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MODULE 1 The Sequence of Tenses & Reported Speech.

Lesson 1. The Sequence of Tenses.

Термін “послідовність часів”, тобто узгодження часів, відноситься до вибору часу дієслова в підрядному реченні залежно від часу дієслова в головному реченні.

Узгодження часів відбувається у підрядних додаткових реченнях, коли присудок головного речення вживається в одному з минулих часів.

The term “sequence of tenses”, i.e. the agreement of tenses, refers to the choice of the verb tense in the subordinate clause depending on the tense of the verb in the main clause.

The sequence of tenses takes place in the object subordinate clauses, when the verb of the main clause is used in one of the past tenses.

Примітка: Відповідно до правил вживання часів, простий теперішній час використовується замість майбутнього в підрядних обставинних реченнях часу та умови, що відносяться до майбутнього.

Він запитає її про це, якщо побачить її завтра.

Вона відвідає їх завтра, якщо матиме час.

Note: According to the rules of the use of tenses, the Present Simple is used instead of the future in the adverbial clauses of time and condition referring to the future.

He will ask her about it when he sees her tomorrow.

She will visit them tomorrow if she has the time.

Теперішній або майбутній в головному реченні

Якщо дієслово головного речення стоїть у теперішньому або майбутньому часі, то дієслово в підрядному додатковому реченні може стояти в будь-якому часі залежно від змісту.

Вона гуляє по парку, якщо погода хороша.

Я бачу, що вона пише звіт.

Мати розуміє, що коли-небудь її дитя виросте і створить сім'ю.

Я не впевнений, що він допоможе нам.

Я знаю, що Джон уже поїхав до Чикаго.

Я знаю, що мій домашній улюбленець зіпсував килим.

Я знаю, куди вона пішла.

Він зрозуміє, що ти хочеш допомогти йому.

Я запитаю в нього, чому він не придбав ту книгу.

Present or Future in the main clause

If the verb in the main clause is in the present or future tense, the verb in the object subordinate clause may be used in any tense depending on the content.

She goes for a walk in the park when the weather is good.

I see that she is writing a report.

Mother understands that someday her child will grow up and start a family.

I’m not sure that he will help us.

I know that John has already left for Chicago.

I know that my pet spoiled the carpet.

I know where she went.

He will understand that you want to help him.

I will ask him why he didn’t buy that book.

Минулий час у головному реченні

Якщо дієслово в головному реченні стоїть у минулому часі, то дієслово в підрядному додатковому реченні також має бути в одному з минулих часів.

Я зрозумів, що він помиляється.

Я не знав, чи моя сестра у місті.

Анна побачила, що він готується до захисту дисертації.

Я чув, що містер Трелоні збирається стати нашим директором.

Містер Сміт не був упевнений, що вона допоможе йому.

Їй було цікаво, чи її чоловік придбає ту каблучку.

Ми сказали їм, що Джек уже відклав свою подорож.

Він запитав у неї, чому вона не доглядала за садом.

Past tense in the main clause

If the verb in the main clause is in the past tense, the verb in the object subordinate clause should be also used in one of the past tenses.

I realized that he made a mistake.

I didn’t know if my sister was in town.

Ann saw that he was preparing for defending his thesis.

I heard that Mr. Trelawney was going to be our new director.

Mr. Smith wasn’t sure that she would help him.

She wondered whether her husband would buy that ring.

We told them that Jack had already postponed his trip.

He asked her why she hadn’t maintained the gаrden.


Якщо в підрядному додатковому реченні йдеться про загальновідому істину, то, зазвичай, вживається теперішній час.

Ньютон виявив, що сила тяжіння притягує всі тіла до Землі.

Галілео довів, що Земля обертається навколо Сонця.

Exception from the rule

If a general truth is expressed in the object subordinate clause, the present tense is normally used.

Newton discovered that the force of gravity pulls all bodies to the Earth.

Galileo proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Task 1.Open the brackets.

