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those who are colour-blind can’t distinguish be-


tween colours


2) отличать, характеризовать, служить отличи-


тельным признаком; speech distinguishes man


from the animals человек отличается от живот-


ных даром речи


3) (oneself) отличиться, стать известным благо-


даря чему-либо; to distinguish oneself by smth /


doing smth; he distinguished himself by his courage


различимый, отличимый; Tom is hardly distin-


guishable from his brother


выдающийся, известный; a distinguished scientist /


writer / politician / etc; distinguished for one’s


strength / knowledge


отличительный, характерный; distinguishing fea-


ture / characteristic / mark; honesty is his distinguish-


ing feature

3. proceed v

1) fml (with) продолжать, проследовать дальше; to


proceed with work продолжить работу; before we


proceed any further прежде, чем мы продолжим


2) (to) перейти, приступить к чему-либо; proceed


to the next item on the agenda перейти к следую-


щему пункту повестки дня


3) (from) происходить, проистекать; the evils pro-


ceeding from war беды, вызванные войной; diseas-


es that proceed from poverty

proceedings n

1) pl. работа (комиссии и т.п.); труды, записки на-


учного общества


2) юр. судебное разбирательство, судебное пре-


следование; to take / to start / to stop legal proceed-


ings against smb начать (прекратить) судебное


дело против кого-либо

procedure n

1) процедура, порядок действий; what is the proce-


dure for adopting a child?; to follow the standard


procedure выполнять обычную процедуру; correct


/ proper / standard procedure


2) юр. судебное производство; civil (criminal) proce-


dure гражданское (уголовное) судопроизводство

procedural adj

процедурный; procedural questions процедурные



4.caution n 1) осторожность, осмотрительность; to do smth


with great caution делать что-либо очень осто-


рожно; proceed with extreme caution соблюдать


особую осторожность


2) устное предостережение; the judge gave the de-


fendant a caution судья сделал предупреждение



caution v

(against, about) предупреждать, предостерегать; I


cautioned her against talking to strangers я предупре-


дил ее, что нельзя вступать в разговор с незнако-


мыми людьми

cautionary adj

предостерегающий; cautionary tale назидательная



cautious adj

осторожный, осмотрительный; cautious criticism /


optimism / policy

5. spirit n

1) душа, дух; strong / poor / young in spirit сильные


духом / нищие духом / молодые душой


2) моральная сила, мужество, решительность; a



man of spirit сильный духом человек; to break one’s


spirit сломить чей-либо дух


3) часто pl. настроение, душевное состояние; to


be in high / good / low spirits быть в приподнятом


/ хорошем / плохом настроении; to lift / to raise


one’s spirits поднять кому-либо настроение; his


spirits rose / sank он воспрял / упал духом


4) восприятие, понимание; to take smth in the right


/ wrong spirit правильно / неправильно воспринять



spirited adj

1) живой, энергичный, горячий, пылкий; a spirit-


ed conversation / discussion / debate


2) (-spirited) как компонент сложных слов настро-


енный каким-либо образом; high-spirited (indi-


vidual, performance) оживленный, энергичный;


low-spirited подавленный

spiritual adj

духовный, душевный; spiritual values

6. lack n

недостаток, нехватка; (полное) отсутствие; lack


of money (intelligence, interest etc.) нехватка денег


(ума, интереса и т.д.); a total / complete / marked


lack of smth; for lack of smth из-за недостатка чего-


либо; for lack of evidence за отсутствием улик

lack v

1) to lack smth испытывать недостаток (в чем-


либо), нуждаться (в чем-либо), не иметь (чего-


либо); to lack courage (wisdom, knowledge)


не иметь достаточно мужества (мудрости,



2)be lacking (in smth) недоставать, не хватать; he seems to be lacking in tact кажется, ему недостает такта; money was lacking to complete the building не хватало денег для завершения строительства

7.determine v 1) решать, определять; we have every right to de-

termine our future

2)определять, выяснять; it is difficult to determine where the noise is coming from

