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I. Find Participle I and the Gerund. Name their features. Model these word-combinations. Instead of Participle I Active and Gerund use the verb «делать» in appropriate form.

        1. a x x xing x;

        2. the xing x;

        3. a x x of xing the x;

        4. the x ing x of x;

        5. the xing x x x;

        6. the x of xing x.

II. Define the similarity and differences of the words in bold type, give the Russian equivalents of the word combinations below.

Working people - working principles, the living organism - living standards, a writing woman - a writing table, a smoking man - a smoking carriage, a consulting specialist – a consulting room, boiling water - a boiling point, a reading student – a reading hall.

III. Give the Russian equivalents of the following word combinations below.

Coding system; switching process; operating devices; modeling environment; wiring pattern; speed-enhancing algorithm; speed-limiting device; problem solving technique; increasing productivity.

IV. Define the features of Participle I and the Gerund in the function of an attribute.

1. The resulting need for multiple studies is one of the reasons why we recommend making individual studies fast and cheap. 2. The mobile industry is the fastest growing industry in the world. 3. We’ll look at the value of maintaining schedules with Gantt charts. 4. We have studied the existing solutions that allow the development of mobile cross-platform applications. 5. In fact the development and use of mobile banking and financial services is one of the areas when the developing world has surpassed the developed world. 6. Functional hardware development is another expanding industry that needs bright, talented engineers.

V. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. The increasing use of smartphones and tablets as opposed to PCs is boosting overall time spent online. 2. FM radio systems have a special method of modulating the carrier. 3. The next generation of smartphones is going to be context-aware, taking advantage of growing availability of embedded physical sensors and data exchange abilities. 4. Software engineering is a rapidly growing industry in today’s high-tech economy. 5. A system of maintaining standards is important for every stage of the development process. 6. The analyst’s job is to examine existing systems and identify opportunities for improvement. 7. A current is created in the receiving antenna that travels down into receiver.

Признаки распознавания Participle II (причастие пассивное) и Past Simple (прошедшее время)

Причастие пассивное

Прошедшее время

1 хed x1

перед существительным → причастие пассивное левое (ппл) → какой? = сделанный

an invented device – изобретенное устройство

2 x1 хed

после существительного → причастие пассивное правое (единичное) → какой? = сделанный The methods used helped2 to decrypt the files. – Использованные методы помогли расшифровать файлы.

1 X хed

после субъекта → сказуемое (CК) = кто делал, сделал?

The scientist invented a device. – Ученый изобрел устройство.

1Существительное может выполнять функцию субъекта (с), объекта (о), дополнения с предлогом (дп), определения родительного (ор).

2Если в предложении стоят рядом две формы с окончанием -ed, то первая из них, как правило - причастие II (определение правое), а вторая – глагол в прошедшем времени (сказуемое). Ho:

Yesterday he demonstrated improved mechanisms.

Вчера он продемонстрировал улучшенный механизм.

На русский язык причастие II (пассивное) единичное, стоящее справа от существительного, переводится левым определением.