1. I knew they (to wait) ______for me at the metro sta­tion and I decided to hurry. 2. I didn’t know that you already (to wind)______ up the clock. 3. I was afraid that the little girl (not to be) ______able to unlock the front door and (to go) ______upstairs to help her. 4. He says that he (to know) ______the laws of the country. 5. Sarah understood why Lanny (not to come) ______the previous evening. 6. She asked me whether I (to remember) ______the legend about a faithful lion. 7. He understood that the soldiers (to arrest) ______him. 8. He could not understand why people (not to want) ______to take water from that well. 9. I suppose they (to send) ______a dog af­ter the burglar immediately. 10. He said he (to leave) ______tomorrow morning. 11. She says she already (to find) ______the book. 12. He stopped and listened: the clock (to strike) ______five. 13. She said she (can) ______not tell me the right time, her watch (to be) ______wrong. 14. I asked my neighbour if he ever (to travel) ______by air before. 15. The policeman asked George where he (to run)______ so early. 16. The delegates were told that the guide just (to go) ______out and (to be) ______back in ten minutes.

Task 2.Choose the correct variant.

1. Marry realized that she _ making a very strange confession.

a) is

b) was

c) has been

2. Her father knew what _ happening.

a) is

b) was

c) has been

3. All his friends remembered what the program _ be.

a) will

b) would

c) is to

4. Little Hans was very distressed at times, as he thought that his best friend _ forgotten him.

a) had

b) will

c) would

5. Rosa told herself that this was the day that _ decide her fate.

a) will

b) had

c) would

6. She asked him if anything _ happened

a) had

b) has

c) has been

7. Mrs. Sohlberg felt that this _ going to be a wonderful evening.

a) is

b) was

c) has been

8. He felt sure he _ work now.

a) will

b) would

c) had

9. He thought how beautiful and serene their life _ be.

a) would

b) is

c) will

10. I was thinking that it _ be interesting to start a little gas company in one of these outlying villages.

a) is

b) will

c) would

11. He didn’t feel so hungry as he thought he _ be.

a) shall

b) should

c) had

12. He knew that in a week or two the actual campaign _ begin.

a) will

b) would

c) had

13. His elder sister didn’t even know where they _ stay in.

a) will

b) is to

c) would

14. I knew that you _ ill.

a) are

b) were

c) would

15. Everybody knows that the Earth _ round the Sun

a) moves

b) is moving

c) move

Task 3.Choose the correct answer.

1. They explained to us that the Local History Museum, which was usually open every Sunday, _that day.

a) was closed

b) was being closed

c) had been closed

2. Tom said that he had been late for work that morning, and he added that he _ before. 

a) had never been late

b) was never late

c) never had been late

3. I thought you said Jack _ you when he got back from his trip to the mountains.  

a) ought to phone

b) would phone

c) phoned

4. I knew Linda _ around Europe for three months already.  

a) was travelling

b) had been travelling

c) had travelled

5. Hillary told me she _ in New-York all that year, and she had no wish to leave the city.  

a) lived

b) had lived

c) was living

6. The shop assistant showed me a book and said that the book _the museums of our town.  

a) described

b) was describing

c) had described

7. Len was mistaken when he said that Marion _ to her new flat the following month.  

a) would have moved

b) would be moving

c) moved

8. The personel manager was interested _ to quit my present job.  

a) why had I decided

b) why I had decided

c) why I decided

9. The pupil explained to the teacher that he couldn't come to school that day because he _.  

a) was ill

b) had been ill

c) is ill

10. Ann begged me not to tell her father what _ earlier that day.  

a) happen

b) had happened

c) would happen

11. Alice explained to us that the flower shop _ down the road.  

a) was situated

b) is situated

c) had been situated

12. Ann told me that she _ them to arrive so soon and was very much surprised when they had.  

a) didn’t expect

b) hadn’t expected

c) doesn’t expect

13. Mrs. Smith told me that it had not been raining when lightning _ the tree in her garden.  

a) had struck

b) struck

c) should be striking

14. In my interview I asked Celia Young why _ another romantic novel. 

a) she had written

b) had she written

c) she wrote

15. Mark told Nancy that he _ his dog at last, and the worried expression began to disappear from his face. 

a) had found

b) found

c) must find

Task 4.Open the brackets.

  1. Aunt Hester (think) ______that it (be) ______nice for him to work in the future.

  2. She (hear) ______the band playing and she (know)______ that in a few moments the curtain (go) ______up.

  3. Myra (think) ______he (prefer) ______to be himself.

  4. I (hear)______ from your mother that you (be) ______late and so I (order)______ coffee and sandwiches.

  5. Mrs. Fees (ask) ______him if he (have) ______dinner there.

  6. On the first day of the second week in July he (receive) ______a letter from his son to say that they all (be) ______back on Friday.