3)обусловливать; our health is determined partly by what we eat

determined adj полный решимости, непреклонный; to be (fully) determined to do smth; a determined character / person

решительный (твердый) характер / человек; he is determined to win the elections

determination n 1) решимость, решительность; with determination

решительно, непреклонно; to be full of determination to do smth быть полным решимости сде-

лать что-либо; he has a great determination to succeed = he is full of determination to succeed

2)определение, установление; determination of government policy; the right to self-determination

право на самоопределение

8.disposition n 1) характер, нрав; to have a sunny / cheerful

(gloomy) disposition иметь жизнерадостный (мрачный) характер; a girl of sunny disposition

2)склонность, тенденция; to have / to show a disposition to do smth иметь / обнаружить (про-

явить) склонность к чему-либо или намерение сделать что-либо; he shows no disposition to





3) расположение, размещение, расстановка; the


disposition of forces расстановка сил

dispose v

1) (of) отделаться, избавиться, ликвидировать;


to dispose of nuclear waste захоронить ядерные


отходы; to dispose of one’s opponent одержать


верх в споре (разделаться с противником)


2) (of) распорядиться; to dispose of property распо-


рядиться имуществом (путем продажи, дара,




3) fml располагать, размещать, расставлять; to


dispose troops расположить войска

disposed adj

1) fml настроенный, склонный; to be disposed to


smth; a man disposed to depression человек, склон-


ный к депрессии; I’m disposed to believe it я скло-


нен верить этому


2) расположенный; he is well / kindly disposed to-


wards me он ко мне хорошо относится (питает


ко мне расположение)

disposable adj

одноразовый; disposable cups / lenses / plates / razors

disposal n

1) возможность распоряжаться чем-либо; at


smb’s disposal в чьем-либо распоряжении; at


your disposal к вашим услугам


2) (of) избавление от чего-либо; the disposal of


rubbish / nuclear waste

9. habit n

привычка, обыкновение, обычай; to form (to ac-


quire) a habit of doing smth приобрести привычку


делать что-либо; to be in the habit of doing smth


иметь обыкновение делать что-либо; to do smth


out of / from habit делать что-либо по привычке; to


get into / out of the habit of doing smth приучиться /


отвыкнуть делать что-либо; to break the habit из-


бавиться от привычки

habitual adj

1) обычный, привычный; a habitual topic привыч-


ная тема; his habitual practice is to study at home


он обычно занимается дома

2)пристрастившийся, закоренелый; habitual criminal / drinker / liar / smoker

10.highlight v выдвигать на первый план, подчеркивать, об-

ращать особое внимание; the study highlights the effect of a lack of investment в исследовании особое внимание уделяется анализу последствий недостатка инвестиций

highlight n самое главное и интересное событие, момент,

факт; the highlights of the week’s events главные со-

бытия недели

Word Building

Ex. 40. Make up new words using the prefixes up-, down-; translate into Russian.

Some words can take either prefix, while others – only one. Be careful!




(to a higher or better state)


(from a higher to a lower level)


to grade



to load














to lift




to play


to rate














to take


to throw





Ex. 41. Fill in the gaps with the derivatives of the words in the margin. Use the prefixes up- and down-.

1.The statues of the saints are very 17th century, polychromed wood with eyes _____ to heaven, as if there was a TV in the cast ceiling and all the saints were watching it.

2.The radio programme World _____ provides the latest world date news live from London each weekday at 5 a.m. US East Coast time.

3.The data was _____ into a computer where it was processed load using new Seasoft programme.

4.Here we offer you a superb collection of all-new 21st centu-

ry information products, services, and ideas to _____ your grade life and your lifestyle.

5.Japan’s ability to repay its sovereign debts has been questioned by a leading international credit rating agency, which

has said it may _____ the country’s sovereign credit rating grade due to fears that the terrorist attacks on the US will lead to slower structural reforms in Japan.

6.Despite recent corporation layoffs and other signs of an economic ____, graduates can be cautiously optimistic about en- turn tering the job market.

