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I. A) In each line find the attributive participial constructions meaning «делающий …».

    1. The x is 1ing the x, the x 2ing the x will be xing, the x 3ing the x has been xing, the xs 4ing the x have been xing, the x 5ing the x is xing.

    2. The xs are 6ing the x, the x 7ing the x was xing, the xs 8ing the xs are xing, the x 9ing the x was xing, the xs 10ing the xs were xing.

    3. The x was 11ing the x, the x 12ing the x was xing, the xs 13ing the xs were xing, the x 14ing the x is xing, the xs 15ing the xs are xing.

    4. The x 16ing the x was xing, the xs 17ing the xs were xing, the x is 18ing the x, the x 19ing the x is, the xs 20ing the xs are.

    5. The xs 21ing the xs are, the x 22ing the x is xing, the xs 23ing the xs are xing, the x 24ing the x was xing, the xs are 25ing the x.

    6. 6.The x 26ing the x was xing, the xs 27ing the xs were xing, the x 28ing the x was, the x 29ing the x will be xing, the x was 30ing the x.

    7. The xs 31ing the xs were, the x 32ing the x is xing, the xs 33ing the xs are xing, the x 34ing the x was xing, the xs were 35ing the x.

b) In each line find the adverbial participial constructions meaning «делая…».

    1. 1ing the x the x is, when 2ing the x the xs are, the 3ing x xs, 4ing the x the xs are, 5ing the x the x is.

    2. When 6ing the x the xs are, while 7ing the x the x is, 8ing is, 9ing the x the x is, when 10ing the xs are.

    3. 11ing the x the xs are, 12ing the x the xs are, when 13ing the x the xs are, while 14ing the x the x is, the 15ing xs are.

    4. The 16ing x is, 17ing the x the xs are, 18ing the x the x is, when 19ing the x the xs are, while 20ing the x the x is.

    5. While the xs are 21ing, 22ing the x the xs are, 23ing the x the x is, when 24ing the x the xs are, 25ing the x the x is.

    6. 26ing was, 27ing the x the xs are, 28ing the x the x is, when 29ing the x the xs are, while 30ing the x the x is.

    7. 31ing the x the xs are, 32ing the x the x is, the 33ing x xs, 34ing the x the x is, when 35ing the x the xs are.

c) In each line find the adverbial participial constructions, meaning «cделав…» at the beginning of the construction:

    1. 1ing the x the x is; Having 2ed the x the x is; Having 3ed it the x; Having 4ed the x the x; Having 5ed it the x was.

    2. Having 6ed it the x xs were; When 7ing the x is; Having 8ed the x the x is; Having 9ed it the x; Having 10ed the x the x.

    3. Having 11ed the x the x is; While 12ing the xs are; Having 13ed the x the x; Having 14ed it the x was; Having 15ed it the x xs were.

    4. Having 16ed it the x; Having 17ed the x the x; Having 18ed it the x was; Having been 19ed the x is; Having 20ed it the x xs were

    5. Having 21ed the x the x; Having been 22ed the x is; Having 23ed the x the x is; Having 24ed it the x; Having 25ed it the x xs were.

    6. 26ing the x the x is; Having 27ed it the x; Having 28ed the x the x; Having 29ed it the x was; Having 30ed it the x xs were.

    7. Having 31ed the x the x is; Having 32ed it the x; Having 33ed it the x was; Having 34ed it the x xs were; The x 35ed xing the x

II. Find the participial constructions. Give the Russian equivalent of the following parts of sentences. Pay attention to the form of Participle I and Participle I Perfect in the attributive and adverbial participial constructions:

a) 1. People investigating a lot; 2. Speaking at the conference I…; 3. When using this device he …; 4. While calculating the figures again I…; 5. Having learnt it he …; 6. Having increased the rate they …; 7. Being worked out by the specialists the program is…; 8. Having been repaired the engine began … . 9. Having been studied in detail the method was …; 10. Having been tested successfully the model

b) 1. People carrying out the research; 2. while calculating the figures; 3. the scientists conducting the experiment; 4. having attained the results; 5. IT specialists producing the final product; 6. the standard offering high-speed data; 7. early telegraphs using keyboards could produce tapes; 8. when drawing conclusions; 9. having discussed the questions; 10. while coming to an agreement.