  7. I (be told) ______that it (be) ______advisable to keep in touch with Mary.

  8. The old man (ask) ______me if I (have) ______any special profession in mind, and I (say) ______I (not have)______.

  9. He(be) ______very sorry for Jennie, and he(tell)______ his wife that he(have) ______to go out and see her.

  10. And the other day I(have) ______a letter from him saying he (be) ______in Odessa soon.

  11. He(tiptoe) ______over and(ask) ______me if something(worry) ______me, because my face(look) ______tense.

  12. When I(ring) ______her that evening she(say)______ she(not like) ______to discuss those problems on the phone.

  13. That evening she(tell) ______me she(be) ______at the hotel number, and about half past eight I(dial) ______that number, but there(be)______ no answer.

  14. I(put) ______the papers back where they (belong)______, (tell) ______the manager I(do) ______no clipping or tearing,(return)______ to the hotel,(treat) ______myself to a glass of milk in the coffee shop, and (go) ______to bed.

  15. He(write) ______that he(come) ______to lunch the following day. He(be met) ______at the station by a horse drawing a vehicle of a shape he never(see) ______before.

Task 5.Translate into Ukrainian.

1. I knew she played the piano every day. 2. I knew she was playing the piano at 10 o'clock. 3.I knew she had played the piano at the evening party. 4. I knew she had been playing the piano for two hours. 5. I knew she had not played the piano for a long time. 6. I knew she had been playing the piano for 2 hours before we came. 7. I knew she would play the piano at the evening party.

Task 6.Translate into English.

1. Він говорить, що вчиться в коледжі. Він вчиться там уже 3 роки. 2. Він сказав, що вчиться в коледжі. 3. Він сказав, що буде вчитися в коледжі. 4. Дівчина сказала, що написала доповідь. Вона писала її два дні. 5. Мама сказала, що влітку наша сім’я поїде на море. 6. Мій брат пообіцяв, що візьме мене на змагання. 7. Я знав, що концерт мені сподобається. 8. Учитель знав, що учні добре напишуть диктант. 9. Я знаю, що ти їздив за кордон минулого літа. 10. Вона знала, що він їздив за кордон минулої зими. 11. Ми знаємо, що вона в бібліотеці. 12. Ми знали, що вона була в бібліотеці і вже пішла додому. 13. Вона запитала, де я живу. 14. Бабуся запитала, де я жив раніше. 15. Ми вирішили, що підготуємо концерт до цього свята.

Task 7.Comment on the use of tenses in the subordinate clauses.

1. Mary wired back that she would arrive on the following day. (Cronin).

2. All that day she did as she had told Parker she would.(Bates).

3. I rose and said to Alice that I was going. (Braine).

4. “I knew it would happen one day,” said Maxim. (Du Maurier).

5. For some time the girl remained where he had left her, ... (Stevenson).

6. “At last, Sophie. I thought you were never coming.” (Huxley).

7. “I wanted to know,” I said, trembling, “if you buy a jacket.”(Dickens).

8. Maxim rang up the next morning to say he would be back about seven. (Du Maurier).

9. He did not know what he was talking about. (Du Maurier).

10. It chanced on Sunday, when Mr. Utterson was on his usual walk with Mr. Enfield, ... (Stevenson).

11. I went in search of Poirot, and found him talking to the lean-faced young man who had been the late Mr. Bleibner's secretary. (A.Christie).

12.Thus cautioned, Mr. Willet, in an oily whisper, recited all that he had heard and said that night, ...(Dickens).

Примітка: Після if / when використовується, зазвичай, не майбутній, а теперішній час.

Вона зателефонує тобі завтра, якщо ти хочеш.

NOTE:After if / when we do not normally use future tense. We use the Present Simple instead.

She will call you tomorrow, if you want.

Task 8.Open the brackets. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. I will buy you a beer, when my team (win)______. 2. If the flight (leave) ______as scheduled, we won’t be late for the meeting. 3. I won’t need a ticket, when you (present) ______me a new car. 4. If you (like) ______seafood, check out this restaurant. 5. If you (change) ______your mind, I will return your money.