7.If you’re alive in the 2000s, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with change and the stress it produces. Life is full of

_____ – and sometimes it’s disastrous – but change is noth- heave(al) ing new.

8.Like everyone else, I find change difficult, even in small doses. I’ve found it reassuring and _____, especially in lift tough times, to hang on to the wise words of others.

9.Each employee segment is divided into _____ and _____ scale

groups based on education, occupation, and wealth.


10.A semi-rural crossroads before the turn of the century, _____ town boomed after the first elevated train service to the area was established in 1901.

11.As cities across the country fall into decay and people move

to the suburbs, Huntington has managed to maintain a viable


(жизнеспособный) _____.


12.Could it be that trying to find a reason to _____ this review, rate you saw a grammar no-no, and decided that you just had to

_____ because of that?


13.This guy named Hugh Patino’s not really brainwise. If you’re politically correct, you’d say Hugh’s intellectually


challenged. Let’s just say Hugh’s real slow on the _____, take

and he’s not too swift on the _____ either.


14.However, there is now a ____ in the popularity of burger bars, surge because of an unusually high incidence of food poisoning.

15.The Secretary-General is deeply disturbed by the recent ____ surge of violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

16.Many people are led to believe that the only thing that caused the _____ in crimes was religion being taken out of rise schools.

17.85% of users use search engines to find information. However, the current state of search engines can be compared to a

phone book which is _____ irregularly, and has most of the date pages ripped out.

18.Green Communities Association is a non-profit community enterprise aiming to increase the _____ of green products take and services.

19.Welcome! In South Carolina’s _____, located in the foothills country of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, you can slow down,

enjoy life, stimulate the senses.

20.Interviewing is a lot like mountain climbing – one misstep can

result in disaster. Without the right preparation, what might


otherwise be an _____ climb can easily turn into a landslide.


21.The US seeks to _____ fears of instability from ABM treaty play withdrawal.

22.Mahe’s (the Seyshelles) most _____ hotel, the Sunset Beach, market is situated under large shady trees, on the north coast of

Mahe with fabulous views.


Ex. 42. Fill in the missing words from Vocabulary List 2. The first letter of the word is given.

1.A new study of Russia’s industry by McKinsey, a management consultancy, h_____ the effect of a l_____ of investment.

2.Health experts say the likelihood that a young person will participate in a physical activity declines with every year and grade, so it’s best to start early and instill a h_____ of regular exercise in your child or grandchild.

3.Increasing crime and growing poverty lead to the d_____ of some downtown neighbourhoods.

4.A cheerful d_____, friendly approach to people, ability to organize work efficiently, willingness to help out where needed, and past successful leadership and work experience are important qualifications.

5.There was something of an adventure in my trip, and my s_____ rose as I approached Paris.

6.The work of the Environmental Protection Agency is complicated by the l_____ of adequate laws and regulations.

7.As we near the end of the century, the d_____ of nuclear waste is becoming a concern.

8.Nixon was obsessively d_____ not to be a one-term president.

9.One of America’s most d_______ scholars, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Thomas Sowell gives us a realistic look at the decline, the deception and the false dogmas of the US educational system.

10.What bird is always in low s_____? A bluebird. (a joke)

11.Click and you shall find the origins of unusual words and phrases, plus intelligent and s_____ discussion on words and their meanings.

12.President Bush has made clear his d_____ to p_____ with the development of a limited missile defense system, despite any limitations in the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972.

13.The following p_____ covers complaints which are about the services that the Department for Education and Skills provides directly to the public.

14.This forum has actively promoted the introduction of technology into our educational system. While I agree with this approach in principle, I would like to introduce a note of c_____ into the ongoing discussion.

15.I arrived at 6 a.m. and out of h_____ took a taxi to a bus station. The cabby, also acting out of h_____, charged me an exorbitant amount for the short ride.

16.The story is a c_____ tale of how the sweetest dream can turn sour.


