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XIV. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. Devices consisting of solid pieces of crystalline material which allowed alternating current to flow more readily in one direction than the other were known long before the invention of the thermionic valve. 2. After transmitting one frame, the sender waits for an acknowledgment before transmitting the next frame. 3. Before a switch is added into a network, the VTP management domain should be identified. 4. When a switch or router that has an analog device such as a telephone, fax, or modem connected to it receives a digital voice signal, it must convert the analog signal to digital or VoIP before transmitting it to the other device. 5. With the growth of multimedia and real-time applications such as IP Telephony, conferencing, and e-learning, QoS service level agreements (SLAs) have become more important than before.

Признаки распознавания функций и значений for

1 подчинительный coюз

for + придаточное предложение (C+CК) = так как, потому что, ибо

The device may be relied upon, for it is of the latest design.

2 предлог

for + местоимение /существительное/герундий = для, за; в течение

Computers are essential for compiling census data and handling tax records.

Babbage worked on the analytical engine for nearly 40 years

XV. Define the functions and meanings of the multifunctional word for. Name its features as a subordinating conjunction. Model these sentences.

1. For the x xed the x the x is the x for the X as the x.

2. The xed x the x for a x.

3. They xed the x of the x for xs are xed by the x.

4. Between x and x the x xs the x for the xing x.

XVI. Define the functions and meanings of the multifunctional word for. Name its features as a subordinating conjunction of the complex sentence.

1. Optical fiber provides cheaper bandwidth for long distance communication. 2. The region of coverage for any repeater (also known as a base station) is called a cell. 3. Some of the atoms in your bones are exploding at all times, for minute amounts of phosphorus in your bones are radioactive. 4. You can᾿t use the device now for its virus protection is being re-installed. 5. An ammeter is an instrument for measuring current. 6. Because Wi-Fi allows LANs to operate without cables and wiring, it has become a popular choice for home and business networks. 7. Systems analysts develop methods for computerizing businesses and scientific centers.

XVII. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences.

1. Users can download, or copy, information from a remote computer to their PCs and workstations for viewing and processing. 2. Each process is typically allowed to use the CPU for a limited time, which may be only a fraction of a second.3. Alan Turing devised the most famous test for assessing computer intelligence. 4. Computer users can prepare for a viral infection by creating backups of legitimate original software and data files regularly so that the computer system can be restored if necessary. 5. Computer architecture is concerned with developing optimal hardware for specific computational needs. 6. In 1999 the Melissa macro virus, spread by e-mail, disabled e-mail servers around the world for several hours, and in some cases several days.