Task 9.Insert the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

1. I knew that she (to live) ______in Kyiv since 1989. 2. She said that she (to know) ______him for two years. 3. I hoped that I (to see) ______her the next day. 4. The young man said that he (to work) ______at 6 o’clock. 5. I answered that I (to translate) ______the article by 10 o’clock. 6. She says that she (to write) ______letters to her father twice a week. 7. The teacher said that he (to check up) ______our tests by 11 o’clock. 8. I said that I (to write) ______a report at 8 o’clock. 9. He said that he (to write) ______a letter for an hour when we came. 10. She said that she would be reading while I (to write)______ an exercise. 11. He said that he (to work)______when I rang him up. 12. I thought you (to look through) ______the newspapers at 5 o’clock yesterday.

Task 10.Comment on the sequence of tenses and translate into Ukrainian.

1. He was informed that both his father and mother were out, but that Miss Dinny had come up that morning from Condaford. (Galsworthy)

2.“I see what I see,” Matilda said. “I see that this is how a leading citizen elects to spend his afternoons, sitting on a rock and –.” (Warren)

3. And for an instant, Isaak didn’t know whether he was really asking her, the mother that last question over and over or whether he was just asking it over and over inside his head. (Warren)

4. If only I could sleep, thought Hunter. Then in the morning I might know what to do. (Murdoch)

5.He spoke as one who does not propose to say any more. (Snow)

6. Celia Hornby asserted that it was a good thing they had got out of the house. (Warren)

7. Then she knew what she must do. (Murdoch)

8. Penelope stretched herself luxuriously, with the poised expression of one who has said her last word for the evening. (Snow)

Home assignment. Do tasks 9 and 10. Learn the rules.

Lesson 2. The Sequence of Tenses & Reported Speech.

Task 1.Check up your home assignment.

Непряма мова

Reported speech

Завдяки прямій і непрямій мові ми передаємо чиїсь слова (висловлювання). Пряма мова – це точна передача чиїхось слів. У прямій мові ставлять лапки (“ ”). Наприклад, Я стомлена, сказала Олена. Непряма мова – це точна передача сказаного (відтворення змісту), але не дослівно. У непрямій мові не ставляться лапки. Натомість після ввідного дієслова (say, tell, тощо) вживається сполучник that або ж він опускається.

We can report people’s words by using direct speech or reported speech. Direct speech is the exact words someone used. We use quotation marks (“ ”) in direct speech. e.g. “I'm tired,” Helen said. Reported speech is the exact meaning of what someone said, but not the exact words. We don’t use quotation marks in reported speech. We can either use the word that after the introductory verb (say, tell, etc.) or we can omit it.

При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму особові і присвійні займенники змінюються залежно від змісту.

Наприклад, Я стомлена,” – сказала Олена.

Олена сказала, що вона стомлена.

Personal and possessive pronouns change according to the meaning of the sentence.

e.g. I'm tired,” Helen said.

Helen said (that) she was tired.

У прямій і непрямій мові використовуються дієслова say і tell.

Say вживається з додатком або без нього. Якщо вжито додаток, після дієслова say завжди стоїть прийменник to (said to me).


Він сказав: Мені холодно.

Він сказав, що йому холодно.

Він сказав мені: Мені холодно.

Він сказав мені, що йому холодно.

We can use the verbs say and tell both in direct and reported speech.

Say is used with or without object. When used with an object, it is always followed by the preposition to (said to me).

e.g. He said,“I’m cold.”

He said (that) he was cold.

He said to me,“I’m cold.”

He said to me (that) he was cold.

Після дієслова tell додаток уживається без прийменника (told me).

Він сказав мені: Мені холодно.

Він сказав мені, що йому холодно.

Tell is always followed by an object (told me) without any preposition.

e.g. He told me, “I’m cold.”

He told me (that) he was cold.