Ex. 43. Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

1.“Joe is almost 13, so this summer he’s been staying up until midnight and not getting up until 10 a.m.,” Brooke said. “He’s also into video games. I can see as he gets older, if the trend continues, he could easily fall _____ a habit of sleeping until noon and hanging _____ all day.”

2.Almost immediately after the “great victory” of August 1991, it was clear that the new people _____ charge were quickly adopting the old ways of treating _____ the press, perhaps _____ habit.

3.Many people who got _____ the habit of eating junk food have health problems.

4.Parental guidance will help small children grow _____ the habit of lying.

5.The Married Women’s Property Acts starting in 1870 enabled women to hold and dispose _____ property as they wished.

6.If you were dueling with swords and your life was at stake you’d use any and every tool _____ your disposal to win.

7.Strickland was distinguished ______ most Englishmen by his perfect indifference to comfort.

8.Many students fail in their written work to distinguish _____ fact and opinion.

9.Though urban centres tended to fall _____ decay in the fifth century, trade still continued with continental Europe.

10.“Seven Demons Worse” by E. Harris demonstrates American family values _____ serious crisis and moral values

______ decay.

11.Their maturity is being rushed to the point that even though they’re not stable and secure, their parents can’t wait

_____ them to get _____ their lives! Although financially capable, these teenagers are lacking _____ family guidance.

12.Take results of IQ tests _____ the right spirit. Even if your kids do badly, let them believe they have done well and they will succeed _____ more important tests.

13.When I last saw George, he was _____ high spirits, speaking confidently and laughing readily.

14.More than 36 million people are living with HIV or AIDS. Ninety percent are living in developing countries where they are dying _____ lack of the necessary medicine.

15.Officials in Qatar are proceeding _____ preparations _____ a major world trade meeting in the capital Doha next month, despite security concerns linked to the U.S.-led war on terror.

16.The United Nations Organization was established in 1945 _____the purpose of saving the succeeding generations

_____ the evils proceeding _____ war.

17.At present there are no obvious indications by the nuclear weapon states that they intend to proceed ______ determination to achieve the other goal in this balanced Treaty, namely the early elimination of nuclear weapons.

18.The Foreign Ministers who jointly addressed _____ the conference did so _____ the standpoint that nuclear weapons have no place in the aftermath of the Cold War. Central _____ the initiative is concern that the lack _____ decisiveness in proceeding _____ the elimination of these weapons will ultimately result _____ the erosion of the nonproliferation regime.

19.Are you sure you want to proceed _____ your neighbour over such a small matter?

Ex. 44. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words in the margin.

1.Street crime, visible poverty, deteriorating infrastructure

and _____ homes are becoming increasingly common fea- decay tures of city life.

2.The absence of a clearly _____ concept of childhood is distinguish particularly important.

3.Personal response is a _____ characteristic of the company distinguish

– one that has remained unchanged for over 100 years.

4.The School provides specialist teaching in drawing, painting, model-making, metal and wood work, drawing on our

national network of _____ practitioners and distinguish mastercraftsmen.

5.To obtain his / her pass, a representative must follow the

_____ established at each United Nations office.


6.Decisions of the Security Council on _____ matters shall proceed be made by an affirmative vote of nine members.

7._____ of conferences from previous years are now freely proceed available to everyone in the archives.

8.These pages bring you the stories of men and women living with – and dying from – tobacco-related illness. These sur-


vivors’ stories are _____ tales. They are eloquent evidence caution for avoiding the use of tobacco products as well as expo-

sure to second-hand smoking.

9.“We are _____ optimistic,” says Jim Tollefson in his week- caution ly newsletter to Chamber of Commerce members, citing

the business done in the shopping days since Thanksgiving.

10.We work with a wide range of professionals to help the development of places which can better meet the social, economic and _____ needs of individuals and their communi- spirit ties.

11.In April and May 1999 HABSBURG members engaged in

a _____ discussion of Kosovo, Serbian nationalism and the spirit possibilities and problems of territorial partition in the Bal-


12._____ a written language, early Hawaiians recorded their lack history and folklore through mele (chants).

