  4. Many wonderful discoveries (to make) by our scientists.

  5. When I came into the room, the last student (to examine).

  6. This textbook (to illustrate) by a friend of mine.

7. We shall start working according to the new programme as ' soon as it (to adopt) by the board.

Ex.6. Translate into English:

A. 1. У цьому районі споруджується великий екологічно безпечний завод.

  1. Я певен, що буде збудовано багато лабораторій, які будуть обладнані. '

  2. Багато студентських оздоровчих таборів побудовано на південному березі Криму.


  1. Усі розрахунки проводяться за допомогою комп'ютерів.

  2. Іноземні мови вивчаються на всіх факультетах університету.

  3. Його слухали з великим інтересом.

1. Чому йому поставили багато запитань?

  1. Де продаються ці книги?

  1. Ким ця книга була перекладена українською мовою і де во­на готується до друку?

  1. Коли буде випущена в світ ця книга?

  2. Його попросили відповісти на 3 питання.

  3. Якщо робота буде закінчена завтра, ми поїдемо за місто,

  4. Не заходьте в аудіторію, там екзаменують студента.

  5. Ця подія коментується в сьогоднішніх газетах

В. 1. Мені веліли прийти сюди о п'ятій годині.

  1. Йому не дали змоги підготуватися до виступу.

  2. Їм не показали дороги до нашого дому.

  3. Нам не пришлють книг поштою.

  4. Їх проекзаменують на здатність до цієї роботи.

  5. Вас зустрінуть деякі члени делегації.

  6. Листи будуть відправлені вчасно.

  7. Газети приносять рано вранці.

  8. Телеграма була принесена годину тому.

  1. За ними вже послали.

  2. Про них говорили, як про хороших спеціалістів.

Ex.7. Written compositions:

  1. Describe the educational establishment you are studying at.

  2. Describe your educational background.



Topic: Recreation (our days-off, week-ends, holidays, entertainment) Grammar: 1. The Past Perfect Tense

  1. The Future-in-the Past

  2. Sequence of Tenses

  3. Reported Speech

Text: The Way We Spend Our Free Time


Peter Klymenko: Did you go anywhere this week-end, Borys?

Borys Lytvynov: Last Saturday my wife and I went to the cinema to see a new film. It was quite amusing. Then on Sunday I wanted to go to the theatre. You know Kate is an admirer of the opera and I heard on the radio that National Opera had started its new theatrical season. I was sure it was next to impossible to get tickets as they had probably been already sold out. A friend of mine is an actor at the Opera House. I asked him to get two tickets for us. But he failed to help me. He told me that he would be able to get tickets for us only next Sunday. By the way, are you doing anything special tonight?

Pate: Nothing in particular. Why?

Borys: I thought we could go to the cinema if you don't mind.

Pete: I'd love to. You know I'm a great cinema-goer, but I haven't been to the cinema of late for some reason or other. Let me see... I'll be free about seven. Is there anything interesting on?

Borys: A new musical is on this week. They say it's worth seeing. I remember reading a review of it last Sunday. The review says it is one of those films one shouldn't miss.

Pete: Do you remember the title?

Borys: Unfortunately not. But I remember it's a fine musical.

Pete: To tell the truth I don't care much for musicals.

Borys: In that case let's go somewhere else. I was told they would be showing the film "War and Peace" after Lev Tolstoy's novel. Now, I'll look in the paper... Oh, yes, that's right. It's a Hollywood production.

Pete: Oh, I'll be glad to go and see this film.


Borys: The show starts at half past eight. There's a newsreel, of course, but no cartoon or documentary. Will Halyna join us?

Pete: Don't you know that she is having a holiday now? She went to a sanatorium in the Crimea last week.

Borys: I didn't know that she had been away. By the way, have you got any plans for your holidays? As for me I enjoy spending my holidays in the Crimea. There is a very nice holiday camp there at the Black Sea. It's a very good camp with all modern conveniences and comfort. It has its swimming-pool and tennis courts. I'm fond of paying tennis and enjoy every minute of staying there. I usually make friends with a lot of interesting people there. What about you?

Pete: I hate the idea of spending a holiday with crowds of people. I told you I always wanted to get away from crowds. I want to have a holiday from work, from noise that's why I prefer spending it in a quiet village. Besides, I'm fond of climbing. This summer I'm planning to go to the Carpathians. There is a very nice village in the mountains. I hope to have a good time there. I'll climb the mountains.

But this year I'll have a shorter holiday. I'm to be back in Kyiv by the 8th of August. I have been invited to give some lectures at London University and I'm going to leave for London on the 15th of August.