Вирази з say і tell:

Say доброго ранку/дня тощо, говорити щось/нічого тощо, молитися; сказати так, декілька слів, тощо

Tell сказати правду, збрехати, видати таємницю, розповісти історію, пожартувати; сказати, котра година; пояснити різницю, сказати комусь чиєсь ім’я (познайомити), вказати дорогу, відрізнити один від одного; передбачати долю тощо

Expressions with say and tell:

say good morning/afternoon etc, something/nothing etc, a prayer, so, a few words, etc.

tell the truth, a lie, a secret, a story, a joke, the time, the difference, sb one's name, sb the way, one from another, one's fortune, etc.

Task 2.Fill in the gaps with say or tell in the correct tense.

A) Richard (1) ________ Sarah that he was having a party on Saturday night. He (2)________ that it would start early but it would finish quite late. He (3) ______her to bring her sister along as well.Sarah (4) _________ she was looking forward to going. Richard (5) _________ her would probably call again on Friday to (6)_____ her the way to his house.

B) “What shall we do?” asked Carrie. “It’s raining outside, so let’s watch television,” I (1)__________. I turned on the television and Carrie (2)__________ to me, “Look! That’s my favouriteprogramme. Let’s watch it.” “To (3)__________ you the truth, I don’t like it,” I (4)___________.

C) “Good morning, Mr. Pearson,” (1) __________ Bella. “Good morning, Bella,” he replied. “I’ve got lots of letters to type today,” he (2) __________ to her. “Alright,” Bella (3)___________. I’ll type them after I finish writing this report for you.

Task 3.Choose the correct variant and put the verbs in an appropriate tense.

1. Ann _ goodbye to me and left.

a) say

b) tell

2. _ us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time?

a) say

b) tell

3. Don’t just stand there! _ something!

a) say

b) tell

4. I wonder where Sue is. She _ she would be here at 8 o’clock.

a) say

b) tell

5. Jack _ me that he was fed up with his job.

a) say

b) tell

6. The doctor _ that I should rest for at least a week.

a) say

b) tell

7. Don’t _ anybody what I _. It’s a secret just between us.

a) say

b) tell

8. “Did she _ you what happened?”

“No, she didn’t _ anything to me.”

a) say

b) tell

9. George couldn’t help me. He _ me to ask Kate.

a) say

b) tell

10. George couldn't help me. He _ to ask Kate.

a) say

b) tell

У непрямій мові час дієслова та часові вирази змінюються:

а) якщо ввідне дієслово стоїть у минулому часі.

Я переїжджаю у нову квартиру наступного тижня,” – сказала вона.

Вона сказала, що наступного тижня переїжджає у нову квартиру.

б) якщо йдеться про застарілу інформацію.

(понеділок, 2 травня.) Майк сказав: Я позичив гроші у батьків.

(четвер, 5 травня) Майк сказав, що позичив гроші у батьків.

в) якщо ми знаємо, що співрозмовник каже неправду.

Ми з Паулою – найкращі друзі,” – сказав мені Джек.

Джек сказав мені, що він з Паулою –найкращі друзі, але Паула ніколи з ним не бачилася.

Часи змінюються наступним чином:

Теперішній простий Минулий простий

Мені потрібна нова машина,”cказав Грег.

Грег сказав, що йому потрібна нова машина.

Теперішній тривалий Минулий тривалий

Він спить,” – сказала вона.

Вона сказала, що він спить.

Теперішній перфектнийМинулий перфектний

Я вже бачив цей фільм,” – сказав він.

Він сказав, що вже бачив цей фільм.

Минулий простий Минулий простий або Минулий перфектний

Я прокинулася пізно,” – сказала Тоня.

Тоня сказала, що прокинулася пізно.

Минулий тривалий Минулий тривалий або Минулий перфектно-тривалий

Я працював о 4 годині,” – сказав Тім.

Тім сказав, що працював о 4 годині.

Майбутній (will) ►Умовний спосіб(would)

Я зателефоную тобі завтра,” – сказала Роза.

Роза сказала, що зателефонує мені завтра.

Минулий перфектний та Минулий перфектно-тривалий не змінюються.

Verb tenses and time expressions change in reported speech:

a) when the introductory verb is used in one of the past tenses.

e.g. “'Im moving to a new flat next week,” she said.

She said (that) she was moving to a new flat the following week.

b) in out-of-date reporting.

e.g. (Monday 2 May) Mike said, “I borrowed some money from my parents.”

(Thursday 5 May) Mike said (that) he had borrowed some money from his parents.

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