13.The Russian and U.S. presidents are full of _____ to fight determine against new terrorist threats in nuclear, chemical, and bio-

logical weapons, and in the computer space.

14.Throw away, cast off, _____ – are the terms we would use dispose for trash or waste.

15.Will you have all of the equipment that you need at your



16.When discussing the “serious, violent, _____ juvenile of- habit fender,” we should attempt to reach at least some consen-

sus as to who we are talking about.

17.The Japanese _____ exaggerate their personal and national habit shortcomings when talking to foreigners.

Ex. 45. Translate into Russian.

1.One of the problems with drug addiction, sadly, is that breaking the drug habit is not an easy endeavour.

2.The short book, produced by the International Forum on Globalization, highlights perhaps the most alarming and so far underexamined consequences of the process for the developing countries.

3.Decaying family values are the roots and primary reason why there are so many discontented young kids trying to commit suicide.

4.The film “Pearl Harbor” is believed to be full of romance, but lacking in history.

5.Janet: “I’ve chosen not to vote this time as a protest against politicians. I would say the people going to vote are not really thinking. They just do it out of habit. They’re the lemmings, throwing themselves off a cliff. If more people registered their protest by not voting it might shake them up.”

6.Research suggests that people born with a cheerful disposition tend to have a happier life.

7.Despite his diligence and good will, people did not like him because of his gloomy disposition.

8.Unless you are pathologically ill-disposed towards family reunions it can be exciting to make contact with distant relatives who share the same ancestors, tribal memories and cleft chin as you.

9.Going into a game in low spirits can bring down the whole team.

10.The trick behind running a good meeting is finding a topic of interest and using it to foster good-spirited discussion.

11.Serving God can be beneficial to the betterment of our spiritual character if done in the right spirit.

12.Senators Express Cautious Support for Missile Defense Development. (headline)

13.Russia has called on the USA to proceed cautiously with developing a missile defense system aimed at warding off threats from so-called rogue states1 and accidental launches.

14.Failing to distinguish between fact and opinion is the reason why many students end up with a D rather than a C grade for English.

15.One of the distinguishing characteristics of the web is easy access. It’s like the desktop publishing2 revolution of the 80’s, which enabled a lot of people to publish without going through publishers.

16.Please indicate the number of Conference Proceedings you would like to order for each year available.

1«страны-изгои», т.е. страны с непредсказуемой внешней политикой, такие как Ирак или Северная Корея

2desktop publishing – publishing with the help of computers, scanners and printers


17.If there’s one course that will leave you feeling particularly uncivil at the end of the day, it could be Civil Procedure.

18.At a meeting with EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg, Mr. Prodi said: “It is very important we proceed with the enlargement of the EU. We will go ahead as foreseen and we are making considerable progress.”

19.With background information at your disposal, you can more easily draw parallels to connect your own experience and skills with what you know the employer needs.

Ex. 46. Fill in the missing words: determination, determined, disposal, distinguished, highlights (2), lack, proceed, spirited.

On Monday November 12, 2001, there was a visible feeling of excitement at the Imo Concorde Hotel, venue of the fifth summit of the 17 southern governors. The governors and other 1) _____ guests exchanged jokes amidst the air of friendliness and satisfaction.

However, after the initial jokes and the air of excitement, it became obvious that the meeting was not going to be quite easy as one of the major subjects of deliberation was not going to be easy to crack. The issue that caused a 2) _____ discussion concerned the recent electoral bill passed into law by the National Assembly. While the governors were opposed to the shift in the elections timetable from April 2002 to some time in 2003, the National Assembly members were 3) _____ to postpone the elections. This was one of the 4) _____ of the summit.

A communiqué issued on Friday maintained that the southern governors would 5) _____ with 6) _____ to conduct local government elections on April 13, 2002.

Other 7) _____ of the summit included the governors’ criticism of the 8) _____ of funds by the federal government; the 9) _____ of security in the country and the unresolved issue of ownership of natural resources.

Ex. 47. Fill in the missing words from Vocabulary List 2.

Inner city 1) _____ begins with an anti-urban bias, a belief, deeply rooted in Canada and the USA, that cities are, at best, a necessary evil, and the likely scene of violence, dirt and tension. Rural and small-town life, by contrast, is 2) _____ associated with cleanliness, sturdy reliability and family values. As a result the vast majority of wealthy people try to move to the suburbs, which in fact rapidly become urban areas 3) _____ from the city proper1 mainly by their monotony.

Confronted with evidence of the nastiness of city life, growing numbers of people take counter measures. They begin with high fences, heavy gates and barred windows, then 4) _____ to hiring private police to patrol the neighbourhood. When they feel that they still 5) _____ security, the next step is gated communities: entire condominium developments or apartment complexes protected from the outside world by armed guards or electronic security.

The more this security-consciousness grows, the more the fear spreads. Sociologists 6) _____ that what began as flight from the perceived ugliness of the city is in danger of ending with the fragmentation of society into mutually hostile camps, walled off against each other in an atmosphere of growing suspicion and fear.

Ex. 48. Translate into English using your Active Vocabulary.

1.Я сомневаюсь, что даже самый жизнерадостный человек проснулся бы в хорошем настроении, если бы его спальный мешок примерз к земле, а костер погас.

2.Когда готовишься к экзаменам, легко приобрести дурную привычку есть что попало (junk food) и поздно ложиться спать.

3.Давай послушаем хорошую музыку, она поднимет нам настроение.

4.После того, как он выпил изрядное количество виски, он перешел к рассказу о своих обидах.

5.Прежде, чем мы перейдем к следующему пункту повестки дня, мне хотелось бы напомнить всем присутствующим о необходимости выступать кратко и по существу, так как в нашем распоряжении осталось менее часа.

6.Джефф продолжал покупать газеты по привычке, но у него больше не было времени их читать. Из-за нехватки свободного времени он даже перестал звонить друзьям.

7.Характерная особенность нового мирового порядка – неопределенность ролей основных действующих лиц.(actors)

8.Среди главных событий этой недели – встреча на высшем уровне, состоявшаяся в Брюсселе. Ее решения определяют будущее сотрудничества в Европе.

9.При проведении данных реформ необходимо действовать с осторожностью. Привычные методы могут оказаться неприемлемыми, так как расстановка сил в стране изменилась.

10.Даже самые выдающиеся ученые пока не смогли решить проблему избавления от ядерных отходов.

1 proper – как такового


11.– Бесполезно пытаться отговорить (discourage) его, он уже принял решение и теперь полон решимости добиться своей цели.

– И все же, надо предупредить его о возможных последствиях.

12.На конференции, состоявшейся на прошлой неделе, прошла оживленная дискуссия о перспективах экономического развития страны. Большинство экспертов были осторожны в своих оценках, так как они считают, что экономике не хватает стабильности, и подъем может в любой момент смениться спадом.

13.Для сохранения многих исторических зданий необходимо найти новые возможности их использования; в противном случае они приходят в упадок и могут быть снесены.


Read extract 1 and say whether Lacey Farrell would enjoy living in the suburbs. Give your arguments (the questions below may help you)

Extract 1

Fresh out of college, Lacey Farrell had found a small apartment on East End Avenue and a job at Parker and Parker Realtors. Now, eight years later, she was one of their top agents. Her windows faced Madison Avenue. She reveled in the sight of the constant traffic, the hordes of tourists, the well-heeled Madison Avenue types drifting in and out of the designer boutiques.

“Some of us are born New Yorkers,” she would explain to the sometimes apprehensive wives of executives being transferred to Manhattan. “Others come here reluctantly, and before they know it, they discover that for all its problems, it’s still the best place in the world to live.”

Then if questioned, she would explain: “I was raised in Manhattan, and except for being away at college, I’ve always lived here. It’s my home, my town.”

Her father, Jack Farrell, had felt that way about the city. From the time she was little, they had explored New York

City together. “We’re pals, Lace,” he would say. “You’re like me, a city slicker1. Now your mother, God love her, yearns to join the flight to the suburbs. It’s to her credit that she sticks it out here, knowing I’d wither2 on the vine there.”

/from Pretend You Don’t See Herby Mary H. Clark/

1.What did Lacey like about the view from her office window?

2.Where did she grow up?

3.Were Lacey and her father alike? Why wouldn’t Jack Farrell move to the suburbs?

Read extract 2 and say whether it was wise or unwise of the Stockmans to move to the country. Give your arguments.

Reason 1


Development (explain what each of the reasons given in-

Reason 2


Reason 3


To make sure you speak logically and to the point answer the questions below Extract 2

Two years ago the Stockmans sold their flat in London, and bought this little house, because Henry wanted the children to live in the country and to know about cows and crops and trees and the seasons; and because of the mortgage they had vowed to do all the necessary painting and decorating themselves. This endless work took up all their weekends, and at first it had gone quite well because it was wintertime. But then the days lengthened, and the summer came, and they abandoned the inside of the house and moved out of doors to try to create some semblance of order in the overgrown and neglected garden. Alison had never had a garden before. Now she bought books on gardening and studied them, and she planted escallonia and veronica and see-lavender, and thought of planting some roses, too.

In London, they had had time to spend together; to get a baby-sitter for the children and go out for dinner; to sit and listen to music on the stereo, while Henry read the paper and Alison did her knitting. But now Henry left home at seventhirty every morning and did not get back until nearly twelve hours later. To him it seemed a small price to pay for the sanctuary of the old brick house and the ample garden, and the simple joy, each evening, of coming home. Commuting, even on roads swollen with traffic, didn’t dismay him. On the contrary, the hour in the car by himself became his switch- ing-off time, when he put behind him the problems of the day.

Since they moved out of London, Alison had been trying to furnish and decorate their new house, but there never seemed to be enough time or money to spare – two small children used up almost all of these commodities.

1someone who lives and works in a city and has no experience of anything outside it

2start to die


“Is it really worth it?” she asked him sometimes, but Henry was never discouraged.

/from An Evening to Rememberby Rosamunde Pilcher/

If you think it was wise of them to move out of London, answer questions 1–3, if you think it was unwise, answer questions 4 – 6.

1.Why did they move out of London?

2.What did Alison like about living in the country?

3.Why wasn’t Henry discouraged by the difficulties of living in the country?

4.Did the Stockmans have more or less spare time after they had moved out of London?

5.Did they save up money by moving to the country?

6.Did Alison find homemaking in the country easy?


1.Make a list of arguments for / against living in town.

2.Make a list of arguments your opponent may produce.

3.Think of statements in support of your arguments.

4.Discuss advantages and disadvantages of living in the country with a partner. Make use of the phrases in Speaking

1, unit 8.


Ex. 49. Write an argumentative essay “Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country” (180–200 words).


Pre-reading questions:

1. Urban growth poses a number of serious problems in many countries. What problems are associated with the following words:

ghost town greenfield site inner-city suburban sprawl

(if you don’t know the words look them up in the Glossary)

2.Where do you think houses are more expensive to build: in city centres or on greenfield sites? Why?

3.Can you give examples of suburban / urban sprawls in Moscow (any other city / town)?

4.Do you think the future belongs to the suburbs or to the city centres?

Guessing from context

Learn to read faster. Read the sentences and choose an equivalent of each underlined word. If you already know the word move on to the next one.

1.Public transport becomes either too expensive or scarce (or both), forcing people to use cars. scarce




2.The bill doubles, if you take into account the social and physical costs of inner-city deprivation – when people, shops and jobs move out, leaving the poor to live in a desolate ghost town.


1)снятие с должности

2)потеря, ущерб


3.People do not like living in overcrowded, noisy cities: they have abandoned towns and cities in droves over the past 30 years.





4.The long exodus to the suburbs is not driven by a fatal attraction to suburban lifestyles. exodus
